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William Blake

2009-09-30 16:52:35 | 筆者感想

カテゴリーは筆者感想、なのだが、William Blakeに関して感想は無い。想い出があるだけだ。「見ても何も分からない」という想い出だ。
Northrop Fryeの講義を受けていて、その時にWilliam Blakeに話が及んだ。大変興味を持って帰りに、何を思ったか非常に高価なWilliam Blakeの画集を買った。「見ても何も分からない。気持ち悪い」画集を見てそう感じたのは、後にも先にも最初で最後だ。
上の作品はThe Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve by William Blake c. 1825 Watercolor on wood。Net上で見つけたAlvaro Carrilho氏のCommentの解説がよくわかるので、そのまま拝借する。
 Alvaro Carrilho says:
" Blake's vigorous imagination is seen in this painting where he shows Adam and Eve discovering Abel's body as Cain prepares to bury it. Adam and Eve are kneeling in horror next to Abel's white and rigid body. Adam looks with shock at Cain, who runs away, tearing at his hair. Eve throws herself over Abel's body in a gesture of extreme grief. Her arms form a circle as she bends over Abel with her head thrown down and her hair falling in waves over his body. Although posed and awkward, Adam and Eve's gestures effectively express their emotions. The newly-dug, dark long horizontal grave, emphasized by the shovel laying parallel to it in the foreground, creates a deep gash that separates the fleeing son from his parents"
William Blake:
William Blakeを語る
参照:William Blake Video
William Blake : Wikipedia
詩人としてのWilliam Blake Net 講義 日本語
詩人としてのWilliam Blake Net 講義 英語
Net 講義 元Site :

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