

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): airborne Covid transmission

2020-07-08 18:07:10 | 日記

2020年7月8日(Wed.) 日本国内でも報道されていますが、WHOに依ると、COVID19 は空気伝染(空気感染)するとしています。詳しくは、数日内に発表するそうです。(ニュースソース: RTE  7月8日発 )


WHO studying evidence on airborne Covid transmission

The WHO said it will put out a new scientific brief within days(WHOは数日中に新情報を発表すると語っています。)

The World Health Organization has said it will study fresh evidence on airborne transmission of the coronavirus, after an international group of scientists concluded it could spread far beyond two metres.

The WHO said it would put out a new scientific brief within days, rounding up the knowledge about how the virus can be transmitted and ensuring its guidance stays in line with the evidence.

The two-metre physical distancing guideline has been a major factor in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, which has killed more than 538,000 people and infected over 11.6 million since the outbreak emerged in China last December.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)

However, the coronavirus can spread through the air far beyond two metres, a group of 239 international scientists said yesterday.

When an infected person exhales, they expel droplets. Droplets under five micrometres in size can become suspended in the air for several hours and travel up to tens of metres, they said.

Benedetta Allegranzi, the WHO's technical lead on infection control, told a virtual press conference: "We acknowledge that there is emerging evidence in this field.

"And therefore we believe that we have to be open to this evidence and understand its implications regarding the modes of transmission and also regarding the precautions that need to be taken," she said.

Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO's Covid-19 technical lead, said the UN health agency was producing a scientific brief consolidating the growing knowledge around transmission.

"It is important that what we know fits into the guidance that we have," she said.

"We will be issuing our brief in the coming days, and that will outline everything that we have in this area."

(超抜粋)関係する科学者達によると、5ミクロンより小さいCOVID19 のウィルスは、空気中を数時間は浮遊し、最大で10m移動するとしています。そして、数日内に発表すると語っています。(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)

・・・ 原文サイトはこちら ・・・




一方、日本の政治や行政、特に政権や都知事の対応の“遅さ“や“無策“を見ていると、国内感染も広がる一方でしょう。また、医療体制が整っていると小池都知事が言っていましたが、現場の実態は真逆のようです(報道による)。従って、政治家への不信は極限に高まっています。にも拘らず、何故、再選されてしまったのでしょうか。マスコミよ、その役割を果たせ! そして、“他にイイ人が居ないから・・・“で選ぶのはヤメテ欲しい。せめて、批判票を入れるべきです。

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