
katorikku jyohou

親友アルドモーロ(堕胎推進左派の元伊首相)の殺害で神に文句を垂れるパウロ6世、アルドモーロから聞いた告解を伊議会で証言せよと司祭に命じるF1 ←どちらもキリスト教の基礎ができていない

2019-12-30 | P6 パウロⅥ世

And who can listen to our lament, if not you, O God of life and death? You did not hearken to our supplication for the safety of Aldo Moro, this good, meek, wise, innocent and friendly man; but you, O Lord, have not abandoned his immortal spirit, sealed by faith in Christ, who is the Resurrection and the life.

“You did not listen to my prayer”: such words on the lips of a pope shocked Italy. Even 40 years later the drama of those days is remembered. Pope Paul appeared crushed by a broken heart, a broken spirit. He kept his faith, but lost his strength. The holy man was dead less than three months later.



Pope Francis has ordered a priest who heard Aldo Moro's confession while he was a prisoner of the Brigate Rosse to testify to an Italian parliamentary committee that is still investigating the murder of the former Italian prime minister.


