Ceci n'est pas une pipe.


Yasuo Kuniyoshi : Adam and Eve 1922

2009-06-29 09:32:46 | Artist紹介(1)


Both Ishigaki and Noda were members of the communist John Reed Club.
However, as Japan’s militarism became threatening to the U.S...Noda was actually “censured” because he was a second-generation Japanese American who had been educated in Japan in his youth...Leaving his house in Woodstock, New York, he died in Tokyo in 1939 at the age of thirty...Ishigaki was also punished for his Japanese connections. He was dismissed from the WPA/FAP in 1937 upon completion of his mural at the courthouse in Harlem...
After his American life of forty years, he was arrested by the FBI in 1951 because of his Communist works and activities, and was deported with his wife Ayako Ishigaki.

John Reed: Wikipedia
Movie Reds : about John Reed :Movie Reds:
Eitaro Ishigaki :Young herder and ox depart at dawn 1939-
Ayako Ishigaki : Ishigaki's wife
There is little documentation about Ishagaki herself, likely because of her
illegal status while she lived in the United States, which is surprising, considering the fact that several of her friends were very well known, such as writers Pearl S. Buck, Helen Kuo, and Agnes Smedley and artist Yasuo Kuniyoshi.

Ben Shahn : The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti

2009-06-20 10:55:13 | Artist紹介(1)

Wikipedia :
Ben Shahn & You Tube : Sacco e Vanzetti:
The Compelling Paintings of Ben Shahn  10min
The documentary covers the artistic life, career and motivations of the lauded artist Ben Shahn, who is one of the originators of the "Social Realism" movement of the 20th Century. His paintings cover social issues ranging from the trial ofSacco and Vanzetti to the tribulations of the crew members of the "Lucky Dragon" .
The Lucky Dragon Incidentとは: You Tube
Luck Dragonとは第五福竜丸のこと。そう言っても何も分からない日本人も多いだろう。事件は風化してしまっている。
Ben Shahnは社会問題を素材とする社会参加意識の高いArtistであり
Ben Shahn : Passion for Justice
と言えば、映画にも歌(Chanson: Moustaki&Joan Baez)にもなっている時代を象徴する冤罪事件だ。私はアメリカ史の本を読んでいて偶然に知った。作家の石垣綾子氏がSaccoとVanzetti事件の抗議の大行進現場に実際に参加したリアルな体験を特別寄稿されていた。後年この頃の日記等がないかご本人に問い合わせてみたが、ご高齢で既に床に臥されており、秘書の方から、既にすべて絶版だというお返事をいただいた。

British artist Marc Quinn : Planet

2009-06-14 20:58:17 | Artist紹介(1)

Visitors look at a sculpture entitled "Planet" by British artist Marc Quinn at a Sotherby's selling exhibition at Chatsworth House, central England September 16, 2008.
Narc-Quinn : www.factualtv.com & Marc-Quinn : www.daylife.com

Richard Estes: Broadway and 64th

2009-06-04 15:59:15 | 筆者感想

共立女子大の英文学の吉田正俊教授に会うために氏のご令息吉田城氏と共に千鳥が淵のフェアモント・ホテルに出かけたのは1971,2年のことだったと思う。その時最近は写真よりも写実的なSuper-Realismが流行している、と言うお話をうかがった。「それなら写真でいいではないか」とその時に思った。Richard Estesのこの作品に出会うまで長い年月が流れた。神の業、神の手、を感じる。写真を超えたRealismを感じる。透視能力者のようなある種の特殊な才能に違いない。場に取り込み場を体感させる実相観入力を喚起させる。
Wikipedia : Richard Estes: You Tube : Richard Estes:
Photorealism at Deutsche Guggenheim :
No.1 : No.2 :
Richard Estes : Richard Estes
作品タイトル:Richard Estes: Broadway and 64th,1984

Hans Richter : Dreams that Money can buy

2009-06-03 13:43:52 | Artist紹介(1)

Hans Richter : Dreams that Money can buy :
Google Video 1時間18分53秒
Wikipedia :
Dreams that money can buy:
 Dreams that Money can buy : USA, 1947. 99 min. en anglais.
Réalisation et scénario : Hans Richter, avec la participation de Max Ernst, Fernand Léger, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp et Alexander Calder.
The Girl With the Prefabricated Heart Fernand Leger
Marcel Duchamp and John Cage:
Dreams that Money can Buy: Alexander Calder
Wikipedia : Hans Richter
Hans Richter, Dada Pioneer :
Information on Individual Dadaists:

Hommage a Hans Richter : Video
Hans Richter (1888-1976) Films at Ubuweb

Mark Rothko

2009-06-01 17:38:50 | 作品 その(3)

Mark Rothko: You Tube
Mark Rothko (1903-1970)
Mark Rothko (Tribute)

Wikipedia : Mark Rothko: マーク・ロスコ 瞑想する絵画 :
Mark Rothko at Tate Modern (8 pictures): Slide show
The art cheats who betrayed my father :
Video Guardian : Mark Rothko :


About Mark Rothko
Rothko Site :
Rothko 映画1983 非常に画面が悪い
The Rothko Conspiracy - Suicide & Scams