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2022-10-21 12:52:15 | カウンター・グレートリセット


JAG Digs Deep Into Fed Employee Corless’ Allegations — Beyond the Distractions.

JAG、FRB職員コーレスの疑惑を深く掘り下げる - 混乱の先にあるもの。
By Michael Baxter - 10月30日 20223942654


先週、軍当局に自首した財務省職員は、ジャネット・イエレン財務長官が2021年1月26日に就任した直後に始まったFRBの組織的腐敗を詳述する豊富なデータをJAG捜査官に提供したと、米海軍法務官部隊の関係者がReal Raw Newsに語った。





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The world is momentarily distracted by Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and the alleged Paul Pelosi attack, but so much more is going on.

The Treasury Department official who surrendered to military authorities last week has given JAG investigators a wealth of data detailing systemic corruption at the Fed that began immediately after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was sworn into office on January 26, 2021, sources in the US Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, Treasury Department employee Shannon Corless–convinced she was the target of a military surveillance operation–and her lawyer walked through the front door to JAG’s investigative offices in Pensacola, Florida, where she confessed to participating in an embezzlement scheme by which taxpayer dollars were laundered and distributed to Leftist organizations such as Antifa and Black Lives Matters, as well as so-called religious charities funding illegal immigrants.

The offices of both USMC Gen. David H. Berger and US Navy Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall have denied knowledge of any operation centered on Corless, and said they had no idea who she was prior to last week.

When Corless surrendered, she gave investigators an SD card that, she said, had proof of her allegations. JAG investigators have spent the last week verifying the card’s authenticity and reviewing the contents within, our source said.

“First, we treated Corless with suspicion. Her story about turning herself in because she saw uniformed soldiers spying on her from behind hedgerows was, well, highly suspicious and sounded contrived. This woman literally saw plots hatching against her everywhere. For all we know, the Deep State could be feeding us disinformation, and the info on the card could easily be faked. Still, Corless was happily willing to incriminate herself, an odd play, and she was Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for OIA, and she’d worked for the DNI, meaning she’s positioned to know the things she says she knows. We’re being very methodical in our approach,” our source said.

He was willing to share some data found on the SD card, even though JAG is still seeking corroborating evidence. On 8 September 2022, Janet Yellen authorized the withdrawal of $12m from the Federal Reserve. The funds, according to documents on the SD card, were officially slated for Social Security payments; unofficially, they financed illegal immigrants crossing the US-Mexico border. Yellen had tasked Corless with hiring third parties to spend the cash on prepaid VISA gift cards, which were then distributed to Catholic charities that sent missionaries to Eagle Pass, Texas, to help weary illegals. The $500 cards included a note that read “may you prosper in the USA—President Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.” Many gift card recipients were subsequently bussed to sanctuary cities with unrestrictive voting requirements.

“It’s obvious this was a ploy to buy votes. It’s unlikely a few thousand fraudulent votes will have an impact, but if true, it’s treason. There’s now an ongoing effort to track down the unused cards, and to speak to the names Corless’ and Yellen’s co-conspirators,” our source said.

The gift cards, he added, were just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Other documents on the SD card cojoin Yellen and Corless to Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a radical Leftwing activist who has perpetually argued in favor of reparations, claiming that slavery of the past continues to impede social and financial progress for African Americans. According to a BLM filing disclosed to the IRS in 2022, BLM has approximately $42m in assets. Info on the SD card, however, tells a different story.

The card, our source said, is awash with transactional reports and spreadsheets showing that Yellen in 2022 pilfered $67m from the Fed and funneled the money in hundreds of incremental payouts to Cullors and her BLM associates. The documents do not mention how the money was to be spent, but Corless told investigators that a sizable part went toward funding Leftwing midterm candidates.

Corless remains in custody pending verification of her claims, our source said.

“She’s being treated well and seems to be cooperative. If everything she says turns out true, it’s likely she’ll be given a deal. We’ll see where it goes from here,” our source said.

Free Speech and Alternative Media are under attack by the Deep State. Last a Deep State Judge and Jury decreed that Alex Jones must pay almost $1bn. Real Raw News needs reader support to survive and thrive. Thank you to those who have helped.

Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.

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By Michael Baxter - October 20, 2022

By Michael Baxter - 2022年10月20日

昨日、Real Raw Newsは、軍がジャネット・イエレン財務長官の仲間を逮捕したとツイートした。残念だが、我々はその前提を捻じ曲げてしまった。












JAGの捜査官は何も知らずに、「もし誰かがあなたを尾行していたとしても、それは私たちではない」と彼女に言った。君は我々のレーダーに引っかからなかったし、君が誰かも知らなかったんだ」。彼女がものすごく偏執的なのか、 あるいは、彼女の部下が何らかの理由で彼女を監視していたのか、 どちらかだ。ホワイト・ハットの仕業ではない」と、情報筋は語っている。




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Yesterday Real Raw News tweeted that the military arrested an associate of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Alas, we got the premise twisted.

It turns out that Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Shannon Corless voluntarily surrendered to JAG investigators and implicated herself in a myriad financial crime that began shortly after she was selected as Assistant Secretary for OIA in January 2022.

Prior to joining the Treasury Department, Corless was a member of the Senior National Intelligence Service at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), where she served for over 15 years. For the last five years, Corless held management positions at the ODNI supporting the highest levels of government, including serving as the Intelligence Community’s first Economic Security and Financial Intelligence Executive.

Her activities in recent days have many bizarre twists and turns.

According to JAG sources, Corless in early October started phoning high-ranking military officers who had renounced the Biden regime and who still consider Donald J. Trump the lawfully elected President of the United States. Corless, seemingly unhinged, wanted to know why “men in military attire” were shadowing her every move. She claimed to have seen them lurking outside a grocery store. She said she had seen two men in battle dress uniforms (BDUs) and combat boots tailing her while she took morning jogs through a park near her home, and while walking her dog. A maniacal Corless said “perverted soldiers” were staking out her home after dark and peering through her windows, often as she got undressed or emerged from the shower.

“You can’t do this to me, I work for the administration,” Corless reportedly told US Army Col. Richard Engle on October 8.

“Col. Engle, like others she’d called, assumed she was a stark raving lunatic and hung up on her. She seemed totally paranoid,” a JAG source told RRN.

But Corless’ ravings continued for another week. Black vans without license plates, she claimed, had parked on her street but fled when she spotted them.

On 17 October, a frenzied Corless made her second to last phone call, this time to Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington. Corless told Harrington the madness had to stop and that she would turn herself in and confess in exchange for leniency.

“Liz Harrington had no idea who she was or what she was blabbering about,” our source said. “But told her if she had committed crimes in contravention of the US Constitution and wanted to speak to someone about it, she had to call JAG’s office in Pensacola. And that’s exactly what she did.”

The next day, October 18, Corless and her attorney (name unknown) arrived at Pensacola to speak with JAG investigators. Corless had in her possession an SD card that, she said, held proof that she, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and other members of the Treasury Department had embezzled tens of millions of dollars and surreptitiously dispersed the funds to radical leftwing organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matters, while keeping a sizable chunk of change for themselves. She insisted she was only following orders, adding that Yellen had coerced her participation in the scheme. Some funds were meant to “buy votes,” she said.

Before being taken into custody, Corless asked investigators why the military had tormented her for a month.

“The JAG investigators were in the dark, and told her, ‘If someone’s been following you, it wasn’t us. You were never on our radar, and we didn’t even know who you were.’ Either she’s insanely paranoid, or her own people had eyes on her for some reason. It wasn’t the White Hats,” our source said.

JAG, our source said in closing, is currently reviewing the SD card, and Corless’ fate remains unknown.

Free Speech and Alternative Media are under attack by the Deep State. Last a Deep State Judge and Jury decreed that Alex Jones must pay almost $1bn. Real Raw News needs reader support to survive and thrive. Thank you to those who have helped.

Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.

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Shannon Corless




Shannon Corless

Shannon Corless was selected to serve as the Assistant Secretary for OIA in January 2022.

Prior to joining the Department, Ms. Corless was an accomplished member of the Senior National Intelligence Service at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), where she served for over 15 years. For the last five years, Ms. Corless held management positions at the ODNI supporting the highest levels of government, including serving as the Intelligence Community’s first Economic Security and Financial Intelligence Executive. In this role, she directed and oversaw national intelligence activities, led engagements with foreign governments and private sector partners to collaborate on issues of shared concern, and coordinated IC efforts on economic security and financial intelligence threats. Prior to her selection to lead EFX, Ms. Corless served as the Director of the National Intelligence Council’s (NIC) Investment Security Group (ISG), overseeing multi-agency intelligence assessments in support of U.S. Government-led investment security reviews. 

A native of Tampa, Florida, Ms. Corless received her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Affairs and Business from the Florida State University and her Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Tampa.

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