


2023-09-27 21:33:41 | Newsメモ

BBC Kenyan rice farmers battle quelea birds in Kisumu 13 February 2023 By Dorcas Wangira


Rose Nekesa's rice field in western Kenya has been invaded by huge swarms of the voracious red-billed quelea bird.

Thousands of farmers like her near the lakeside city of Kisumu fear they will reap their worst harvest in five years.

"I'm losing my voice because I spend all day shouting, to chase the birds away. These birds are not afraid of anything," she tells the BBC, holding a huge lump of mud in one hand and a stick in the other.


Scarecrows, the occasional blaring of vuvuzelas and bird traps have all proved ineffective.

"The birds have destroyed nearly all four acres of my farm. I won't earn anything. How will I take my children to school?"


An average quelea bird can eat around 10g (0.35 oz) of grain a day. Not a huge amount, but as the flocks can number two million they can collectively consume as much as 20 tonnes of grain in 24 hours.


In 2021, the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimated that $50m (£41m) worth of crops were lost to the birds annually, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa.


The prolonged drought in the Horn of Africa, which has meant fewer seeds from wild grasses, a primary source of food for queleas, may be behind the invasion of cultivated land as the birds look for an alternative, some Kenyan scientists have suggested.


Paul Gacheru, from the environmental organisation Nature Kenya, however argues that climate change-induced drought is not the main driver.

He points the finger at land-use changes as "intensive farming and settlement means that we are losing space for natural vegetation to grow. The quelea species are adapting to the current land use".


In 2019, the Kenyan government is thought to have killed eight million quelea which had invaded the Mwea Irrigation Scheme, the country's largest rice-growing project.


 また、農薬散布についても、なんだそれはSilent Springかという話が展開しているので、お好みのひとは読むとよいのです。
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