
愛国社会主義(National Socialism)による日本及び世界の再建を模索する研究会です。

日独伊防共トリオ – Japan , German , Italy , the anti-communist trio

2017年07月01日 15時26分44秒 | 歴史
日独伊防共トリオ (にちどくいぼうきょうトリオ) は、1937年に結ばれた日独伊防共協定を基に作られ、1938年5月に発表された反共ソング。作詞は長田幹彦、作曲は阿部武雄。対外放送で使われた。

Japan , German , Italy , the anti-communist trio("Nitidokuiboukyoutorio"/日独伊防共トリオ) was anti-communism song made based on the Japan and Germany Italy Anti-Comintern Pact concluded in 1937, and was announced in May, 1938.
As for the words, Toshihiko Nagata, the composition are Takeo Abe. It was used by foreign broadcast.



I produced the English translation movie of this song.

日独伊防共トリオ – Japan , German , Italy , the anti-communist trio

搾取なき平等の 仮面に隠れ
Hiding behind the equal mask of no exploitation
文明と共栄に反逆す コミンテルン
Rebel against the civilization and co-prosperity ---Commuunism International
悪の指令の 飛ぶ所
Where the command of evilness flies
骨肉相喰み 戦火は踊る
Family fighting each other , war damages are activating.
見よやスペイン 抗日支那を
Look Spain , and China who against Japan.

National anthem of Imperial Japan"Kimigayo"

条約の重圧と 呪ひの鉄鎖
The heavy pressure of treaty , the iron chain of curse.
断ち切りて敢然と蘇生せる ナチスドイツ
Break it off and revive dauntlessly --- Nazi Deutsch.
「ハイル・ヒットラー」 獅子のごと
‘’Heil Hiitler!’’ As a lion
鉄血争覇の 気魄に燃ゆる
The spirit of challenging hegemony with steel and blood is burning
見よや満身 威力の権化
Look , full of body , the embodiment of power.

The anthem of the National Socialist German Workers' Party "Horst-Wessel-Lied"("Die Fahne hoch")

ファシストは陰謀の 赤禍を討ちて
Fascists attack the red disaster of conspiracy
再生の太陽と仰ぐなり ムッソリーニ
Look up to the rebirth of sun --- Mussolini
地中海をば 制圧す
Gain strong control of Mediterranean sea
銀翼無敵ぞ 歴史は帰る
The invincible silver wings , returns to history
見よや燦爛 ローマの栄華
Look at the brightness , the glory of Rome.

The anthem of the National Fascist Party "Giovinezza"

欧亜をば貫きて 大道開け
Penetrate strongly through Europe and Asia , opening a great way
人類の繁栄は今よりぞ 制覇トリオ
The prosperity of humanity is more than now --- the dominate trio
Rome , Berlin , Tokyo
防共塁壁 枢軸堅し
The anti-communist rampart , the strength of the Axis.
見よや黎明 三大星座
Look , the dawn , the 3 principal constellations.


日独伊防共トリオ~Japan , German , Italy , the anti-communist trio字幕付き(caption)

日独伊防共トリオ~Japan , German , Italy , the anti-communist trio字幕付き(caption)


There is the subtitlesless version, too.

日独伊防共トリオ~Japan , German , Italy , the anti-communist trio

日独伊防共トリオ~Japan , German , Italy , the anti-communist trio

