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だいたいの翻訳 The Economist Schumpeter Unpacking Lego

2014-03-16 16:28:46 | 日記

How the Danish firm became the world’s hottest toy company

Mar 8th 2014 | From the print edition

IT IS getting harder to go anywhere without stepping on a piece of Lego-related hype. “The Lego Movie” is number two at the American box office, after three weeks at number one. Model kits related to the film are piled high in the shops. They will add to the already gigantic heap of Lego bits: 86 for every person on the planet. The toymaker has enjoyed ten years of spectacular growth, almost quadrupling its revenue. In 2012 it overtook Hasbro to become the world’s second-largest toymaker. The number one, Mattel, is now seeking to buy the Canadian maker of Mega Bloks toy bricks, to fend off the challenge from Lego.

レゴ絡みの宣伝を経ることなくしてはどこに行くのも難しくなってきている。"The Lego Movie"はアメリカのBOX OFFICE で3週連続1位の後に第2位だ。映画に関したモデルキットはショップに高く積まれている。キットがすでに巨大な山のように積み上げられているレゴの山を更に大きくする。地球上のすべての人が86個持っているのだ。このおもちゃメーカーは10年以上も驚異的な成長を遂げ、利益は約4倍になった。2012年にはハスブロを買収し、世界第2位のおもちゃメーカーになった。第1位のマテルはレゴの攻勢を防ぐため、カナダのブロックの会社を買収しようとしている。

This is remarkable for many reasons. Lego’s home town, Billund in rural Denmark, is so small that the company had to provide it with a hotel―an elegant one, unsurprisingly. The toy business is one of the world’s trickiest: perennially faddish (remember Beanie Babies?) and, at the moment, convulsed by technological innovation. Children are growing up ever faster, and abandoning the physical world for the virtual. To cap it all, the company almost collapsed in 2003-04, having drifted for years, diversifying into too many areas, producing too many products and, in a fit of desperation, flirting with becoming a “lifestyle” company, with Lego-branded clothes and watches.


Lego’s decade of success began when it appointed Jorgen Vig Knudstorp as chief executive. This was a risky move: Mr Knudstorp was a mere 35 years old and had cut his teeth as a management consultant with McKinsey rather than running a business. But it proved to be inspired. Mr Knudstorp decreed that the company must go “back to the brick”: focusing on its core products, forgetting about brand-stretching, and even selling its theme parks. He also brought in stricter management controls, for example reducing the number of different pieces that the company produced from 12,900 to 7,000.


Under Mr Knudstorp Lego has struck a successful balance between innovation and tradition. The company has to generate new ideas to keep its sales growing: customers need a reason to expand their stock of bricks, and to buy them from Lego rather than cheaper rivals. But at the same time it must resist the sort of undisciplined innovation that almost ruined it. Lego produces a stream of kits with ready-made designs, such as forts and spaceships, to provide children with templates. But it also insists that the pieces can be added to the child’s collection of bricks, and reused to make all sorts of other things.


Lego has got better at managing its relationships. “The Lego Movie” demonstrates how it can focus on the brick while venturing into the virtual world: Warner Bros. made the film while Lego provided the models. During its years of drift it relied too much on other firms’ blockbuster franchises, such as Harry Potter and Star Wars. This time its intellectual property, not someone else’s, is the star of the film. It has also got better at tapping its legion of fans―particularly adult fans of Lego, or AFOLs―for new ideas.

レゴは関係性を管理出来るようになっていった。“The Lego Movie” は仮想世界を冒険しながらブロックにフォーカスする方法を示している。ワーナーブラザーズはレゴが提供したモデルを映画化した。漂流している数年間、ハリー・ポッターやスターウォーズのような大ヒットをあてにしていた。今回、知的財産は誰かのものではなく、映画のスターだ。地域の会員になってくれた人や、新しいアイデアとしての、特に大人のレゴファンーAFOLだ。

Can the company continue its winning streak? Its growth is slowing: its net profits grew by 9% in 2013 compared with 35% in 2012, and its revenues rose by 10% compared with 23% in 2012. Mr Knudstorp suggests that harder times are ahead: “When the company is getting bigger and the market isn’t growing, it’s a pure mathematical consequence that growth rates will have to reach a more sustainable level.” Lego is now at an inflection point, building its organisational capacity and embracing globalisation, to help it find new sources of growth.

レゴ社は勝ち続けられるのか? その成長は緩やかだ。総利益は2013年に9%、2012年は35%だった。収益は10%上昇、2012年は23%だった。クヌードストルップ氏はより困難な時期が迫っていると指摘している。「この会社は大きくなっているが、市場は成長していない。成長率が安定的なレベルに達するのは純粋に数学的な結果だ。」レゴは今、変曲点にあり、組織的な許容量を創り、グローバリゼーションを取り込み、新たな成長の目を見つける必要がある。

Last year the company invested DKr2.6 billion ($478m) in production facilities and added more than 1,300 full-time workers, a 13% increase. It is expanding two existing factories―in Kladno in the Czech Republic and Monterrey in Mexico―and building two new ones―in Nyiregyhaza in Hungary and, most important of all, in Jiaxing in China. Its management is being globalised too, with regional offices being opened in Singapore and Shanghai (as well as in London). The aim is twofold: to replicate in the rapidly growing east Lego’s success in the west; and to transform a local company that happened to go global into a global company that happens to have its head office in Billund.


Late to the party

Globalisation, as we point out at length in our business section this week, is fraught with difficulties. Lego is relatively late in making its China play―jumping in when some other western firms are jumping out with nothing but regrets to show for it. Lego also owes its identity to its roots in small-town Denmark: Ole Kirk Kristiansen, its founder, made up the name from the first two letters of two Danish words, leg godt, or play well, and committed his company to “nurture the child in each of us”. An earlier attempt to move some of the responsibilities for designing products to an office in Milan proved to be a disaster. But the logic of globalisation is nevertheless compelling. The Chinese middle class is exploding, the toy business in the west is stagnant, and Lego needs a global workforce if it is to serve a global market.


Lego also has one important force on its side in its battle to globalise: parents in emerging markets, just like those in the rich world, are convinced that the company’s products are good for their children. Grown-ups everywhere welcome it as a respite from the endless diet of videos and digital games that their offspring would otherwise consume. Chinese adults, including those very grown-up ones in government ministries, hope it will provide the secret ingredient that their education system sorely lacks: creativity. “The Lego Movie” may be providing the company with a welcome boost during the toy industry’s post-Christmas doldrums. But Lego’s long-term success rests on the way adults feel reassured at buying a toy whose roots lie in an age before video games, mobile apps and toy-themed films.

レゴもまたグローバルかへの闘争と言う面で重要な要素を持っている。新興国の親たちは、富裕な国の親たち同様、この会社は子どもたちに取って良いものを創っていると信じている。大人たちはどこでも子孫たちが消費してしまう終わりなきビデオやゲームの休息としてレゴを歓迎している。中国の大人は、成長しすぎた政府高官も含めて、自分たちの教育システムひどく欠けている秘密の要素「創造性」をレゴが提供してくれると期待している。“The Lego Movie”はこの会社に、クリスマスの後の無風状態のおもちゃ産業に新風を吹き込んでくれるかもしれない。しかし、レゴの長期渡る成功は、ビデオゲームやモバイルアプリ、おもちゃの映画の前の時代に根付いたおもちゃを買うことを、大人が再確認することにある。

From the print edition: Business

だいたいの翻訳 The Economist Schumpeter Ideas reinvenTED

2014-03-16 16:19:53 | 日記

TED has revolutionised the ideas industry, in part by putting old wine in new bottles


Mar 15th 2014 | From the print edition

THE first TED conference in 1984 was such a damp squib that the organisers did not hold a second one for six years. Today TED (which for the uninitiated stands for Technology, Education, Design) is the Goliath of the ideas industry. The heart of the enterprise is TED’s twice-yearly conference at which big ideas are presented in short, punchy talks. On March 17th-21st around 1,200 TEDsters will gather in Vancouver to listen to the likes of Bill Gates and Nicholas Negroponte celebrating TED’s 30th birthday and thinking great thoughts. The conference has also spawned an array of businesses, albeit not-for-profit ones.

1984年の第1回目のTEDは湿った爆竹のようで、主催者は2回目を開くのに6年もかかってしまった。今日、TEDは(それはTechnology, Education, Designを初心者に表している)アイデア産業のゴリアテだ。この事業の中心は2年に1度のTEDカンファレンスで、壮大なアイデアが簡潔に時間通りにプレゼンされる。3月17日から21日までの会議では、1,200人のTED関係者がバンクーバーに集い、ビル・ゲイツやニコラス・ネグロポンテたちのTED30周年や偉大な思想への祝辞を聴きにくる。会議はビジネスの羅列やNPO活動を引き起こす。

The organisation has built an electronic warehouse of more than 1,700 previous talks, at These are free to view and, so far, they have been watched nearly 2 billion times. It has generated a mass movement: volunteers have put on more than 9,000 TED-like events called TEDx in 150 or so countries since 2009. It has established a TED prize (worth $1m), a TED fellowship programme and a line of TED e-books. And it has become a central part of the world’s star-making machinery: an invitation to speak at TED can turn an obscure academic into a superstar guru and a struggling journalist into a celebrated writer.


Such success has inevitably produced a backlash. Critics dismiss TED as the Starbucks of intellectual life (though YO! Sushi may be a better comparison). Evgeny Morozov, a technology pundit, says it has become “something ludicrous, and a little sinister”. Benjamin Bratton, a sociologist, goes further and suggests that TED is a recipe for “civilisational disaster”. In his view TED really stands for “middlebrow, megachurch infotainment”. The Onion, a satirical website, has produced a series of “Onion talks” including “A future where all robots have penises”.

これだけの成功には反発も避けがたい。批評家はTEDを知的生活のスターバックスのようだと切って捨てる(YO!Sushiはまだましかもしれない)。技術賢者のエブジェニー・モロゾフは「ばかばかしいもので不吉でもある」と言う。社会学者ベンジャミン・ブラットンはさらにつっこんで、TEDは「民主化の災厄」への材料だとまで言っている。彼の見方からすると、TEDは「知的に中途半端な巨大教会での娯楽番組」となる。Onionという皮肉なwebサイトでは「すべてのロボットがペニスを持っている未来」を含むOnion Talksシリーズが流れている。

There is certainly some truth in these criticisms: any organisation that invites Sting to its 30th birthday party is in danger of jumping the shark. But criticism must be tempered by admiration for what TED has achieved. It does indeed have a weakness for celebrities. But it has also discovered hundreds of lights hidden under bushels: the most viewed TED video, with 25m downloads, features Ken Robinson, a once-obscure British educationalist. It is true that TED shrinks big ideas into bite-like chunks. But it has also demonstrated that there is a huge market for big ideas.


TED is the perfect example of the power of disruptive innovation. The ideas business was already overcrowded when it began to flex its muscles. The BBC rejected an early TED talk on the ground that it was too intellectual. But TED has rewritten the rules. Conference regulars compare the corporate pabulum that they are served at Davos with the intellectual sustenance they receive at TED. Businesses now hire it to run their in-house conferences. Publishers compete to sign up its speakers. TED has done more to advance the art of lecturing in a decade than Oxford University has done in a thousand years.


The man at the heart of this disruption is Chris Anderson, a journalist turned entrepreneur who calls himself TED’s curator. (He is unrelated to the namesake who used to edit Wired and before that wrote for The Economist.) Mr Anderson made his money publishing computer and business magazines. He bought TED in 2001 and set about turning a cult conference into a multimedia phenomenon, by bringing together the two worlds that he knew best: the journalistic one of storytelling and the high-tech world of disruptive change. And he provided TED with both a powerful business model and a pipeline of polished output.


TED uses a shrewd combination of paid-for and free products, the purpose of the latter being to generate buzz. Tickets to its five-day conferences cost at least $6,000. It sells an ever-growing array of TED-branded products. But it has also been generous with its intellectual capital―not only giving away videos on the internet but also granting licences to enthusiasts to stage TEDx events. To ensure quality it sends all speakers a stone tablet engraved with the “TED Commandments”, starting with: “Thou shalt not simply trot out thy usual schtick”. Talks must last for just 18 minutes―“Long enough to be serious and short enough to hold people’s attention”, as Mr Anderson puts it. Potential speakers are carefully auditioned and extensively trained―and subtly reminded that only successful talks will be put online.


TED is constantly striving to improve its products and expand its pipeline. It has invested heavily in camera crews and stagecraft. It has experimented with shorter formats such as “TED in three minutes”. It has even introduced an “American Idol” element: about half of the speakers at each conference are chosen by competitive auditions that take place all over the world and are theoretically open to anyone.


Modern-day missionaries

TED has become the leading ideas festival of the digital world. It draws much of its audience as well as many of its star speakers from the technocracy. It champions tech solutions to problems: its talks tend to give the impression that there is no ill in the world that cannot be solved with a laptop and an internet connection.


But there is also something old-fashioned about it. TED meetings have a revivalist feel, from the preacher’s promises of salvation to the happy-clappy congregation. It is revealing that Mr Anderson is the son of missionaries, and, in rather Victorian fashion, grew up in India before going to Oxford. TEDsters can also sound like modern versions of Dale Carnegie, the author of “The Art of Public Speaking” (1915) and “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (1936). A striking number of TED talks preach that you can have it all, a great career and a fulfilled life, if only you work hard and follow your passion. The ultimate secret of TED’s success is not its commitment to disruptive innovation but its ability to repackage old-time religion for the digital age.

しかしそれは流行遅れでもある。TEDミーティングは復興運動の感もあり、happy-clappy集会への伝道師の救済の約束のようだ。アンダーソン氏は伝道師の息子であることがわかり、ビクトリア期の流行を好み、オクスフォードに行く前はインドで育った。TED関係者はデール・カーネギーの現代版のようでもある。“The Art of Public Speaking” (1915) や “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (1936)の著者だ。著しい数のTEDトークはあなたたちは偉大なキャリアも満足する人生も何でも持っていると宣教している。TED成功の究極の秘密は、破壊的な革新へのコミットからではなく、デジタルエイジに旧来の宗教をパッケージし直したその才能にある。


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