

アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): dozens to quarantine

2020-07-28 15:38:01 | 日記

2020年7月28日(Tue.) アイスランドでのスポーツイベントで、COVID19の感染者が確認された為、多くの人達が隔離措置に入っています。(ニュースソース: iceland monitor 7月26日発 )


Another Covid-19 case at sports event causes dozens to quarantine

This year the Rey Cup was held for the 19th time. Haraldur Jónasson/Hari

An adult who attended the Rey Cup international youth football competition has tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, prompting authorities in Iceland to require dozens of people to self-quarantine.

The Rey Cup is an annual five day football event for girls and boys born 2004 and later that combines football matches with age-appropriate social events and entertainment. This was the 19th year of the tournament with about 95 teams and 1.500 players taking part.

In a notification published by Rey Cup on Facebook the infected individual and his team had already left the event when the infection was confirmed. After consulting with authorities it was decided to let the tournament continue as normal.

Mbl.is reports that nearly thirty people have been asked to self-quarantine for two weeks after having spent some time in close proximity with the infected individual.

Health officials have asked those who attended the event to show caution and to get tested if they notice any symptoms that might be Covid-19 related.






そして、またまた報道されているアベノマスク。不評にも拘らず、6月22日段階で8,000万枚のオーダーを出したとのこと。こんな愚策は中止すべきです。仮に続行すると言うならば、現閣僚や自民党議員は全てアベノマスクを装着せよ! あの小ささで機能すると考えているのか? マスクの横からもスカスカで機能していないのは一目瞭然。こんな判断すら出来ない政権は消え去れ! そして、よくも政権与党は、この暴走にストップさえかけれないのか?! 安倍の独裁にストップをかけよ! もう、見ておれない!

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