グローバル・タックス研究会 ~Study Group On Global Tax~


次は金融取引税: 国際連帯税シンポでのドストゥ=ブラジ氏

2010-12-28 | 国際連帯税を推進する市民の会(アシスト)



                  2010年12月15日 東京


































もし日本がUNITAIDを支持すれば、その貢献額である3億ドルが女性エイズ患者の出産時における子供への感染を防ぐための”Mother Baby Pack” (訳者注2)に使えます。

















 http://www.unitaid.eu/ のA New Tool Gives Hope for Greatly Reducing AIDS in Children


                 Symposium “Hope and Solidarity”
                Tokyo, 15 December 2010

Dear Friends,

I would first like to tell you how much I am happy to be with you today.

Indeed, without civil society, we would never have created the tax on plane tickets and therefore UNITAID.

I am very aware of your fight by our side to ask the Japanese authorities to establish a tax on place tickets. This would be a very big step forward.

And so, from the bottom of my heart: thank you [In Japanese].

The current crisis is a crisis of globalization which may, if we do not manage to stop it, degenerate into a crisis of civilisation.

Sub-prime mortgages, rescue plans for the banks, stimulus plans, the sovereign debt crisis and monetary disorder, budget adjustments: over the past two years these esoteric terms have become part of the public debate. They are successive acts of the same play, which sometimes seems, in its dizzying barrage of statistics, to be taking place on the stage of a distant theatre in which we are simply spectators.

And yet…a crisis in food supply, the deterioration of health and social indicators, the resurgence of abject poverty and the return of conflict: the consequences of this crisis are already making themselves felt in the lives of millions of men, women and children who are seeing all the promises of progress disappear into thin air.

According to the World Bank, an additional 200,000 to 400,000 children could pay the price of this crisis with their lives.

One mother dies every minute, one child every three seconds from curable diseases. The greatest scandal of our time.

As always, it is the poorest and most vulnerable countries that are the first and most badly affected. But the wave is so strong that it is beginning to undermine the very foundations of society in the developed countries.

Committed citizens, responsible citizens: what is happening now concerns us all, since it threatens to sweep everything away.

At the roots of the crisis there are naturally economic and financial imbalances.

But there is also, and perhaps at a deeper level, a moral crisis, a corruption of human values that is undermining the lives of everyone in society.

The glorification of individualism.

This is why we will not emerge from this crisis unless we very rapidly purge these moral failings of globalisation; unless we replace them at the heart of our social contract with a sense of justice and the idea of humanity.

We will only emerge from this crisis if we finally commit ourselves to a veritable globalisation of solidarity, the unavoidable counterpart of economic globalisation.

During the General Assembly of the United Nations last September we saw that we will not be able to achieve Millennium Goal 4,5 and 6 if we do not quickly make extensive progress to create new sources of financing while still increasing ODA.

There is no more money to conquer the hunger that still affects a billion human beings? But they saved the banks!

There is no more money to ensure universal primary education? But they saved the banks!

There is no more money to make sure that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation? But they saved the banks!

There is no more money to combat AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, in spite of all the progress made by mobilising international solidarity over the last decade? But they saved the banks!

Certainly, we all know about the current constraints on government spending and on development aid budgets. But we also know that alternative resources exist, that there are innovative financing methods that can mobilise a fraction of the immense resources generated by globalisation to pay for the necessary effort of solidarity.

With UNITAID, which I have had the honour of leading since 2006, we have shown that it is possible to mobilise new, additional and permanent resources, without disturbing the functioning of the economy.

We have demonstrated that, if well targeted, these resources can radically change the situation we are facing.

So, in the space of only three years, financing from UNITAID has provided anti-retroviral treatment for 400,000 children who are victims of AIDS (three out four children treated for this illness in the world) and also obtained from the pharmaceutical industry a 60% reduction in the cost of anti-AIDS drugs for paediatric use.

Because of its remarkable success, UNITAID has emerged as a laboratory of innovative financing for development. It is a model thanks to the source of its financing: a minimum tax on airplane tickets introduced by a pioneering group of countries.

A model because of the way it uses its resources, which has enabled a radical change in the terms of the equation for access to drugs against major pandemics, and particularly AIDS.

A model because of the way it has involved civil society in its governance as well as the way its programmes have been defined and managed.

Today, faced with the crisis in the public finances of the countries that provide development aid, the international community needs to use UNITAID as a model to help it make progress in setting up new and innovative ways of raising funds.

If I speak of UNITAID to you here, NGOs and civil society, It is because I know of your fight to help us.

It is because Japan has since the beginning been in the group of countries that I created in 2006 in Paris to think about new sources of Financing for the poorest countries.

I understand the importance of international aid given by Japan. I appreciate the generosity of the Japanese people. It is why I think that your country must now make its engagement more concrete.

If your government pledges to add a completely innocuous dollar to every plane ticket, then every Japanese that will travel abroad will contribute to treating women and children that otherwise would never have been helped.

If Japan adhered to UNITAID, then it would be 300 million dollars that could provide access to this "Mother Baby Pack" for women with aids, avoiding transmitting death while giving life.

It would be the possibility of eliminating malaria, which kills one child every 30 seconds.

Yes, dear friends, we must establish micro-contributions of solidarity linked to economic activities that have profited from globalization, like tourism with plane tickets but also with cell phone usage, internet, or even financial markets.

The next stage is obvious: introducing a tax on financial transactions.

Concerning the taxes on financial transactions, I am sure that the political momentum is in 2011. France presides the G20 and the French President made it a priority.

But there is a trap to avoid, that of unanimity.

If indeed, France has to wait that the entire euro zone agrees, we can wait for a long time, idem for the G20.

If we aim for a tax that, in its technical construction, needs to be established at the level of an entire zone, we become dependent on the possibility of a unanimous agreement -- the scale of this zone.

Unanimity implies giving the power to whichever State that blocks an agreement.

The risks to not reach an agreement in 2011 therefore greatly increases. It is therefore wise to aim for a tax that, in its technical construction, does not require a parallel installment in another country.

This unilateral tax will therefore be established by each partner country which, with France, wishes to be the pioneers of this Financial Transaction Tax (FTT). For example Japan.

After this founding group, as the years go by, other countries will join the participants of the FTT.

The technical model should inspire for the international FTT: the "Stamp Duty Reserve Tax" unilateral existing in Great-Britain on the transfers of English money, which raises about 4 billion euros per year.

This concludes, Dear Friends, what I wanted to tell you.

Our fight must be clear: to build a globalized solidarity next to an economic globalization.

Thank you for helping us here in Japan, where the word "Solidarity" sounds just.

Philippe Douste-Blazy
UN Under-Secretary-General
Special Adviser to the Secretary-General in charge on Innovative Financing for Development
Chairman of UNITAID


