

アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): Teddy Bear Hunt

2020-03-31 19:12:08 | 日記

2020年3月31日(Tue.) COVID19の脅威に萎縮しがちですが、感染防止に努めながら、且つ、楽しみも見出したいものです。アイスランドでの取り組みはオモシロイと感じました。(ニュースソース: iceland monitor 3月30日発 )


Teddy Bear Hunt Has Spread to Iceland

Since a ban on public gatherings took effect in Iceland a couple of weeks ago, numerous families in the capital area have placed teddy bears and other stuffed animals in their window sills to the delight of passers-by, Morgunblaðið reports.


This allows children, who are on their way to school or taking a walk with their parents, to search for teddy bears in windows and count the ones they see.

Surely, the teddy bear hunt brightens their day. And they are not the only ones on a teddy bear hunt. There are similar reports from the US , New Zealand and Canada – just to name a few countries.


In warmer climates , teddy bears have been popping up in gardens and on fences as well. No matter what country they’re in, their presence is appreciated.

No one seems to know whose idea it was originally to cheer up the world this way. The first teddy-bear-in-window case spread to Iceland through Facebook, where Ninna Karla Katrínardóttir was exposed to it. Through Facebook, she encouraged people in her neighborhood to adopt the idea, which was well received.

(注: キッカケなどが書かれています。)

Regardless of its origin, one thing is certain: the habit is spreading as fast as a virus, and the smiles it creates are highly contagious.




それにしても、マスクは一向に手に入りませんし、アルコール消毒液なども同様です。そして、政府(日本)がマスクの転売に規制をかけましたが、それだけで良いのですか?! アルコール消毒液等も同時に網を掛けるべきです。そんなこともわからない政府には呆れるばかりです。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Disaster in Italy

2020-03-30 17:21:47 | 日記

2020年3月30日(Mon.) イタリアでのCOVID19の猛威は続いているようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie 3月30日発 )


Coronavirus: Disaster in Italy as there’s now more than 10,000 deaths with over 750 in the last 24 hours alone


The death toll from the coronavirus pandemic in Italy has increased by 776, the civil protection agency announced today. It’s the second highest daily number since the outbreak began on February 21st.

The death toll in Italy has now reached 10,779, the highest of any country in the world.

Previously, there were 712 deaths on Thursday, 683 on Wednesday, 743 on Tuesday, and 602 on Monday.

Today, the total number of confirmed cases in Italy has increased from 92,472 to 97,689.




ところで、日本の各首長の動静を見ていると、誰も責任を取らないような印象で、誰かに言ってもらって、それによって決断しようとする主体性の無さを感じています。これは、オリンピックの延期を発言した時と同じに見えます。これは、全てとは言いませんが、多くの首長に共通的で、自身の保身を考えているように思えてなりません。兎に角、決断が遅い! (手遅れ!)


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アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): Icelanders Run Around the World

2020-03-29 19:40:22 | 日記

2020年3月29日(Sun.) 世界中で外出自粛等の対策が出される中、ユニークな発想でランニングをつなぐ催しが行われています。(ニュースソース: ICELAND REVIEW  3月27日発 )


Icelanders Run Around the World, From Home

A new website allows participants to participate in a virtual relay race around the world. The website Hlaupum kringum hnött­inn, or ‘Let’s Run Around the World,’ was started by a group of Icelanders looking to do “something constructive to lift our moods during the epidemic.” Participants are encouraged to log the kilometres they jog every day and take part in a virtual trip around the globe—” with a distance of two metres between runners,” of course.

The race kicked off on Monday this week, and at time of writing, 771 participants had run 6,033 km or 13% of the way around the world. The route started in Reykjavík before making its next stops in Þórshöfn, Glasgow, London, Paris, Florence, and Athens. Next up are Adis Ababa, Nairobi, Johannesburg, and the South Pole. Each participant has run an average of 7.8 km a day thus far.



Þórlindur Kjartansson, one of the site’s founders, says that a project like this is all the more necessary while the gathering ban is in effect and people need to be prioritizing both their physical and mental health.

The group doesn’t yet know how the race will continue after the round-the-world goal has been reached, but plans to keep the site up and running until Iceland is no longer in a state of emergency due to COVID-19.



他の話題ですが、今日は夏時間への切り替えタイミングになっています。(The Liberal.ie発)

Don’t forget! Daylight Savings Time kicks in as clocks go forward this weekend

Even though there’s practical lockdown implemented around the world at this stage, the clocks change and summer time is en route.

Doesn’t much look like summer out there just yet, but summer time begins tomorrow as clocks move forward one hour to make the best out of daylight hours.

The clocks will officially go forward at 1am on Sunday morning.

Tell us your thoughts in the Facebook post and share this with your friends.

(注: 和訳省略。原文を流し読みして下さい。)



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ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): Home alone boy calls police

2020-03-28 16:49:56 | 日記

2020年3月28日(Sat.) 昨日、UKのPMまで感染してしまったと報じられています。また、USの感染者はアッと言う間に10万人を突破して世界でワースト1になっています。一方で東京、手ぬるい対策と人々の意識の低さによって爆発的なっています。週末だとか夜間だとか限定していないで、全面的に外出の自粛も強く求めるべきです。

さて、ドイツからの話題ですが、少しだけホッとしました。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 3月27日発 )


Germany: Home alone boy calls police and gets Nutella bread

A tearful 11-year-old in a Bavarian town contacted emergency services as he was unable to find his mother. The police managed to soothe the boy’s fears by rushing to his home and serving up a treat.


Desperate times called for desperate measures as German police this week responded to a phone call from an 11-year-old boy who was in tears as he could not locate his mother.

She had left the family home in Ansbach, albeit momentarily, and the boy was at a loss. Having seemingly explored all possible options he decided he had no option but to get in touch with the emergency services.

"His mom was out of the house and he suddenly felt lonely," local police posted on Facebook.

His call was met with concern that only increased when the youngster burst into tears as he explained his plight.


Spreading warmth

As millions of Germans stayed home to avoiding spreading the coronavirus, the police managed to calm the boy's fears with a spread of an all-together different kind as they arrived at the beleaguered youth's abode.

"The officer on duty found that he was well and was able to put a smile on his face with some delicious bread," local police said. "Sometimes the soul just needs some chocolate."

Shortly afterwards, the boy's mother came back and normal service was resumed.

(超抜粋)広がる思いやり: コロナウィルスの蔓延で多くが家庭に閉じ込められる状況にありますが、この警察官は少年を癒したのです。美味しいパンで少年は笑顔を取り戻すことが出来たのです。しばらくして、少年の母親が戻ったのでした。





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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Tributes pour in from around the world

2020-03-27 18:48:40 | 日記

2020年3月27日(Fri.) 東京の判断は遅過ぎます。“ギリギリ”などと言っている場合ではなく、サッサと手を打つべきです。

さて、イタリアでは若い看護師も犠牲になっています。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie 3月27日発 )


Tributes pour in from around the world for Italian nurse who took her own life after contracting covid-19


Tributes have poured in from around the world for the poor Italian nurse who contracted coronavirus and took her own in life in fear of spreading it on to her patients.

A 34-year-old Italian nurse working on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic tragically took her own life after being tested positive for the disease and was reportedly afraid of infecting others.

Daniela Trezzi was suffering from severe stress when she feared that the deadly coronavirus would spread while treating patients at San Gerardo de Monza Hospital in the affected region of Lombardy, the Daily Mail reports.

She worked in intensive care while she was in quarantine after she was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Tributes have been paid to the poor nurse, including the National Association of Nurses in Italy:

“Each of us has chosen this profession for good and, unfortunately, also for bad: we are nurses,” the federation said.

“The condition and stress to which our professionals are subjected is under the eyes of all,” it said, adding that “a similar episode had happened a week ago in Venice, with the same underlying reasons.”

Hospital general manager Mario Alparone said that Ms Trezzi had been at home sick since March 10th and that “she was not under surveillance.”





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