

2 ブレイロック博士2024論文: アルミニウムが脳と脊髄に神経発達障害や神経変性障害を引き起こす

2024年06月06日 15時12分52秒 | ブレイロック博士2024論文: アルミニウムが脳と脊髄に神経障害を引き起こす

Figure  2: 図2

An activated, primed microglial cell initiating both an inflammatory reaction (inflammatory cytokine and inflammatory prostaglandin release) and excitotoxicity (Immunoexcitoxicity).


IL: Interleukin, TNF: Tumor necrosis factor, ROS: Reactive oxygen species, RNS: Reactive nitrogen species.



2 ブレイロック博士2024論文: アルミニウムが脳と脊髄に神経発達障害や神経変性障害を引き起こす


Other mechanisms also link inflammatory stimulation to excitotoxicity (immunoexcitotoxicity) [Figures 1 and 2]. In another study, Campbell et al. observed brain inflammation in animals exposed to aluminum lactate when added to their drinking water.[21]

他のメカニズムも炎症刺激を興奮毒性(免疫興奮毒性)に結び付けています [図 1 および 2]。別の研究では、キャンベルらは飲料水に添加された乳酸アルミニウムにさらされた動物の脳の炎症を観察しました。[21]

The lowest concentration used in their study (0.01 nM) was equivalent to that associated with AD and aluminum-containing public drinking water.

彼らの研究で使用された最低濃度 (0.01 nM) は、AD およびアルミニウムを含む公共の飲料水に関連する濃度と同等でした。

Unlike the above study, they found elevations in nuclear factors kappa B and interleukin-1ß in the brains of the exposed animals but no elevation when exposed to drinking water free of aluminum.

上記の研究とは異なり、彼らは曝露された動物の脳で核因子カッパ B およびインターロイキン-1β の上昇を発見しましたが、アルミニウムを含まない飲料水にさらされた場合は上昇が見られませんでした。

Both studies found that systemic exposure to aluminum produced selective inflammation of the brain in selective areas.


It is known that metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGLuR) signaling, as well as that of many other neurotransmitters, is critically dependent on G-protein receptor systems.[71,77]


In general, mGluRs (especially group  I) enhance excitatory neurotransmission and can, therefore, worsen excitotoxicity.[24]


Some are inhibitory of excitotoxicity.


Under normal (physiological conditions), they play an important role in long-term potentiation and long-term depression changes, which can induce long-lasting changes in neuronal excitability.[24]


High levels of mGLuR1 expression are seen in the hippocampus in the face of aluminum exposure, which is proexcitatory.[24]


These high levels are induced by aluminum.


Mitogen-activated protein kinase/ extracellular signal-regulated kinase and mammalian target of rapamycin/p70S6 cell signaling pathways are particularly important for regulating synaptic plasticity by Group  I mGLuRs.[78]

マイトジェン活性化タンパク質キナーゼ/細胞外シグナル調節キナーゼおよび哺乳類ラパマイシン標的/p70S6細胞シグナル伝達経路は、グループI mGLuRによるシナプス可塑性の調節に特に重要である。[78]

Both glutamate and mGluRs play a critical role in brain development.[91,103]


Thus, alterations in the patterns of activation of mGLuRs can have a profound effect on eventual brain development and physiology.


 By interfering with normal mGLuR function, aluminum and especially aluminofluoride complexes could potentially cause malfunctioning of important brain pathways as well as abnormal architectonic development of the brain.[51]


In addition, it is known that aluminum affects glutathione regeneration, which is one of the neuron’s main defenses against toxic metals and other toxic influences.[73]


Aluminum has also been shown to dramatically lower overall neuronal reduced glutathione levels, with astrocytes being a major source of glutathione for neurons.[73]


High levels of glutamate also inhibit glutathione production intracellularly by inhibiting the cystine/glutamate antiporter.[12]


In addition, aluminum has been shown to impair gap junctional intercellular communication between astrocytes in culture.[108]


In essence, we see an increase in the vulnerability of neurons from an accumulation of aluminum by lowering its primary protective mechanism, glutathione, in a reduced form.


Aluminum can also enhance excitotoxicity by inducing apoptosis of astrocytes, which are thought to be a primary site of aluminum accumulation.[104]


Indeed, research evidence shows that, apart from providing trophic support to neurons, astrocytes also play a crucial role in protecting neurons from excitotoxic damage by mediating the clearance of excess glutamate and its storage within the astrocyte.[1]


When the astrocytes are dying, this glutamate is released into the extraneuronal space and becomes excitotoxic.


Aluminum is also known to operate synergistically with other toxic metals, such as copper and iron, to increase brain and spinal cord inflammation.[9]


Since the aluminum is not removed, it acts as a constant source of inflammation and enhances the effect of peripheral immune activation (sickness behavior), as one would see with vaccination or re-vaccination.


It has been shown that the presence of an inflammatory nidus in the CNS will magnify the pathologic damage to the brain by systemic immune and/or inflammation stimulation.[10]


The inflammatory cytokines are known to act on several enzymes and mechanisms to enhance excitotoxicity.[49]


This is especially true of TNF-α. TNF-α, which is elevated with aluminum exposure [Figure  3], is a key cytokine, triggering the release of glutamate from microglia, which occurs by up-regulating glutaminase and gap junction hemichannels.[22,26,107]


In addition, this cytokine impairs glutamate uptake, suppresses glutamine synthetase, increases internalization of GABA receptors, and increases GluR2- lacking AMPA receptors.[100,120]



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