琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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It is very shocking!/Beatriz Barbosa Lima それはとても衝撃的です!

2014年03月17日 15時33分16秒 | 日記
本村 安彦
Fre Okinさん、

March 12/3月12日

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I am also anti-Japanese. I aims to re-Ryukyu separation and independence.I'm also a boycott of Japanese products.
In addition, I have proposed if you buy Japanese goods by all means, and to buy from through the Ryukyu people.
Japan was nationalized without permission "Senkaku Islands of Ryukyu". Japan was nationalized to ignore the people all of the Ryukyu us is the owner of the coastline of the island. Insensate performed in Japan.
So, I have a question.
In September 2012.Japanese pre-empts ignored the island of Ryukyu people.
China also ignore the people of Ryukyu?
Protect us. It's thankfully.
However, China to ignore the Ryukyu people this time?

Beatriz Barbosa Lima's, Jie Guang Liu, Mr. Wei and Mr. 黃智 you have said, "Likes". ./あなたとBeatriz Barbosa Limaさん、Jie Guang Liuさん、黃智威さんが「いいね!」と言っています。.

Beatriz Barbosa Lima It is very shocking!/Beatriz Barbosa Lima それはとても衝撃的です!

本村 安彦
To Beatriz Barbosa Lima's. Yara Thousuke Mr. In the photo to the right is (Ryukyu Independence Party = kariyushi club leader). This picture is one that was taken when with him, was carried out at the intersection of Naha Asato actions that appeal to Okinawa possession of the Senkaku Islands around 2009. Was then. I began to intensify the harassment of darkness police repeating the illegal unconstitutional various children and my wife. The crush of the self-employed home over a period of 2 years from the time of this photo, is cut off illegally source of income, the darkness of the police has been abducted from home and son daughter. Today, the darkness of the police, are threatening to legitimate freedom of expression for me.Beatriz Barbosa Limaさん、この写真は2009年頃に、右側に写っている屋良朝助君(琉球独立党=かりゆしクラブ党首)と一緒に尖閣諸島の沖縄領有をアピールした行動を那覇市安里の交差点で行った時に撮られた写真です。その後、警察の闇が私の妻や子どもたちへ様々な違法な憲法違反を繰り返す嫌がらせを強めるようになりました。、警察の闇はこの写真の頃から2年間かけて我が家の自営業を潰して、収入源を違法に絶ち、娘と息子を家から拉致誘拐して、現在も、私の正当な表現の自由に対して脅迫しているのです。

