My wife, Akie, is also looking forward to exchanging views with ASEAN students who will be taking part in the JENESYS2.0 Japan-ASEAN Student Conference, and also inviting spouses of ASEAN leaders to experience first-hand Japanese tradition and culture. In addition, as Tokyo will host the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics Games, I intend to promote sports and cultural exchanges even further, especially on youth football exchanges.
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My grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, visited Southeast Asian countries in 1957 when he was Prime Minister. It was the first official visit to Asia by a Japanese Prime Minister after the Second World War. More than half a century has passed since then. Now, an opportunity to bring the ASEAN-Japan relationship that my late grandfather initiated to a higher level is laid out in front of me. Succeeding my late grandfather’s wishes and dedication, I am committed to the success of the Summit. Tomorrow will be remembered as a milestone that sets out a clear vision of a bright and promising future for ASEAN and Japan.
妻の昭恵もまた、JENESYS2.0プロジェクトの一斑たる 、日本-ASEAN学生会議に参加する、ASEANから来日する学生諸君との意見交換を楽しみにしています。もちろん、特別首脳会議に出席されるASEAN各国の指導者の方々の配偶者の皆様に、本場物の日本の伝統と文化を体験していただくべく直接にご案内できる機会を得たことも大変喜んでおります。尚、2020年のオリンピックとパラリンピックの開催都市に東京が決定したこともあり、若者世代間でのスポーツと文化の交流、就中、青少年のサッカー交流を私はこれから一層促進していくつもりです。
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私の祖父、岸信介は首相在任中の1957年に東南アジア諸国を訪問しています。これが第二次世界大戦後初となる日本の首相によるアジア公式訪問。祖父のアジア訪問から半世紀以上が経過した現在、今は亡き祖父が着手したASEAN-日本の関係を、より高いレベルにより計画的に移行すべき好機が私の前に広がっています(an opportunity is laid out in front of me)。亡き祖父の遺志と大局観を引き継ぎ、私は今回の首脳会議の成功に正面から取り組む覚悟です。而して、蓋し、ASEANと日本との約束された明るい将来像が明確に打ち出された画期的な日、明日がその日になることを私は信じています。
Exclusive: Prime Minister Abe on Asia /
Japan, ASEAN can play ‘proactive role for peace’
Yosuke Sakurai / Japan News Staff Writer
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has always been “at the center” of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s diplomacy, and he hopes the regional body will play a more proactive role for global peace and prosperity, Abe said in an English article he contributed exclusively for The Japan News on Thursday ahead of a key ASEAN-Japan summit meeting.・・・
In an indication of the value Abe attaches to ties with ASEAN, he has visited all 10 member states since he became prime minister in December last year.
Yosuke Sakurai / Japan News スタッフライター
Although Abe did not mention China by name, he apparently referred to Beijing’s recent declaration of an air defense identification zone over the East China Sea that covers the Senkaku Islands, and stressed the necessity of Japan-ASEAN cooperation to counter China’s move to change the status quo in the region by force.・・・
Abe said he believes Japan and ASEAN, through their commitment to the renunciation of the threat or use of force or coercion, and to peaceful dispute resolutions, can play a more “proactive role for peace, stability and prosperity” in the whole global community.
Abe said he will explain to ASEAN leaders his policy of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” for regional and global stability and security based on Japan’s commitment to international cooperation and its postwar endeavors as a peace-loving nation.
支那を名指しこそしなかったものの(not to mention China by name)、安倍首相は、尖閣諸島をも包摂する東シナ海上空に支那政府(Beijing)が最近設定した防空識別圏を念頭に置きつつ、東・東南アジア地域の現状を武力でもって変更しようとする支那の動向に対する、日本-ASEAN間の協力関係の必要性を強調した。・・・
In the economic sphere, Abe said ASEAN had become a vital production center for many Japanese companies. He stressed it is crucial for Japan to harness the economic vitality of ASEAN to boost its economy, saying this will also benefit ASEAN.・・・
He is confident that rejuvenating the Japanese economy will benefit the region and the global economy, he added.・・・
Abe’s article will be distributed through Asia by the Asia News Network. The Yomiuri Shimbun is a member of this network.
安倍首相のこの論考はthe Asia News Networkによってアジア全体に配信されることになっている。ちなみに、読売新聞は同ネットワークの加盟新聞社なのですよぉー。