琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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琉球沖縄独立国建国のチャンスです。it is a chance of Ryukyu Okinawa independent country founding.

2013年12月26日 00時35分33秒 | 日記
"The Chinese troops invaded the Ryukyu" previously. This is ridiculous bloody commotion? Ryukyu is independent and separate from the "Japan.
Masaru Sato kun spies of Japan again.

元外務省主任分析官 佐藤優氏に聞く 分離独立求める声も



(I quote)↑




're Hiding support revelation of the secret agreement Okinawa nuclear problem is the Japanese government and police officials.

And it that is, of course, more of the energy of the evil spirits of the mountains and rivers, such as from political organizations, including the writer and scholar and labor unions, and the Communist Party have the votes collected to create a reign of terror from the usual is stronger than it.

I had been revealed all in 1994 after all. Was admit you have appeared in the media that the many government and police officials and others so as not to play dumb turn off the known for over 15 years. Evidence and documents out of the former Prime Minister Eisaku Sato House in late 2009, and is published in the high school textbooks in the spring of next 2010.

So it is not a taboo for the government and police officials from the other.

Person of jealousy violence by envy from "evil spirits of the mountains and rivers of political organizations, including the writer and scholar and labor unions, and the Communist Party have a collect votes to create a reign of terror" against me was gone it alone of "Motomura house" is government-I would like to hide from police officials, et al.

They hate the most, and donations vote is so because not converge to such organizations that they were gone it alone is widely known.

Mr. Sato Masaru I have seen double dog and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (spy).

Masaru Sato-kun, from the standpoint of "spy of the government and the police bureaucracy + Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and "evil spirits of the mountains and rivers of political organizations, including the writer and scholar and labor unions, and the Communist Party have the votes collected to create a reign of terror" and likened my are sunk into Okinawa is no doubt. Beware the.

Non- working people of the two cunning timid . Nakaima Mr. Abe and Mr. .
↓ This conversation there when over two people :
1 ,
>> Http://uekusak.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2013/12/post-4bfe.html

I'll >> I found this article .
>> I betrayed the popular will of citizens ( Nakaima of the Governor of Okinawa Prefecture ) . So , how Once you've elected the governor of Henoko relocation absolute opposite is allowed to the job loss ( Nakaima ) governor doing recall signature campaign immediately . . . .
4:44 [Shikichan] 2013/12/27 ( Friday) morning

Thank you for over Shikichan information !
It's possible , but however , the weekly magazine article of the information source is funny . Politics has apparently bought . Because you are not in all the core part ( in violation of the national policy and the Constitution of Japan called "Okinawa nuclear weapons storage secret agreement ") this is the article ↓ ↑ that . '19 Politics moving Concerning ( nuclear weapons ) the nucleus . Story that appeared in the media often are not contained at all . To see at least , ( reporter ) Ni would know to ask .

Shiki-chan ♪
>> That's right. Okinawa "nuclear weapons" is are you taboo taboo in again. Media also touches the (nuclear weapons) nucleus of Okinawa, and to be banned or not for broadcast to the pressure applied from the (Japanese) government.

Over Not ~, different . Only timid . Men and women in post-war Japan has become an adult only maternal society . And Abe ( Prime Minister ) and Ishiba (now the Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General ) of the measure ( of Japan) military build-up in excess and that's it . The only cowardly to severe paternal society of life bet that does not ( young children ) he has personally experienced yet . And have experience with the help breast father ( paternity ) that there may not be achieved and not while Tsumeyori to the limit (the distance just before the stab each other the opponent) To clear up really well ( severe related to humanity ) of that while only bad because there . ( The ignorance to the presence of between itself)
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/motomurayasuhiko/40902513.html # 40906502

Even >> NHK, when it was reported in the NHK Special " judge the sexual slavery of the Japanese military " Women International War Crimes Tribunal " " and that did in Japan and the Netherlands in 2001 and once in 2000 . I was forcibly removed to a scene in which convicts Hirohito Abe little bit to political intervention .
This problem over . I remember as evidence that ( administrative authority of Japan ) do not fear the police prosecution court of Japan .

3 ,
I >> also , I'll not be helped I wanted to stop the Japanese people anymore . In a country that was so crazy of me, and not help being alive is shameful . The Japan of my now exactly the same as when I was invaded , colonial rule once the neighboring country . Most of the Japanese people I now have systems of fascism and steeped in Christian emperor cult . The Japan of me now something I once more perish .

>> I'll have to cheer Okinawa . Ryukyu If you will not do independent , I want refuge in Ryukyu Discard Japanese nationality ,
6:25 [Shikichan] 2013/12/27 ( Friday) afternoon
Over , , , Welcome Ryukyu independent country f immigration !
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/motomurayasuhiko/40902513.html # 40906506
Hidden lie is not good . Must be clarified .


 >> http://uekusak.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2013/12/post-4bfe.html
2013/12/27(金) 午前 4:44 [ しきちゃん ]

ー しきちゃん情報ありがとう!



2013/12/27(金) 午後 6:25 [ しきちゃん ]









 「辺野古移設絶対反対」も実は つ・く・ら・れ・た 演出。移設予定先には沖縄核密約を裏付ける核兵器専用の貯蔵庫がある辺野古弾薬庫が存在するから何が何でもそのキャンプシュワーブ基地施設がある辺野古へ移設する。野党勢力ですらその核心には触れない。なぜならその核心に触れた途端、即憲9条で禁じている大量破壊兵器禁止法違反と核は持ち込ませないと世界宣言している日本の国是違反ということで1996年以来17年続いているその「核兵器専用の貯蔵庫がある辺野古弾薬庫が存在するから」という真の理由を与野党共に国民に隠してきた計画そのものが根底から覆されてしまうからだ。



>> "Okinawa in Gonesse cunning, only whine, just take the money" Kevin Mare

It is not to embody the will of the indomitable '70 Battle of Okinawa since Okinawa which has endured to bear showed at last, underling Kevin Mare a few years ago Japan handler said thus Nakaima governor was shown, "Okinawa slander in Gonesse cunning, only whine is that "only take the bell thing that was right. In other words, it is a re-confirmation of disconsolate over the perpetuity of Okinawa of "voluntary slavery".

Is it be something which only hurt the pride of Okinawa this incident turned into blisters all the painful daily effort of the people of Okinawa. Mr. Nakaima will never thought it sufficiently.

But, so whether from being "greeted a good New Year."

It's not a family of filtration alone has Nakaima said. It is the responsibility of politics in Japan under the leader such as Abe the LDP had to "reconstruction". It is also intended not have a vision for the United States of "voluntary slavery" except In addition, aggregate poverty of politics in Japan do not try to source.
December 25, 2013
Okinawa swaying + supplement for the "voluntary slavery theory"
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーI was taken from over.
(Cited in top Conclusion)

Japanese, et al is a sore write like see through all of the Okinawa increase the height in the survey about "fire on the other side of the river" this ↑.

I let me say about this incident from the point of view of those who live in Okinawa.

Terrible if here in Okinawa, a former government official of Kasumigaseki became governor, governor of the chief executive that would protect from the risk of men and U.S. soldiers and that girl, betrayed the wishes of the girl, such as Okinawa. http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/motomurayasuhiko/40902513.html
It is not so simple.

The first place the article funny. Politics is winning obviously. This is because the core of this ↓ Okinawa problem is not in any way that article ↑. '19 Politics moving Concerning the nucleus. Story that appeared in the media often does not contain any. Personally Ni would know you have been at least experience.

" Made with cooked up " actually also " Henoko relocation absolute opposite " production .

Henoko Ordnance Ammunition Depot there is a reservoir of nuclear weapons only in support of the Okinawa nuclear secret agreement exists in the relocation plan destination .

So they will be moved to Henoko there is the base camp Schwabe facility at any cost .

Do not touch the heart of the Okinawa problem even opposition .

Because as soon as I touched the heart of the Okinawa problem . I will be the weapons of mass destruction law violations are prohibited by Article 9 SokuKen , violation of national policy in Japan that the world declared " not to bring nuclear weapons ."

Sonaruto plan itself has been hidden with the people and the ruling and opposition parties both the true reason that " Henoko Ordnance Ammunition Depot there is a reservoir of nuclear weapons only because to exist" has continued for '17 since 1996 because would collapse from the ground .

Hidden lie is not good . Must be clarified .

If clearly, justice is done to change people Ryukyu Division of genuine from Okinawa prefectural police chief of mainland Japan from the Japanese archipelago.

Then, it becomes independent country Ryukyu Okinawa is disengaged from Japan.

And is carried out naturally efforts to police, prosecutors, courts of Japan to regain justice, separation of the three branches has progressed, officials rotten from the media rotten with NHK broadcasting is eliminated, the shadow of the administrative regime gangs bad series disappears, and than become a country that is loved by the people.

Such incidents are happening at all times in Okinawa. Please signature approval.
This is a sentence to ask the world that the chief should protect the girl in Okinawa from the risk of men and U.S. soldiers ↓, betrayed and the girl of Okinawa.

↑ This scene was also flowing in this ↓ TV. Was being alongside park there - Pato force firmly.






Nakaima Hirokazu Okinawa Governor had appeared to OTV Super News screen this evening.

I thought it was news or the contents of its associated "Ryukyu Okinawan betrayal pro-Japanese Ryukyu Okinawan" expressed ceremony because it is tomorrow, but it was different.

Just completed its role in the unification of the two adjustment who were scheduled to run for Nago mayoral election of the 19th of next month, "Ryukyu Okinawan betrayal pro-Japanese Ryukyu Okinawan"'s candidacy expressed "Ryukyu Okinawan betrayal pro-Japanese Ryukyu Okinawan "Nakaima Hirokazu Governor of Okinawa Prefecture is seen on the screen.

By that had been reported previously also the 2nd than 1.4 million local residents, announcement ceremony of tomorrow will be to symbolize the "other way around lawless Okinawa" exactly to the Japanese government.
Japanese like the Japanese archipelago from, Nakaima Hirokazu Governor of Okinawa Prefecture, which was ahead of the next day the ceremony was had behaved arrogantly already.

The Ryukyu Okinawa, to oversee the order and norms of Ryukyu Okinawa people are locals province chief of police of the Japanese archipelago from is continuing in '41 what here.

So the other party that's Ryukyu Okinawa Ryukyu people in Okinawa, police to arrest unfair ahead without first arrest warrant in innocence.

But, however, opponents of the police and was "Ryukyu Okinawan betrayal pro-Japanese Ryukyu Okinawan", privileges not even booked into the matter of the same Japanese archipelago from Japan is given. So Furumaeru insolently as well as Japanese archipelago from Japan.

Case Study: "In the Ryukyu Okinawa in Japan, opponents of police that's Ryukyu people, police arrest before first"




Continued from yesterday circulates the suicide of Nakaima Okinawa Governor himself to understand that of the Governor of Okinawa Prefecture original government officials that in Russia the weakness of human beings that would succumb to the threat to be taken gouge the guiltiness in the mind clearly " evil spirits of rivers and mountains a variety of discussion " , et al .
It is a discussion that took off the target deliberately dare to be and because of a discussion of " evil spirits of rivers and mountains " from it of Nakaima that everything was " conditions struggle " .
Had managed to diminish the will of the people betray the Governor of Okinawa Prefecture of its original government officials as a " traitor " It is also hereditary Abe Prime Minister with a guilt feeling in the mind .
This morning the midst of such a discussion . I will show the determination to the Abe Prime Minister , conduct visits to Yasukuni Shrine of sudden surpassed that of events that evoke the " return to the times of war ," that there is a number that have occurred this year , Abe is the age regression of war by , was threatened heart of Nakaima of the original cowardly government officials , Okinawa Governor as unchanged .
Please refer to the 6th they have left , because it is an excerpt of the blog post when I felt the war following :



(久米島守備隊住民虐殺事件 - 久米島守備隊住民虐殺事件の概要 - Weblio辞書








http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3ARa-DvZEGhH8J%3Aenzai.9-11.jp%2F%3Fp%3D6202+NBC長崎放送 封印された核 動画&cd=1&hl=ja&ct=clnk&gl=jp 


  自民党内の若い議員を見ても、怖い。過去の戦争を「すべて正しかった」と考えてい て、頭は大丈夫かと疑いたくなる。日中戦争は明らかに侵略戦争だし、韓国併合は植民 地化で、自衛戦争の面がある太平洋戦争でも、インドネシアの人を日本人化しようとし たのは間違っていた。 なぜ戦争を始め、途中で止められず、負けたのか――。そこから目をそらし、責任の所 在を不明瞭にするのは愛国心ではない。戦争を語ることがタブーとされてきた反動で、 「戦争に負けた」と教わった昭和40年代前半までとそれ以降の世代の分水嶺が消え、 社会が左から右に大きく振れている。 この2~3年、大っぴらにナショナリズムが叫ばれ、不快だ。国は戦中、言論統制によ り新聞など批判勢力を排除し、従わなければ「非国民」と斬り捨てた。なぜ同じことを 繰り返すのか。そんなやり方では、国を誤っても幸せにすることはあり得ない。 愛国心をあおって戦争し、負けたのが日本だ。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・これ誰が書いたと思いますか。 2006年8月、毎日新聞・鳥取版・石破茂防衛庁長官談です。今の石破幹事長と同じ 人ですよ。どう思われますか。






I was out of the question here sin of evil spirits of rivers and mountains from the top to the Nakaima Governor and the Japanese government and private individuals conservatives vested interest in the pro-Japanese organization of a small part of the 5 percent of the Okinawa because it is natural .
Uchnancu that many are not aware that it is an result that their own Uchnancu is canceling the wishes of the citizens and ↓ Nago city council resolution is none other than the main cause of this phenomenon sorrow .
Request removal of nuclear facilities Henoko munitions depot in the adjacent - present in the camp Schwabe facility within the beat in this '19 before .
That it is a " struggle condition" as well as evil spirits of rivers and mountains from which the top Nakaima Governor peace movement in Okinawa and municipal administration Inamine mayor that does not inherit the motion of the " full " immediate " removal of bases in Okinawa ," which appears in the beginning it powers that Uchnancu many early notice that the United States government and the U.S. military is seeing through that !





 「Strike while the iron is hot」という諺もあります。沖縄が日本から離脱して琉球沖縄独立国建国のチャンスです。

There is an important announcement.it is a chance of Ryukyu Okinawa independent country founding.

In Japan's Ryuichi Teshima today one of the comparatively honest diplomacy critic was saying this:
To be ",,, Japan and Korea and.,,, China is in (Taiwan) in the meantime there is a centripetal force to each of the Okinawa Japan and now Asia."

In a show called TBS over TV show "Hiruobi" of noon, it is a professional opinion of the field to critique the diplomatic and political and economic, of Japan today.

In other words, "Now, there centripetal force of the people of Japan is divided into each of Okinawa and Japan" or, criticism that has been expressed is from being washed away by the mass media in Japan as in the independent country of the former Okinawa '41 it is the first time in 1972 since Okinawa was returned to Japan before.

There is also a saying, "Strike while the iron is hot".

Okinawa is separated from Japan, it is a chance of Ryukyu Okinawa independent country founding.

