As Miyu’s sees it\(^o^)/


Road of the bilingual; dealing with the guests 3

2018-04-28 15:30:10 | 日記
We don't have enough time to show her around Osaka castle.

But now we're heading to the restaurant which was highly recommended by the sales rep.

There is an electric cart to get to the restaurant.
I didn't know that !
The cart runs every ten minutes.

1人400 円。


Still, we don't have plenty of time to have lunch.

Anyway we reached there.

Wow it's very close to Osaka castle

Traci seemed to be very happy to see the castle .

She asked me'How old the castle?'

Let me see.....

'It's about 450 years old'

Great! So beautiful

Suddenly Traci started walking to a man who is selling some sweets or something like that near the castle.


' Can you take a picture for us?'

To my surprise the man answered in English within any hesitation.

'Sure! No problem!'
' Are you ready? '
'On three 1,2,3 smile'

He is accustomed to take care of the gust from overseas.


And then we entered the restaurant which is on the second floor.

We're at the table finally.

The menu is written in English and Japanese.
So we're able to order easily.

With having lunch I was paying attention what Traci says to tell the sales rep as a translator.

It's already 2:00pm.

The time is passing so quickly!

Road of the bilingual; dealing with the guests 2

2018-04-08 16:07:16 | 日記
Anyway we're off to a restaurant to have lunch.
It's already 1:00 pm.

I' been thinking where's the most suitable restaurant to have lunch


We don't have plenty of time to enjoy the meal.
Still Traci comes to all the way from the US.


Then I found a restaurant at a hotel next to the Shin Osaka station on the internet beforehand.
While the sales rep and I headed for the bullet train station, I told him my the plan.


But it was denied.


He had already made his plan.
He said that there is a good restaurant very closed to Osaka castle.
It was newly opened while aback.
The facility was used to military building.

He wants to show her around some kind of sightseeing spot in Osaka.



I don't think it was a good idea.
Because we don't have time to spare.
It takes at least 30 minuets to just go the restaurant and return from there to the parking lot.
In this case we have to have lunch quickly.

I just wanted to take time to have lunch with Traci at a quiet atmosphere.

I prefer it to have quick lunch and sightseeing tour.

I know that Osaka castle is on the way to our company.
Although we cannot make it today's meeting at 3:00 pm.

I told the sales rep we are not able to arrive at our meeting room.

However he insisted his idea.
Don't worry about it!!
We can make it.
I'm good at driving!


He is a optimistic person...?


It started raining

The car we're in was leaving for Osaka castle.

I need to ask something Traci.

Is there anything you don't eat?
Her answered with smiling and said 'nothing.'


もう時間は1:40 pm.

To be continued...

Road of the bilingual; dealing with the guests 1

2018-04-02 20:20:24 | 日記
It's getting warm day by day.
Cherry blossoms are fully blooming earlier than usual🌸

And I'm busier than usual at this time of year.
(⌒-⌒; )

About two weeks ago,
We had two guests from the overseas country.

The one from the U.S and the other one is from China.

They work at the same company ;
the US head quarter and China branch respectively.

The woman from the United States who is the international development manager and the man who is the China branch manager.

Actually they're our supplier.
I've been gotten in touch the staff who reports to the China branch manager.

A year ago or so,
She gave me a colorful card.


Anyway my boss and I had to pick them up🚗

Because our sales division staffs don't speak English so they asked us to help as a translator while the guests are staying Osaka.


And the guests come to Osaka separately,

The woman who has already arrived at Tokyo and come to Osaka by the bullet train by herself.

And the branch manager flies in KIX on the same day.

Around 11:00 am
The sales in charge and I headed for Shin-Osaka station 新大阪 to pick the international development manager whose name is Traci.

At the same time,
My boss and another sales rep headed for KIX.


We get together at our company's meeting room around 3:00pm.

We asked Traci to give us her cell phone number and pictures beforehand to find her quickly.

According to Traci's email,
She arrives at around 新大阪 12:30 pm.
And then we told her to meet at the center ticket gate.


Please don't say she is at another ticket gate
I kept my fingers crossed 🤞


Then I found her!
She was going through the ticket gate with holding a box with the suppliers' name on it!

I came up to her quickly and say,
' Are you Traci?'


It's so nice to meet you!!
Welcome to Osaka 😊💓

We got hug each other with greeting 😄




To be continued....