As Miyu’s sees it\(^o^)/


Road of the bilingual; Unruly guy vol 2手に負えない奴‥

2017-11-28 20:18:49 | 日記
Why did this problem occur??
It's very simple.

The sales rep neglected his assignment.
He forgot to do the thing which is crucial.

The day when I took a day off,
One of our important customer emailed to claim the thing regarding the bill.

If he did it according to our work flow,
That annoy thing was never happened.

Of course, my boss coped with it and told the rep's boss to take care of this immediately while I was not there.

The thing which was mad at me was his attitude.
As if he did his assignment properly,
And he put the blame on others;
At last he said to the customer as follows,

I'll have our accounting section to take care of this urgently.



I can not forgive his behavior anymore


In my opinion,
He has no compunction with ignoring his own fault.
He won't apologize whatever happens.


At this rate, another problem will be caused by him.

We have to rethink about our work flow.
It's about the time to consider it again.


To be continued ...

Road of the bilingual; Unruly guy ....vol 1 手に負えない奴

2017-11-23 10:29:49 | 日記
I was back to the office yesterday.
My boss took care of the document properly.
Thanks to him, I could enjoy the hot spring.

I say thank you to him and handed out my souvenirs to show my gratitude.

However unexpected thing happened that I expected


It's going to be a very long story, though.

It took two days to clear this problem.

I try not to speak ill of others behind them.
And try to be calm whatever happened
My dad taught me.

Especially for the work place,
I should do this and try to build a good human relationship as a responsible adult.

Still this time,
My patience is worn out

In the first place,
It was caused by one of our sales rep.

Actually I don't like him.

About six months ago,
He lost his temper and mad at me on the phone with ignoring his fault.


He tends to look down on others lower than his level.


He kept talking and patronizing me with raising his voice.


Still I didn't talk to back him.
Just answer calmly.


It's definitely his fault.

My boss was listening to our whole conversation next to me and coped with that I the spot.

The sales rep was admonished my boss not to do this again.

My boss saved my life
My stresses went away thanks to him.

Since then I don't accept the sales rep at all.

And then that problem occurred on the day I took a day off.

Needless to say,
Because of this unruly sales rep.

To be continued....

Road of the bilingual; Taking a day off on a week day 😅

2017-11-18 17:57:37 | 日記
It's getting colder day by day❄️
It's already mid November.

I have been pretty busy after Chinese National Holidays.
Still it's not that hard my former work.

Having said that though, I feel like to go to my favorite inn to enjoy hot spring 温泉♨️

Am I getting old?
I prefer Onsen than any other amusement parks likewise USJ.

Then I decided to go to the inn which is located in the city called Miyazu in Kyoto.

I make it a rule to visit the traditional the 旅館 to
enjoy Kaiseki 懐石料理; at least once a year;

Especially for this time of year,
we can enjoy some nice sea food;
Crabs 🦀 there.

However the inn is very popular and hard to make a reservation on weekends,

Any way, I made a phone call to make a reservation.

The current booking status which I thought was right.
The weekends are fully booked until at the end of December

So I made a decision to take a day off on a weekday; Next Monday.

Actually before I called the inn, I checked my assignment and shipping schedules carefully.

And I found that the next Monday is fine with

But a thing has raised which only have to be done only Monday morning.


If you a person who is engaged in the import and export business,

We always cope with unexpected things on the spot.

No one predicts the future.

So I asked my boss to email an important document to our customer on Monday.

Because the document will be issued on early Monday morning.

Then I asked my boss to do it. for me.

He said
' Sure! No problem. Don't worry about it.
We some time need to recharge our batteries.'

You should enjoy hot spring at Miyazu.

How nice he is

It's a tough call to me to take s day off on weekday.

It could be out of guilty I think...

Still I already booked the inn.


Just take it easy!!
Just a day!!


I'll buy some nice souvenirs to him.
