

台湾:same-sex unionsを認める

2019-05-17 20:33:50 | Newsメモ
BBC Taiwanese men in skirts challenge gender stereotypes 13 May 2019 By Sherie Ryder and Kerry Allen

BBC Taiwan gay marriage: Parliament legalises same-sex unions 17 May 2019


Taiwan's parliament has become the first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage following a vote on Friday.

The two other bills, submitted by conservative lawmakers, refer to partnerships as "same-sex family relationships" or "same-sex unions" rather than "marriages".

But the government's bill, also the only one to offer limited adoption rights, was passed by 66 to 27 votes - backed by lawmakers from the majority Democratic Progressive Party.

As a result, Taiwan said it would not alter its existing definition of marriage in civil law, and instead would enact a special law for same-sex marriage.


While same-sex marriage is still illegal in China, homosexuality was decriminalised in the country in 1997, and officially removed from its list of mental illnesses three years later.



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