琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2016年03月19日 09時08分46秒 | 日記
早上好,女士們,先生們! !/Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! !/
挽救琉球人的魂的中國人。第一次!!那個中國人的英雄的子孫被漏洩了!!-1/3/The Chinese who saved the soul of the Ryukyuan. For the first time! The descendant of the Chinese hero was leaked out! -1/3/琉球人の魂を救った中国人。初めて!!その中国人のヒーローの子孫がリークされた!!-1/3

這個照片顯現的人是「上原正三」先生。是作為琉球國永恆的英雄的謝名親方(謝名利山)的子孫。那個400年前的琉球國永恆的英雄的唐的名字鄭迵。/A person appearing in this photograph is "Shozo Uehara". It is the descendant of the Jyana boss (Rizan Jana) who is the everlasting hero of the Ryukyu country. The Chinese-like name of the everlasting hero of the Ryukyu country 400 years ago is Cheng 迵./この写真に写っている人は「上原正三」さんです。琉球国の永遠のヒーローである謝名親方(謝名利山)の子孫です。その400年前の琉球国の永遠のヒーローの唐名は鄭迵です。

「謝名師傅持續拒絕向薩摩的忠誠,被處刑了。那個[謝名師傅(Master-Jyana。唐的名字鄭迵)。]、他是我的祖先。」/"The Jyana boss continued refusing the loyalty to Satsuma and was executed. [Jyana boss (Master-Jyana. As for the Chinese-like name Cheng 迵).] , he is my ancestor."/「謝名親方は薩摩への忠誠を拒否し続け、処刑された。その[謝名親方(Master-Jyana。唐名は鄭迵(ていどう))。]、彼が僕の先祖です。」 

[谢名师傅(Master-Jyana)]。一六○九年萨摩藩的岛津先生为琉球进攻时[三衙门官(宰相)]。[谢名师傅(Master-Jyana)],是对琉球侵略断然贯穿反抗的姿势的人物。 被绑架的琉球王和重臣们,条件给[向岛津先生发誓忠诚的呈请文]的 签名被容许了向琉球国的回国。可是,只[谢名师傅(Master-Jyana)]一个人拒绝了向那个[向岛津先生发誓忠诚的呈请文]的联合签名。并且,只[谢名师傅(Master-Jyana)]一个人被斩首的刑罚处世。/Master-Jyana. When Shimazu of the Satsuma feudal clan invaded and attacked in Ryukyu in 1609 [Sanji official (prime minister)]. Master-Jyana is the person who carried through a posture of the resistance for Ryukyu aggression decidedly. Returning home to the Ryukyu country was permitted abducted King of Ryukyu and chief vassals subject to a signature to [the personal contract which promises the loyalty to Shimazu]. However, only Master-Jyana one refused joint signature to [the personal contract which promises the loyalty to Shimazu]. And only Master-Jyana one was sentenced to artifact of a severed head punishment./[謝名親方(Master-Jyana)]。一六〇九年に薩摩藩の島津氏が琉球に侵攻したときの[三司官(宰相)]。[謝名親方(Master-Jyana)]は、琉球侵略に対して断固抵抗の姿勢を貫いた人物である。 拉致された琉球王と重臣達は、[島津氏に忠誠を誓う起請文]への 署名を条件に琉球国への帰国を許された。しかし、[謝名親方(Master-Jyana)]ひとりだけがその[島津氏に忠誠を誓う起請文]への連判を拒んだ。そして、[謝名親方(Master-Jyana)]ひとりだけが斬首の刑に処せられた。
Invasion of Ryukyu

6日前的3月13日。那個上原正三先生的「向琉球獨立(琉球國復國)的夢」等,在琉球沖繩的報紙很大地被刊載。(使用報紙的二面)。在下列記下那個報道的概要。/March 13 six days ago. "Dreams to Ryukyu independence" (Ryukyu country return country) of Shozo Uehara were greatly placed in a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. (using the both sides of the newspaper). I write down the summary of the article as follows./6日前の3月13日。その上原正三氏の「琉球独立(琉球国復国)への夢」などが、琉球沖縄の新聞で大きく掲載されていました。(新聞の二面を使い)。下記にその記事の概要を記します。



 「在琉球的沖繩島的石川市過之後,變成了為Hyakuna小學的3年級。我儘管是警察的孩子,可是為美軍基地鑽入,重複「戰果agiyaa」。(取得戰果agiyaa=戰果=美軍基地潛入偷美軍的物資的)」/It is 60 on a chest for the pride of the Ryukyuan.
 ー Uehara was born and raised in Kume, Naha-shi of the Okinawa Island of Ryukyu.
 "Father is a police officer, I am the third of five brothers. Kumoji River was larger than now and was beautiful and I caught ガサミ (gasami beach crab) well and played"
 -The wartime experience.
 "September, 1944. I left father and evacuated to Taiwan in six families. One month later, I got on the planned ship which arrived at Naha on October 10 to come back to Ryukyu Okinawa once. While a typhoon came suddenly on the way and criticized it in Iriomote (one area of the Yaeyama group of islands of Ryukyu), Naha was destroyed by a blitzkrieg (October 10). The ship which we boarded lost a place to go and, for approximately two weeks, drifted in the sea"
 -Did you prepare for death?
 When "I slept, mother tied up six families, wrist with a string and ranged. Mother says, "do not become separately". But even 7-year-old I prepared for death. It is only adult whom there is not desired. But I arrived at Kagoshima of the Kyushu island miraculously and evacuated in a temple of Kumamoto until the end of the war"

 During "2-week drifting, I licked only the ketchup. Therefore I cannot eat ketchup in 79-year-old now either"
 -1946. Uehara returns home in Ryukyu Okinawa under the U.S. forces occupation.
 After "having spent time in Ishikawa-shi of the Okinawa Island of Ryukyu, I became a third grader of Hyakuna Elementary School. I crawled into in spite of the child of the police officer but a US base and repeated "military gains agiyaa". " (stealing into = US base giving military gains agiyaa = military gains, and stealing the supplies of the U.S. forces)/琉球人の誇りを胸に60年。
 「寝るときは、母が家族6人、手首をひもで縛って連なっていた。母は『離れ離れにならないよう に』としか言わない。だけど、7歳の僕でも死を覚悟した。希望のない大人ばかりだからね。でも奇跡的に九州島の鹿児島に着き、熊本の寺で終戦まで疎開した」



 標榜「『utinaanntyu(utinaanntyu=「沖繩島的琉球人」),在yamatu(yamatu=日本)」活』。那個我的主題。與區分琉球沖繩的yamatunntyuuu(yamatunntyuu=日本人)怎樣的人種,用我的眼實際看。抱那樣的幼稚的正義感,60年過去」/-The encounter with the movie.
 In "Naha high school days, I watched a movie from morning to evening. It is in nugibai (nugibai = free infiltration movie admiration). I was impressed by "Shane", and I of dhikirannnuuu (dhikirannnuu= inferiority) which did "quick draw gokko= quick draw play" was not satisfied in the audiences though it was a high school student and wanted to make a movie with oneself. "Can you write a scenario though you did not understand yamatoguti (yamatoguti = Tokyo words = Japanese)?," I was made fun of by a classmate. But, after graduation from high school, I went to Tokyo triumphantly"
 -At the time of 1955. "The Ryukyu Okinawa discrimination" in Japan was terrible with baldness.
 At the age of "a first grader of Naha Senior High School, I knew that the relative who lived in Tokyo would have "the Kyushu native place" of the Kyushu island. Besides, transfer to Tokyo from Ryukyu Okinawa to the permanent domicile. When this has to take it seriously"

For "me who march into Tokyo for spirit, "I am a Ryukyuan", the relative does not welcome such me. The relative hated the souvenir which was available only in candy and chocolate, a US base including the tea. Like other Ryukyuans whom I cannot borrow a room from afterwards from the house for rent. I knew whether this was "no Ryukyuan"
 -Still Uehara was not daunted.
 "I profess myself to be utinaanntyu (utinaanntyu = "Ryukyuan of the Okinawa Island") and "live" in yamatu" (yamatu = Japan). It is my theme. I really see what kind of race yamatunntyuuu (yamatunntyuu = Japanese) discriminating against Ryukyu Okinawa is with my eyes. I have such a grassy-smelling sense of justice, and 60 years pass"/-映画との出会いは。





(這裡行間的一部分的文章省略了)/-Uehara entered Chuo University of Tokyo after a university unemployed person in Tokyo.
 "But do not attend at a class every day of a movie meeting for the study (circle activity of the university) or the movie trip", for "the amateur era, have not written a script on the theme except Okinawa ground war and the US base problem. If I do not tell, who seems to do it"

(I omitted some sentences of this space between the lines)
 -1971 at the time of the "ultra man who came home" broadcast. Ryukyu Okinawa was just before "return in Japan".
 "One day I was told, "congratulations on return in Japan" in the filming spot of the movie. What is happy. The demand of the US base entire surface removal that Ryukyu Okinawa demanded so much be ignored. "The return" thought, it "is only influenced double by Japan and the United States by 1 yuan rule of America"

 "Ryukyu Okinawa continues being made fun of if the same. When I came out to Tokyo, in the Tsuburaya production which I visited to ask for the picturization of the scenario, "Ryukyu Okinawa" is a taboo. It was declined with saying, the picturization of the Ryukyu Okinawa problem is never possible on TV. It was caught on a chest straight. Therefore I intended to ask minority the "discrimination" head-on sometime. I received the program for 3 coolly, too and entered a plateau. When it is now if I do it ..."
 -So "a monster trainer and a boy" had Episode 33.
 "The earthian whom the boy of the character was Ainu from Esashi, Hokkaido, and an alien from meitu changed itself into. The earthian whom an alien from meitu changed itself into let "Kanayama" whom Korean residing in Japan had much give the name. By the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, "a Korean caused a riot" "a Korean threw poison into a well". Such a false rumor spread in an instant. The good person of the commoner accepted the false rumor and slaughtered many Koreans with the Japanese military and police. "Language is strange" "Japanese pronunciation is funny". There is the person murdered for such a reason. The Ryukyuan had it stolen when a Ryukyuan was in the place. It is not every another person for me of the Ryukyuan"

(I omitted some sentences of this space between the lines)/-上原青年は東京で大学浪人後、東京の中央大学へ入学した。











 「以那個目的話太美麗。以這個角色,我絕對地超過金城的『第一代奧特曼』給(你)看看。現在日本和好萊塢在背著身都只有拷貝。作家的氣概無的程度過去」/-45 years pass from broadcast launch.
 "Japan including the hate speech is the situation that is severer than 45 years ago. There is not the thing which "the crowd whom I followed blindly" is afraid of for people. Therefore when I wanted the child whom "a thought, children stood with one's foot children saw things with one's eyes, and how children lived" to bring up, I prayed and continued making a child program

 -How do you think about Ryukyu Okinawa and relations of Japan?

 "Ryukyu resets relations with Japan including independence (Ryukyu country return country) once, and I think when the time when a Ryukyuan thinks about what Ryukyu would do to Ryukyu and relations of Japan seriously has already come. Strong-willedness of 400 years ago (because the invasion of Satsuma is 1609 exactly 4,007 years ago) when Satsuma (Satsuma feudal clan of the Kyushu island that assumed Satsuma = Tokugawa shogunate government support) occupied the Ryukyu kingdom by Ryukyu invasion still continues. Regardless of the popular will, the manner of the Japanese Government to push a military base (including the existence of all US bases including the maintenance of the warehouse for exclusive use of military base = unfair nuclear weapon and the Self-Defense Forces base new recently) to is evidence looking at Ryukyu Okinawa only as a colony. This is discrimination"

 "The Jana boss continued refusing the loyalty to Satsuma and was executed. [Jyana boss (Master-Jyana. As for the Chinese-like name Cheng 迵).] , he is my ancestor"

At the age of "18 years old, it is 60 after coming to Tokyo with the pride of the Ryukyuan. There is always Jana (Master-Jyana.) in my heart"

 -The work of Uehara who wants to deal in the remaining life.

(I omitted some sentences of this space between the lines)
 While "a child of Ryukyu Okinawa enjoys a program, children of Ryukyu should be able to study utinaaguti(utinaaguti = Ryukyuan language). It is Ryukyu independence for me. We Ryukyuan must regain identity and the words of the Ryukyuan who was robbed of it by Japan 400 years ago by the hand of ourselves by a unit for 100 years in 50. I do the semination, and tanmee (tanmee = grandfather) wants to die"

 -Is it to fulfil a promise with Kinjo?
 "A story is too beautiful in the purpose. I certainly surpass "a first ultra man" of Kinjo in this character. Both Japan and Hollywood are negative now; only as for the copy. It is too lack mettle of writer"/-放送開始から45年が経つ。








唐的名字鄭迵/Name of Tang迵//唐名は鄭迵(ていどう)
琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country

