英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関



2014年01月03日 11時37分34秒 | Weblog

I already announced the JENESYS2.0 youth exchange program in January of this year in Jakarta, which is currently underway, inviting and sending youths from both ASEAN and Japan. Through my travel to ten ASEAN countries this year, I was enlightened with the diversity and richness of the cultures of each nation.

For example, during my visit to Brunei, I visited Kampong Ayer, the water village, by boat and had heartwarming exchanges with a family living there. In Malaysia, I have very good memory of the hospitality that I received at the dinner reception despite being during Ramadan. I remember having the honor of singing along with First Lady Mrs. Najib. As for my travel to Viet Nam, I enjoyed seeing traditional dance that dates back to an ancient city with Prime Minister Dung. Through these wonderful experiences, I confirmed myself that ASEAN and Japan are able to understand each other from the bottom of our hearts and work hand-in-hand for a partnership that ties the hearts of the people.


例えば、ブルネイ訪問の際には、水上村のKampong Ayerを舟で訪れた私はその村落のあるご家族と心温まる交流を満喫させていただきました。マレーシアでは、ラマダン中であったにもかかわらず、心のこもった晩餐の歓待を受けたことは良き思い出です。また、Najib首相夫人とデュエットさせていただく栄誉にぞくしたことも忘れられません。ベトナムについては、古代都市の栄えた時代にその起源を遡る伝統舞踊をDung首相と共に鑑賞させていただきましたし、これら数多の素晴らしい経験を通してASEANと日本が心の底からの相互理解が可能であること、ASEAN諸国と日本の国民の心を結びつける協力関係の構築に向けて手を携えて進むこともまた可能であることを私は確信したのであります。

ASEAN-Japan partnership for the future
I would like to emphasize once again that ASEAN-Japan partnership has great potential to be realized further. The Summit will serve as a catalytic opportunity to deepen and enhance the future partnership between Japan and ASEAN.

Specifically, in the Summit, I would like to have substantial discussions with ASEAN leaders on four aspects that are equally important for our future relationship, namely, peace and stability, prosperity, quality of life of the people, and people-to-people exchanges.

I believe that for the benefit of the regional and global interests, ASEAN and Japan should together engage further for the maintenance of peace and stability, greatly enhance our economic partnership in various areas by promoting trade in goods and services that are of mutual interests, and focus on the promotion of human resources development to overcome socio-economic issues. Last but not least, I expect this Summit to be an invaluable opportunity to nurture the friendship between ASEAN and Japan that I myself have already witnessed throughout this year. I strongly believe that the mutual trust we have built, and will continue to enhance, will form a solid foundation for our ever-lasting partnership.



ASEANと日本を含むこの地域と世界の利益のために、ASEANと日本が、今よりも一層、平和と安定の確保に向けて主体的に取り組む(engage for)べきでしょう。ASEANと日本の相互の利益に寄与する、物とサービスの交流と交通を促進することによって、経済的協調関係を格段と強化すべきであるとも。そして、様々な社会経済的諸問題を克服するために人的資源開発にも我々、ASEANと日本の双方が注力すべきであることも論をまたないでしょう。最後に、けれども、他の3個よりも重要度が低いということでは断じてなく、今回の特別首脳会議が、私自身がこの1年を通して実際に体験した証人なのですけれども、そう、ASEANと日本の間の友好を涵養する上でのまたとない貴重な機会になることを期待しています。畢竟、ASEANと日本が今まで築いてきた相互の信頼関係、もちろん、これからも我々が共にそれを強化していくに違いない信頼関係がASEANと日本の今後も永久に続くであろう協力関係に堅固な基礎を与えるに違いないということもまた私には毫も疑えないのであります。

To respond to the warm hospitality from ASEAN countries that I received during every visit this year, I look forward to discussing ways to promote our cultural exchanges and give back the hospitality of Japan. In this context, I am pleased to host the ASEAN delegations at a Gala Dinner during their visit which will offer an opportunity for everyone to experience Japanese and ASEAN culture, drawing on the success of the ASEAN-Japan Music Festival that was held on November 28, 2013, in Tokyo which I attended and very much enjoyed.


★註:資料報道-the Gala Dinner

▽安倍首相が東京五輪支援に感謝 ASEAN首脳と夕食会 EXILEも登場





