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5月30日(土)のつぶやき その2

2015-05-31 05:18:49 | 日記

The Economist | The French right: Republicans in name aussi…

The Economist | Urban planning: Rus in urbe redux…

The Economist | The Washington Post: Exploring the Amazon…

The Economist | Multilingualism: Do you see what I see?…


kc1027さんがリツイート | 312 RT

5月30日(土)のつぶやき その1

2015-05-31 05:18:48 | 日記

Originated in France in the 1850's as a backlash against Romanticism, Realism is a style of arts that truthfully represents subject matter-

by empasizing the sordid elements of life. Realism movements also include the verismo style of opera, literary realism, theatrical realism -

and Italian neorealist cinema. Realist painters selected as their subjects ordinary engaged in everyday activities or farming.

Its chief practitioners are Gustave Courbet, Jean-Francois Millet, and Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.

Impressionism is a style of painting in France in the 19th century that depicts the visual impression of the moment,-

especially by using an ever-changing blend of light and color rather than exact details of form.

They often painted outdoors by using sketching technique of dabs of lighter, more brilliant colors instead of the traditional muted colors.

Thanks to pioneering efforts of Edouard Manet in the 1860s, it became by far the most revolutionary and influential style of painting-

in the second half of the 19th century. The well-known Impressionist painters includes Claunde Monet, Auguste Renoir, and Edgar Degas.

The Economist | Urban policy: How to shrink a city…

The Economist | Japan and the AIIB: To join or not to join…

The Economist | 5G networks: Your phone on steroids…

The Economist | Airline interiors: Flying into the future…

The Economist | Air travel: Watching the world go by…

The Economist | Energy storage: Charge of the lithium brigade…


2015-05-28 05:13:17 | 日記


kc1027さんがリツイート | 46 RT

日本翻訳大賞受賞作 パトリク・オウジェドニーク著『エウロペアナ』読了。副題は二十世紀史概説だが、時系列ではまったくなく、伝聞形態の嘘か本当かよくわからないコラージュが並んだ、虚ろな記憶のような文体。




2015-05-25 05:10:13 | 日記

Baroque is a grandiose, theatrical and elaborate style of architecture, music and art, which flourished in Europe, -

particularly in Roman Catholic countries, during the 17th and early 18th centuries.This style originated from the Counter-Reformation,-

when the Catholic Church launched an overly emotional appeal to the followers through art and architecture.

Its major architectural characteristics are curvaceousness, a dizzying array of rich surface treatments, twisting elements, -

gilded statuary, and vividly painted ceilings.

The outstanding practitioners are Bernini in sculpture, Rubens in paintings, and Monteverdi, Bach and Handel in Music.

The Economist | Modi’s rule: India’s one-man band…

The Economist | Asia and the world economy: A faulty gauge…

The Economist | Democratising medicine: The crowd will see you now…



2015-05-19 05:07:35 | 日記

おくやみ・直木賞作家の車谷長吉さんが死去 : 読売新聞…

kc1027さんがリツイート | 68 RT

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher who was a pioneer of existentialism along with Kierkegaard.

He based his philosophical reasoning on the denial of all traditional values and authority, which is called 'Nihilism', -

and summed up their decadence in the phrase 'God is dead', Nietzsche repudiated Christianity's compassion -

as the envy and hatred of the weak, which he termed as 'resentment'. His doctrine emphasized the way of living independent of God -

as the 'Superman', who overcomes the conventional values, based on the concept of the 'will to power' to grow strong.

His philosophy influenced post-modernism, which is critical of modern rationalism.


2015-05-18 05:20:20 | 日記

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) was the German philosopher who completed German idealism.

He devolved a method of elaborating the teleological development of history, which was a basic tool of materialism, socialism and communism.

The 'Absolute Spirit', the fundamental existence to drive all historical events, was central to his thinking.

His method is based on reasoning and argumentation that examine and integrate opposing concepts to find the truth, -

which is known as 'dialectic'. He applied his method to ethical life and human consciousness as well as history.

His metaphysics is characterized by the comprehensive and encyclopedic system, -

which is divided into the science of logic, the philosophy of Nature, and the philosophy of Spirit.

Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a Danish philosopher who was the founder of existentialism, opposed to idealism.

He began his philosophical thinking by denying the abstract reasoning of Hegel.

'Subjectivity', which is the essence of the individual human being, was central to his thinking.

Kierkegaard stressed the importance of the life experiences including life and death, and angst, -

although he suffered from despair which leads the spirit to death. His doctrine emphasized the freedom of human beings to make choices-

based on the belief that only human beings have absolute value and ability to make choices.

He argued that these qualities distinguish human beings from other animals.










2015-05-17 05:10:39 | 日記

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was a Genevan philosopher who was one of the most influential figures in the Age of Enlightenment-

and a pioneer of romanticism. His political theory formed one of the main bases of democratic thought in modern Western civilization.

The general will, which aims at the common interest, was central to his thinking.

Rousseau emphasized the establishment of democratic consensual politics based on the general will, -

which can improve the fundamental goodness of human nature warped by civilization.

He argued the importance of morality and virtue by focusing on the emotional and passionate sides of human beings-

including self-love and compassion in the state of nature, which was later summed up in the phrase 'Back to Nature'.

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German philosopher who was one of the outstanding figures in modern Western philosophy -

and the starting point of German Idealism. He founded the school of transcendentalism -

which holds that knowledge of the external world depends on sense-impressions coordinated by reason.

His attainment is called 'Copernican Revolution', since he drastically changed the system of knowledge in the conventional epistemology,-

which was dependent on the objects. Kant limited our cognizable area to the percepts ('phenomena') -

instead of intangible God and thing-in-itself (noumenon'). He established his critical philosophy by synthesizing early modern rationalism,

empiricism and Enlightenment thought, through critical examination of reason.

The Economist | Tax-free debt: The great distortion…

The Economist | The media in Japan: Speak no evil…

The Economist | Japan and corporate governance: At the sharp end…

The Economist | News companies and Facebook: Friends with benefits?…

The Economist | How long will you live?: Getting a grip…


2015-05-14 05:06:32 | 日記

Rene Descartes (1596-1650) was a French philosopher and the Father of modern philosophy who laid the foundations -

for 17th-century continental rationalism, as opposed to the empiricist school of thoughts.

He based his philosophical reasoning on the principle of doubt, which is called methodical doubt.

Descartes began his system by doubting everything except the existence of his own mind, -

and summed up this single certainty in the Latin phrase, Cogito, which is his first principle of philosophy.

Unlike empiricists, he introduced the 'deductive method' , which is the inference of particular instances from a general law.

He developed a dualistic theory regarding mind and matter as separate though interacting each other.

池田 信夫: 70年後に日本はどうなるの? #こども版 #アゴラ

kc1027さんがリツイート | 4 RT





2015-05-13 05:08:30 | 日記




2015-05-11 05:08:02 | 日記

