琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2016年04月15日 04時46分09秒 | 日記


順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。

/Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.


ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。
