英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関



2010年04月15日 13時48分09秒 | 英字新聞と英語の雑誌から(~2010年)

Matters won't get any easier. Economists worry that Hatoyama's social-welfare programs will only increase the government debt ratio, which is already more than twice that of the U.S. His reforms are also likely to face stiff resistance from the still powerful elements of the establishment, especially the government bureaucracy, which won't readily surrender its influence. Just like so many other Japanese politicians, Hatoyama has already been tarred by an alleged scandal, this one concerning campaign finance.・・・ His Cabinet's approval rating has plummeted in the six months since he took office to a dismal 33%, and there is chatter in Tokyo that he may not last long in office.


The confusion within Hatoyama's government has complicated his relations with Washington. His administration "has yet to craft a clear vision of their strategy" on security issues, says Sheila Smith, senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. "They're working it out as they go." Nowhere has that been more apparent than in Hatoyama's handling of the status of American bases on Okinawa. ・・・In 2006, the U.S. and Japan reached an agreement to move a Marine air base on Okinawa to a less populated part of the island and relocate 8,000 troops to Guam.

鳩山政権内部の支離滅裂振りもあり鳩山氏と米国政府との関係もまた紛糾状態が常態になっている。鳩山政権は安全保障の分野で「明確な戦略のビジョンを構築できないでいる」と、ワシントンにある米国外交問題評議会の日本担当シニアフェローSheila Smith女史は述べている。「鳩山氏を含め鳩山内閣の閣僚達は自分達のかってな思い込みを前提に安全保障政策に取り組もうとしている」とも。蓋し、沖縄にある米軍基地を巡る鳩山政権の対処は結局なんの結論も出せないというのが最もありそうなことだ【前段は否定語のnowhereに引きずられた倒置構文ではなく、thatを副詞と取ります。よって、本センテンスは、Nowhere has that been more apparent than (somewhere has that been) in Hatoyama's handling of the status of American bases on Okinawa.】(中略)2006年、日本とアメリカは、沖縄のある海兵隊基地を人口密集地から沖縄県内のより人口の少ない地域に移転させること、而して、8,000の兵士をグアムに移動させることで合意した。

That wasn't enough to satisfy Hatoyama. During the election campaign, he promised the Okinawans that the air base would be shifted off the island entirely, and since taking office he has effectively shelved the 2006 accord and reopened negotiations with the U.S. After months of waffling and breaking self-imposed deadlines, it's not clear exactly what Hatoyama will propose to Washington, but he told reporters in late March, "I personally should like to consider a path to relocate the air station outside Okinawa."



Financial TimesのGideon Rachman氏は”Japan edges from America towards China”「アメリカから離れ支那ににじり寄る日本」(March 8, 2010)の中でこう鳩山氏を評しています。

If the Okinawa dispute was an isolated incident it might be taken as a bit of an accident. But Mr Hatoyama seems to have gone out of his way to confirm that things are changing. ・・・

So what is Mr Hatoyama up to? The uneasy suspicion in Tokyo is that even the prime minister himself may not really know. Mr Hatoyama, it is said, often proposes grand- sounding schemes – whether on climate change or Okinawa – without really thinking them through.

The prime minister’s vagueness means that it is probably overdoing it to suggest that Japan is definitively shifting away from its postwar special relationship with the US. But, nonetheless, over the long term the country clearly faces a crucial strategic choice.





They are decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute,
adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent.




ブログランキング・にほんブログ村へ 海外ニュース部門エントリー中です♪



