公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2024-07-15 04:45:00 | 日記

「私の名前はジョナサン・ウィリス。 トランプの集会で屋上にいた2人のスナイパーの有名な写真に写っている警官です。 私は少なくとも3分間、暗殺者を視界に捉えていたが、シークレットサービスのトップが犯人討伐の命令を拒否したことを知らせるためにここに来た。 100%上層部は、暗殺者がトランプ大統領に発砲する前に、私が暗殺者を殺すのを阻止した。"

Found on 4chan:

"My name is Jonathan Willis. I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump."









彼は、有権者層を興奮させる計画から、ペンシルベニア州の集会での自分への攻撃が選挙戦をまったく変えてしまったという信念を示すものに切り替えたという。 土曜日の衝撃的な事件の余波を受け、共和党も民主党もこのことを認めている。


"その現実が身にしみた "と彼は言った。 「群衆から目をそらすことはめったにない。 あの時、そうしていなかったら、今日こうして話していることはなかっただろうね」。 
共和党全国大会が月曜日から木曜日まで開催されるミルウォーキーに向けて、ニュージャージー州ベッドミンスターで飛行機に乗り込みながら、トランプは、自分の演説は歴史が求める瞬間に応えるものだと語った。 「国をひとつにするチャンスだ。 私はそのチャンスを与えられた」。
日曜日の早朝、トランプはトゥルース・ソーシャルに、"想像を絶する事態を防いだのは神のみ "であり、"恐れることはない "と投稿した。 ワシントン・エグザミナー』紙のインタビューでも、彼は "神 "に救いを求めた。

「これは全米、いや全世界をひとつにするチャンスだ。 演説は、2日前とはかなり違うものになるだろう」と語った。

ワシントン・エグザミナー紙によるトランプ氏へのインタビューは、集会からベッドミンスターに戻る飛行機の中で行われる予定だった。 その予定では、トランプが撃たれたとき、この記者はトランプからすぐ近くにいたことになる。





トランプ氏は、立ち上がって群衆が動かないのを見たとき、自分とこの国は大丈夫だと伝える必要があったと語った。 「あの瞬間、そこにいた人々から湧き上がるエネルギー、彼らはただそこに立っていた。 歴史がこのことを判断することはわかっていたし、私たちは大丈夫だということを伝えなければならないと思った」。


This interview President Trump just did gave me chills:

“Former President Donald Trump has completely rewritten his convention speech in light of the assassination attempt against him on Saturday and will call on Thursday for a new effort at national unity.

In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner a day after being hit by a sniper’s bullet, Trump said he wanted to take advantage of a historic moment and draw the country together.

“The speech I was going to give on Thursday was going to be a humdinger,” he said, “Had this not happened, this would’ve been one of the most incredible speeches” aimed mostly at the policies of President Joe Biden. “Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now.”

He has switched, he said, from planning to excite his voter base to one that demonstrates his belief that the attack on him at a rally in Pennsylvania had changed the election campaign entirely. Both Republicans and Democrats have acknowledged this in the aftermath of Saturday’s shocking incident.

Trump said people all across the country from different walks of life and different political views have called him, and he noted that he was saved from death because he turned from the crowd to look at a screen showing data he was using in his speech. 

“That reality is just setting in,” he said. “I rarely look away from the crowd. Had I not done that in that moment, well, we would not be talking today, would we?”  
Talking as he boarded his plane in Bedminster, New Jersey, for Milwaukee, where the Republican National Convention starts Monday and lasts through Thursday, Trump said his speech will meet the moment that history demands. “It is a chance to bring the country together. I was given that chance.”
Early Sunday morning, Trump posted on Truth Social that it was “God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening” and that he would “fear not.” Again, in talking to the Washington Examiner, he invoked “God” for his deliverance.

“This is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world, together. The speech will be a lot different, a lot different than it would’ve been two days ago,” he said.

The Washington Examiner’s interview with Trump had been due to take place on his airplane on the return flight from the rally to Bedminster. That arrangement put this reporter just feet from Trump when he was shot.

Trump hailed Corey Comperatore, the former fire chief who was shot and killed at the rally, and two other supporters, David Dutch and James Copenhaver, who were wounded and are recovering at a local hospital in stable condition.

Trump said his decision to raise his hand when the Secret Service was leading him off stage was to let the people there know he was OK, “And that America goes on, we go forward, that we are strong,” he said.

The photograph of him holding his fist in the air, blood streaming across his face as the agents surrounded him, has already become the iconic image of the 2024 election.

If he speaks in Milwaukee of uniting the country, it would echo President Ronald Reagan, who, in 1981, projected strength as he, too, recovered from wounds — far graver than Trump’s — inflicted by a would-be assassin in Washington, D.C.

Trump said when he stood up and saw the crowd had not moved, he needed to tell them that he and the country were going to be OK. “The energy coming from the people there in that moment, they just stood there; it’s hard to describe what that felt like, but I knew the world was looking. I knew that history would judge this, and I knew I had to let them know we are OK.”

Per- The Washington Examiner





従来のメディアは純粋なプロパガンダマシンです。 𝕏は人々の声です。





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