

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Mutated COVID variant reaches France

2020-12-26 15:13:52 | 日記

2020年12月26日(Sat.) 変異型がフランスでも検知されたようです。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  12月26日発 )


Coronavirus digest: Mutated COVID variant reaches France

French authorities have identified the first known case of the highly infectious coronavirus variant on French soil. The man who brought it to the country shows no symptoms. Keep up to date with DW.

Health authorities confirmed the first case of the new variant of coronavirus in France

France confirmed its first case of a new coronavirus variant that was recently identified in the UK, the French health ministry said in a statement. Experts believe the mutated version of the virus is around 70% more contagious.

The identification of this new variant, known as VOC-202012/01, prompted more than 50 countries to impose restrictions on travel to the UK.

The infected man arrived in France from London on December 19. He is asymptomatic and isolating at home in the central city of Tours.

Authorities are tracing the person's contacts.

In addition to the first case, laboratories are analyzing tests from several other people who may have the new variant, the statement said.

France has recently imposed a blockade on people traveling from the UK in a bid to limit the spread. Although the officials lifted the snap measure after two days, the move stranded thousands of drivers in Dover.

Some limits on travel Between the UK and France remain in place in a bid to stop the new variant from spreading.

Elsewhere in Europe

In Germany, the country's Association of Cities told people to lower expectations for the coronavirus vaccine in the short term — a day before Germany's vaccination scheme is due to begin.

"It's a start, but the specter of the dangerous coronavirus isn't gone just yet," the association's president, Burkhard Jung, told the Funke Media Group in an interview.

He added that mass vaccination was not yet feasible because there was "too little vaccine for that right now."

On Saturday, Germany recorded another 14,455 coronavirus cases and the death toll rose by 240 to 29,422.

The first 9,750 vaccine doses have arrived in Greece. They were transported into Greece across the Bulgarian border in the north. A video showed the van carrying them escorted by six police cars.

Vaccinations will begin at five Athens hospitals on Sunday. Health personnel and elderly residents of nursing homes are first in line to be vaccinated.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。 以下、転載省略。)

・・・ 原文サイトはこちら ・・・




追加: たった今、速報が流れました。本日の東京の感染者が949人の最多値を出しています。これでも緊急事態宣言を出さないのでしょうか、PMは。実に遅すぎます! PMの責任を問います。都知事の無策も。

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ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): New COVID variant reaches Germany

2020-12-25 14:37:18 | 日記

2020年12月25日(Fri.) 日本国内でも報じられている変異型ウィルスの件です。原文を読み流して下さい。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  12月24日発 )


New COVID variant reaches Germany from UK

A woman who flew from London to Frankfurt this weekend was carrying the new, more infectious coronavirus variant, German officials have said. Meanwhile, Denmark identified 33 people infected with the mutated virus.



The first confirmed patient flew into Germany from London

German authorities on Thursday confirmed the presence of the  new coronavirus variant  on German soil, adding to fears that the it could start spreading beyond the UK and South Africa.

A woman who flew in from London Heathrow this Sunday tested positive at the Frankfurt airport. Further genetic analysis of the sample at a lab in Berlin identified a case of B.1.1.7, as the variant is known, said authorities in the German state of Baden-Württenberg in a statement.

"It is the first known case in Germany," they said.

The woman, who flew to Germany to visit relatives, was picked up from the airport by relatives and has isolated at the family's home in Baden-Wuerttemberg since then, the state's health ministry said.

She has since developed mild symptoms. Three individuals who have been in close contact with the woman have also quarantined, the statement added. 

Germany limited air travel from the UK  just hours after the patient's flight. Many other countries worldwide also imposed similar restrictions in a bid to stop the spread.

Variant gains foothold in Denmark

The Danish health institute SSI said it has detected 33 cases of the mutated version of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. The infections were found between November 14 and December 14 in the Copenhagen region as well as in North Jutland, Southern Denmark and Zealand.

The institute said the spread reveals that the more infectious variant has gained a foothold in the Nordic country,  albeit a very minor one.

Singapore on Thursday also confirmed its first case of the new version of the coronavirus.

・・・ 原文サイトはこちら ・・・




もう一つ、首長の声が届きませんね〜! 国民に。 何か、日本の政治家のスピーチを聞いていると、何か、絶対に意見は聞かないぞと言わんばかりの冷徹な表情を感じます(メルケルと大違い)。

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オマケ: サンタクロースが地球を巡っています。

Santa Tracker: Where in the world is St. Nick?

・・・ こちら ・・・



アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): UK reports highest daily death toll

2020-12-24 15:11:25 | 日記

2020年12月24日(Thu.) クリスマスイブの今日、それどころでは無いような情報が飛び交っています。UKでは、1日の感染者数や死者数も過去最多を記録しています。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  12月23日発 )


Covid-19: UK reports highest daily death toll since April, with 744 more deaths

The UK is reporting its highest daily death toll since April, with 744 more deaths.

Health authorities have also reported the highest daily increase in cases, with 39,237 new infections confirmed.

Many areas of the UK are to enter Tier 4 lockdown, the most severe, from Boxing Day.

(抜粋)UKでの死者数は一日で744人を記録、感染者は39,237人・日に達しています。UKの多くの場所で、Tier 4(レベル4)のロックダウン、これは最も厳しい内容ですが、に入っています。





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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): UK reports massive rise in coronavirus cases

2020-12-23 14:56:57 | 日記

2020年12月23日(Wed.) UKでの感染拡大は、変異型ウイルスに依るものが大きいと報道されていますが、感染者の増大数値も非常に気になるところです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  12月22日発 )


Covid-19: UK reports massive rise in coronavirus cases, with 36,804 new infections confirmed in the last 24h


The UK is reporting a massive rise in coronavirus cases, with 36,804 new infections confirmed in the last 24h.

Health authorities there have also reported 691 new Covid-19-related deaths over the same period.

The UK is currently considering a nationwide move to Tier 4 following the discovery of a new Covid-19 strain that spreads much faster.

(抜粋)同じ期間での死者は691人に及んでいます。また、UKは変異型ウィルスによる感染広がりが速く、全国的にレベル4(Tier 4)への移行が検討されています。


Tier 4 の意味あいを説明しているサイト(Guardian  12月22日発 )がありますので、その一部を転載します。


Covid tier 4: what are the new rules for London and south-east England?

People in tier 4 areas must stay at home over Christmas and not meet up with other households

Boris Johnson has announced tier 4 restrictions for London, the south-east and east of England, amid a surge in Covid-19 cases and alarm about a new strain of coronavirus spreading rapidly in the region.

What does tier 4 mean?

Under tier 4 restrictions, non-essential shops, hairdressers, and leisure and entertainment venues must close, with a new “stay at home” message introduced.

People who need to travel for education or childcare are exempt, as are people visiting those in their support bubble; and exercise is unlimited. Where people cannot work from home, they will still be able to travel to work.

Under the measures, households are not allowed to mix, but one person is allowed to meet with one other person outside in a public space. Support bubbles and those meeting for childcare are exempt.

Those who are deemed clinically extremely vulnerable should not go to work and should limit time outside of their homes.

Tier 4 residents must not stay overnight away from home, unless they are staying with someone in their support bubble, and cannot travel abroad.

What does this mean for Christmas?

In London and the south-east, people must stay at home over Christmas and must not meet up with other households. One resident could meet up with another one person for a walk, but not a whole household of people.

In the rest of England, the window for multiple households meeting has been reduced from a five-day window between 23 and 27 to just Christmas Day.

What can I do in each tier?

People in all tiers are advised to stay local, and “think carefully” about whether they needed to travel abroad. In all tiers, your restrictions follow you. For example, if you live in a tier 3 area, you must continue to follow tier 3 rules even when you travel to a tier 1 or tier 2 area.

You can find out which tier you live in here.

・・・ 以下、転載省略。 Tier3,2,1  の説明も記述されています。 原文サイト ・・・




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アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): Winter Solstice

2020-12-22 15:30:19 | 日記

2020年12月22日(Tue.) 昨日21日は冬至でした。それにまつわる記事がアイスランドから出ています。こうした世界(北緯66度)もあることを知っておきたいものです。(ニュースソース: ICELAND REVIEW  12月21日発 )


Winter Solstice Today, Brighter Days Ahead

Photo: Golli. Downtown Reykjavík

Today the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky all year, in the Northern Hemisphere. In Reykjavík, the sun rose at 11.22am this morning and set at 3.29pm, granting the city a day no longer than four hours and seven minutes. From today, the sun’s trajectory rises and days lengthen, heralding the coming spring.

While Reykjavík’s four-hour day may seem quite short, more northerly locales in Iceland will receive even less daylight today. In Bolungarvík, the Westfjords, the sun rose at 12.11pm today and set at 2.52pm, giving the town’s 930 residents a scant two hours and 41 minutes of day.

While Iceland’s mainland sits below the Arctic Circle, Grímsey island off its north coast stretches just past it. Grímsey’s 61 residents could watch the sun rise at 12.03pm today and set at 2.17pm, making their day shorter than the run time of beloved holiday classic Love, Actually.

Though some may choose to spend the darkest day of the year watching their favourite Christmas movie, the winter solstice has traditionally been celebrated around the globe with festivals and rituals since prehistoric times. In Iceland, most families will spend the coming days preparing for Christmas celebrations on December 24 and 25 – and looking forward to brighter days ahead.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)




別件ですが、本日の東京COVID19は、563人と速報されています。火曜日としては最大値を更新しています。もう言うのもイヤになりますが、都知事は何をしているのでしょうか。東京は日本のエピセンター(epicenter = 震央)になっているのも同然です。そして、呼び掛けや標語だけでは、それを無視する輩が一定数存在するのです(だから、感染者が増え続けます)。これが現実です。なので、強制力ある手段を実行すべきです。また、仮に、その為に法整備が必要と言うならば、この半年間、一体何をやって来たのか。それを問うことになります。


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