

1 ブレイロック博士2024論文: アルミニウムが脳と脊髄に神経発達障害や神経変性障害を引き起こす

2024年06月06日 15時05分15秒 | ブレイロック博士2024論文: アルミニウムが脳と脊髄に神経障害を引き起こす

Figure  1: 図1

Synaptic illustration showing trafficking of AMPAR initiated by activation of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) R1 by high levels of TNF-alpha, which then releases GluR 2-lacking AMPA receptors from the endoplasmic reticulum.

高レベルの TNF-α による腫瘍壊死因子 (TNF) R1 の活性化によって開始される AMPAR の輸送を示すシナプスの図。その後、小胞体から GluR 2 を欠く AMPA 受容体が放出されます。

This AMPA type of receptor allows calcium entry into the neuron, thus making it much stronger and potentially more destructive.

この AMPA タイプの受容体は、カルシウムがニューロンに入ることを可能にするため、ニューロンははるかに強くなり、潜在的に破壊的になります。

Internalization of the gamma-aminobutyric acid inhibitory receptor is not shown but occurs when stimulated by inflammation.


Na+: Sodium, Ca2+: Calcium, AMPA:α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl4-isoxazolepropionic acid, NMDA:N-methyl-D-aspartate,Mg 2+: Magnesium, TNFR: Tumor necrosis factor receptor, AMPA: α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase, CREB: cAMP-response element binding protein, CaMK:Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, PKC: Protein kinase C.



1 ブレイロック博士2024論文: アルミニウムが脳と脊髄に神経発達障害や神経変性障害を引き起こす



ラッセル・L・ブレイロック博士は、米国ミシシッピ州リッジランドにあるTheoretical Neuroscience Research、LLCの元脳神経外科医であり、アメリカのワクチン薬害の専門家です。




 2023/01/24追加 1ラッセル・ブレイロック博士の著書 「ガン患者のための自然な戦略」

2ラッセル・ブレイロック博士の著書 「ガン患者のための自然な戦略」



ミクログリア活性化と神経変性: ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士の論説

No.1「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士1

No.2「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士2

No.3「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士3

No.4「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士4

No.5参考文献「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士5

ワクチン安全マニュアル: ラッセル・ブレイロック博士による序文






1コロナとmRNAワクチン 真実は何か ラッセル・L・ブレイロック博士

2コロナとmRNAワクチン 真実は何か ラッセル・L・ブレイロック博士

3コロナとmRNAワクチン 真実は何か ラッセル・L・ブレイロック博士

4コロナとmRNAワクチン 真実は何か ラッセル・L・ブレイロック博士

5コロナとmRNAワクチン 真実は何か ラッセル・L・ブレイロック博士




脳神経外科医のラッセル・ブレイロック博士は、2024年5月24日にSurgical Neurology Internationalに、アルミニウムの中枢神経毒性に関する論文を書かれました。




CDC によると、子供の 9 人に 1 人が ADHD と診断されている — しかし、その理由は?


ジョン ・マイケル・デュメイ




5月24日にSurgical Neurology International誌に掲載された論文の中で、引退した脳神経外科医のラッセル・ブレイロック博士はフッカーの論文を詳しく説明した。












Surgical Neurology International • 2024 • 15(171)

DOI 10.25259/SNI_296_2024

Received: 17 April 2024

Accepted: 19 April 2024

Published: 24 May 2024

Additive aluminum as a cause of induced immunoexcitoxicity resulting in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders: A biochemical, pathophysiological, and pharmacological analysis


Russell L. Blaylock

Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States.

E-mail: *Russell L. Blaylock - blay6307@gmail.com



Much has been learned about the neurotoxicity of aluminum over the past several decades in terms of its ability to disrupt cellular function, result in slow accumulation, and the difficulty of its removal from cells.


Newer evidence suggests a central pathophysiological mechanism may be responsible for much of the toxicity of aluminum and aluminofluoride compounds on the brain and spinal cord.


This mechanism involves activation of the brain’s innate immune system, primarily the microglia, astrocytes, and macrophages, with a release of neurotoxic concentrations of excitotoxins and proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and immune mediators.


Many studies suggest that excitotoxicity plays a significant role in the neurotoxic action of several metals, including aluminum.


Recently, researchers have found that while most of the chronic pathology involved in the observed neurodegenerative effects of these metals are secondary to prolonged inflammation, it is the enhancement of excitotoxicity by the immune mediators that are responsible for most of the metal’s toxicity.


This enhancement occurs through a crosstalk between cytokines and glutamate-related mechanisms.


The author coined the name immunoexcitotoxicity to describe this process. This paper reviews the evidence linking immunoexcitotoxicity to aluminum’s neurotoxic effects and that a slow accumulation of aluminum may be the cause of neurodevelopmental defects as well as neurodegeneration in the adult.

著者は、このプロセスを説明するために免疫興奮毒性という名前を作った。 この論文では、免疫興奮毒性とアルミニウムの神経毒性効果を結び付ける証拠と、アルミニウムの緩やかな蓄積が成人の神経発達障害と神経変性の原因である可能性があることをレビューする。


Keywords: Accumulation in neurons and glia, Aluminofluoride complex, Aluminum, Excitotoxicity, Immunoexcitotoxicity, Microglial activation, Nanoscaled aluminum, Neurodegeneration, Sickness behavior




While aluminum is the third most common metal found in the earth’s crust, it has no role to play in normal human physiology, biochemistry, or maintaining health.[36]


Humans are exposed to aluminum through several routes, including foods, industrial exposures, agrichemical, geoengineering, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines.[39]


While absorption from the gut is quite poor, that introduced through parenteral fluids and vaccines is completely absorbed and distributed throughout the body.[112]


In addition, there are common food constituents that greatly enhance aluminum absorption from the gut, such as citrate, glutamate, and malate.


It may enter through the leaky gut disorder as well. Interestingly, there appears to be a common mechanism by which aluminum and other known neurotoxic metals (i.e., manganese, mercury, and lead) trigger and propagate their toxic actions within the central nervous system (CNS).


This mechanism appears to be immunoexcitotoxicity. This term was coined by the author to link previously described interactions between the immune system and the excitotoxic receptor mechanisms, leading to excitotoxic pathology.[9]


The purpose of this review is to discuss the evidence linking immunoexcitotoxicity to aluminum’s neurotoxic effects on the CNS, especially neurodevelopment, as regards early exposure and a lifetime of an accumulation from various sources.[43]






While aluminum is not recognized as a redox metal, it can induce significant inflammation within various tissues.


Redox refers to a variation in the valence of a metal that induces a greater risk of free radical generation, such as with ferric (Fe+3) and ferrous (Fe+2) iron interchange.

酸化還元とは、鉄 (Fe+3) と鉄 (Fe+2) の交換のように、フリーラジカル生成のリスクを高める金属の原子価の変化を指す。

In chemistry, the loss of electrons makes the metal a free radial, and an excess of electrons makes it an electron donor or antioxidant.


Exley explained that while aluminum is a non-redox metal, under certain conditions, it can act as a pro-oxidant.[35]


Moreover, aluminum appears to react with the superoxide radical, thus facilitating its destructive potential.


Experimental observations also indicate that the formation of superoxide plays a critical step in triggering excitotoxicity-mediated neuronal death through the generation of peroxynitrite.[64]


Aluminum may interfere with the normal biochemistry of cells by a number of mechanisms.


One interesting to chronic brain inflammation is the finding that aluminum produces a profound general decrease in nicotine binding involving all brain areas.[44,61]

慢性的な脳の炎症に関する興味深い発見の 1 つは、アルミニウムが脳のすべての領域に及ぶニコチン結合の全般的な大幅な減少を引き起こすという発見です。[44,61]

The nicotinic receptor (alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor) plays an important role in dampening brain inflammation.

ニコチン受容体 (アルファ 7 ニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体) は、脳の炎症を抑える上で重要な役割を果たします。

Interference with this nicotinic cholinergic neurotransmission can increase brain inflammation.[115]


Suppressing this nicotinic receptor allows the aluminum to inflame the tissues by reducing the effects of this anti-inflammatory system.


This may be a major mechanism linking aluminum accumulations in the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain and chronic inflammation that goes beyond the neurotransmitter functions of acetylcholine.

これは、アルツハイマー病 (AD) の脳におけるアルミニウムの蓄積と、アセチルコリンの神経伝達物質機能を超えた慢性炎症を結び付ける主要なメカニズムである可能性があります。

Another way in which aluminum may contribute to neuronal injury, particularly associated with AD, is by interference with calcium homeostasis, which is known to be perturbed in AD and other neurodegenerative disorders.[56,111]


For example, aluminum can delay the closure of voltagedependent calcium channels and block calmodulin (CaM)- dependent Ca2+/Mg2+-ATPase, which is responsible for the extrusion of excess intracellular calcium, one of the protective mechanisms against excitotoxicity.[34,56,97]


El-Rahman exposed male albino rats to aluminum sulfate for 35  days by gavage (tube feeding), after which he examined their tissues for aluminum accumulation.[31]


Aluminum accumulation, as well as aluminum-induced neurotoxic effects were observed in a dose-dependent accumulation of aluminum in the examined brain sections of the treated animals.


Aluminum-treated rats also showed a marked increase in brain glutamate levels while their gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter) brain levels were decreased, a condition that maximizes excitotoxic damage and is characteristic of immunoexcitotoxicity[31,75,100] [Figures  1 and 2].

アルミニウムを投与されたラットでは、脳内グルタミン酸レベルの顕著な増加がみられたが、脳内ガンマアミノ酪酸(抑制性神経伝達物質であるGABA)レベルは減少した。これは興奮毒性損傷を最大化し、免疫興奮毒性の特徴である[31,75,100] [図1および2]。

The most significant changes in brain tissue included spongiform changes in neurons, especially within the hippocampus, nuclear deformity, and neurofibrillary degeneration, resembling the neurofibrillary tangles in AD.[16]


These spongiform microscopic changes are usually indicative of excitotoxicity and not inflammatory changes alone.


These changes indicate damage to intracellular neuronal systems by excitoxicity.


By activating the inflammatory cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), one sees events that can enhance excitotoxicity; in this case, the GABA receptors (an inhibitory neurotransmitter-controlled receptor) are trafficked inside the neuron, thus enhancing excitotoxicity.

炎症性サイトカイン、特に腫瘍壊死因子アルファ (TNF-α) を活性化すると、興奮毒性を増強するイベントが発生します。この場合、GABA 受容体 (抑制性神経伝達物質制御受容体) がニューロン内で輸送され、興奮毒性が増強されます。



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