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2017-07-02 18:40:58 | カウンター・グレートリセット
Donald Trump went on criticizing the US mainstream media of publishing fake and biased news.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — US President Donald Trump went on criticizing the US mainstream media of publishing fake and biased news, in particular, considering of so-called renaming of the CNN news channel.

"I am thinking about changing the name #FakeNews CNN to #FraudNewsCNN… The FAKE & FRAUDULENT NEWS MEDIA is working hard to convince Republicans and others I should not use social media — but remember, I won the 2016 election with interviews, speeches and social media. I had to beat #FakeNews, and did," Trump wrote on Twitter.

​The recent scandal over the issue occurred on June 24, when CNN took down an article that suggested the US Senate Intelligence Committee was looking into the meeting of Trump's aide Anthony Scaramucci and Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) CEO Kirill Dmitriev. The article was retracted, while three CNN reporters who worked on the story resigned on Monday.

Since Trump assumed the office, US media, including CNN, have accused the US president's team of having ties to the Kremlin. The US president has refuted these allegations and labelled the media involved in these speculations as "fake news."

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