

No.4「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士4

2020年03月14日 10時47分49秒 | ワクチン薬害・副作用: 自閉症・発達障害の原因

No.4「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士4

The Role of the Leaky Gut Phenomenon and Food Intolerances.

Wakefield and his co-workers demonstrated a connection between the MMR vaccines and abnormal gut function in a landmark article appearing in the journal Lancet in 1998.136
In this carefully conducted study they biopsied the lining of the intestines of autistic children having GI symptoms and demonstrated lymphocytic infiltration as well as elevated levels of inflammatory antibodies and cytokines.
TNF- release was particularly high from these gut-based immune cells.
The entire GI tract, from the stomach to the colon, was infiltrated by these immune cells.

Subsequent studies have shown a high incidence of abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation in children with ASD.138,139
A number of other studies have shown problems with digestive enzymes, defective detoxification, and an overgrowth of a number of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the colon and intestine of ASD children.140,141

Not surprisingly, a few studies have shown significant improvement in behavior when ASD children are placed on diets devoid of identified food allergens.142-144
Antibodies to food components, such as casein, gliadin and gluten have also been described as well as cross-reactions between food antigens and brain components.145

One disease that closely resembles the case of ASD in terms of brain injury associated with food allergins is celiac disease, in which there is an immune sensitivity to the food components gliadin and gluten.
Approximately 6% of such patients will demonstrate neurological damage, most frequently cerebellar ataxia.146
Other studies have also found seizures, cranial nerve damage, dementia and impaired frontal lobe function.147-151

Autopsy studies indicate that the most commonly found neurological damage occurs in the cerebellum, as we see in autism.
Other studies have shown an immunologic cross-reactivity between gluten antibiodies and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum.144
Like the celiac cases, in autism the most intense microglia activation and neuronal loss occurred in the cerebellum.
In many of the cases of autistic brains examined, virtually all of the Purkinje cells were lost.54

Studies looking for the incidence of GI symptoms in autistic children indicate that from 20% to 84% will have complaints.
It is interesting to note that in the studies on celiac-related neurological problems, only 13% complained of GI symptoms, so ASD children can have gut-related brain effects without obvious GI symptoms.154

Some feel that the gliadin, casein and gluten can be converted to opioid-like substances, such as gliadomorphin and casomorphin that can produce a morphine response in the brain, leading to abnormal behavior.152
These opioids also suppress immunity and increase excitotoxicity.154
While the opioid effect exists, I feel it is the recurrent immune stimulation of primed microglia that is causing most of the damage seen in autism.155

Studies have also found frequent dysbiosis in autistic children, that is, an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi and a loss of beneficial probiotics organisms.138
It has been demonstrated that Candida organisms can penetrate the gut wall and enter the blood stream, were they can be distributed to all tissues and organs, including the brain.156
The same is true for pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins.
These brain implanted organisms act as continuous sources of immune stimulation, which is especially damaging to the brain because of vaccine-triggered microglia priming and/or activation occurring before the gut problem presents itself, with repeated vaccination aggravating the injury.

With each subsequent vaccination, the microglia response is enhanced because of the recurrent immune activation by food antigens and microbiological antigens.
It is interesting to note that trials of antibiotic vancomycin, which is not absorbed from the gut, objectively improved the cognitive function of a number of autistic children.157
We also know that with children having celiac disease even a very small amount of the offending food can have devastating neurological effects.

Conclusion 結論

I have presented a considerable amount of evidence for a connection between the present vaccine schedule and the development of autism spectrum disorders, yet even this paper is only a brief review of what we know.
A more in-depth discussion of the immune/excitotoxic will appear in my paper- Interaction of activated microglia, excitotoxicity, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, lipid peroxidation products and elevated androgens in autism spectrum disorders, which will appear in an upcoming special autism issue of the journal-Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine.
雑誌Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicineの自閉症特別号に掲載する予定である。

Much of this information is being totally ignored by the medical elite and especially the media.
The Simpsonwood conference proceedings, in which over 50 scientists, vaccine pharmaceutical company representatives and representatives from the World Health Organization met secretly in Norcross, Georgia, disclosed that the safety of your children is not their primary interest –their only interest is selling vaccines to the public.
A friend of mine, while speaking to an audience of scientists and public health officials in Italy, was rudely told by a public health official that (paraphrased) –We all know that vaccines can cause neurological damage, but we must keep this from the public because it might endanger the vaccine program.

It is also important to understand that most practicing pediatricians have never heard what I have disclosed to you.
Most have very little understanding of immune function and have no idea of the pathological effect on the brain of giving multiple vaccines on a large scale.
These effects are widely discussed in the neuroscience literature, but few practicing physicians, especially pediatricians, ever read such articles.

Immunology, like nutrition, gets only scant attention in medical school and even less in residency training of physicians.
Older doctors have no concept of the newer discoveries in immunology, especially neuroimmunology.
The human immune system is one of the most complex systems in physiology and our studies indicate an even greater complexity is to be found.
Despite a renewed interest in the immune system’s function in neonates and small children, much remains unknown concerning the immune effects of exposing infants and small children to such a large barrage of vaccine early in life.
Yet, what we do know is that they react quite differently than adults and it can have devastating consequences on brain development and function.

Vaccinating millions of children with the hepatitis B vaccine at birth can only be described as dangerous idiocy.
The vast majority of infants, children and adolescents are in no danger from this infection- even the medical authorities agree on that.
It is also known that the effectiveness of the vaccine in children last no more than two years and has little or no effectiveness in the immune suppressed child.
The nefarious plan by these vaccine geniuses is to force vaccines all babies, since they would have difficulty convincing adults, that is, the one at any danger, to get the vaccine.

The problem with this “plan” is that the vaccine is ineffective by the time the child reaches the age of risk.
Now that they have discovered this, they are recommending that all children have a booster vaccine every two years.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC, the forces behind this vaccine mania, assure parents that giving all of the required vaccines at once is perfectly safe.

As we have seen, the scientific “evidence” does not support this policy.
To do so exposes the child to a high concentration of immune-stimulating adjuvants that will intensely activate the brain’s immune system (microglia) during the brain’s most active growth period, that is, during the first 2 to 6 years of life.
(訳注: 脳が最も活発に成長するのは、出生時から6歳くらいであり、2歳からではない)
The maturation and development of the brain continues to a large degree throughout adolescence.
As we have seen, excessive vaccination can result in brain inflammation and brain swelling that can be prolonged, even lasting years, if not decades (as we have seen in the Vargas et al study).
This can result in seizures, high pitched crying, severe lethargy, weakness and behavioral problems, such as agitation, depression, anger and other autistic behaviors.

In addition, giving the vaccines all at once exposes the brain to higher levels of neurotoxic aluminum as proven by radiolabeled aluminum study quoted above.
If a person were to follow recommended vaccine guidelines they would receive over 100 vaccines in a lifetime.
Because of the way the vaccines are given, this would not allow the brain’s microglial cells to shut down, which is essential.

One of the effects of chronic microglial activation, other than brain inflammation, is an elevation in brain glutamate levels.
Studies have shown this can lead to chronic neurodegeneration and is suspected as a common mechanism associated with neuropathic viruses, such as the measles and borna viruses.158-160
In fact, blocking certain of the glutamate receptors can prevent brain damage by the measles virus, as well as other viruses.158
We also know that the prognosis of spinal meningitis can be determined by the spinal fluid glutamate levels, with high levels having the worst prognosis.161
Studies of autistic children have also shown elevated glutamate levels in their blood and spinal fluid.

Because excitotoxicity plays such an important role in autism, parents of autistic children should avoid feeding their children foods containing excitotoxic additives, such as MSG, hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein extracts, soy protein or soy protein isolate, natural flavoring, yeast enzymes, etc.
There are many disguised names for high glutamate food additives.
A recent study has also shown that there is an interaction between certain food dyes and glutamate and aspartame that enhances neurotoxicity significantly.

They should also avoid immune suppressing oils, such as the omega-6 oils (corn, soybean, peanut, safflower, sunflower and peanut oils).
As stated, people in this country eat 50-times the amount of this immune suppressing oil than they need for health.

While omega-3 oils are healthy, the EPA component is significantly immune suppressing and as a result, high intakes should be avoided.
Studies have shown suppressed lymphocyte function (NK cells) with high intake of EPA.162
It is the DHA component that has most of the beneficial effects, especially as regards brain repair and inflammation reduction.163
DHA also inhibits excitotoxicity.
Because the autistic child has intense brain inflammation, a combination of EPA and DHA is preferable, with a lower content of EPA (no more than 250 mg).

Milk and milk products should be avoided and foods containing gliadin and gluten should also be avoided.
Soy foods are also responsible for a significant number of food allergies as well as being very high in glutamate, fluoride and manganese.
Fluoride should be avoided, especially in drinking water.
Water is also a significant source of aluminum in the diet (it is added as a clarifying agent) and in fluoridated water the fluoride complexes with aluminum to form the highly neurotoxic fluoroaluminum compound.
The greatest dietary source of aluminum is biscuits, pancakes, black tea and baked goods made with aluminum-containing baking powder.

Low magnesium intake, which is common in the United States, is associated with higher degrees of inflammation in the body and lower glutathione levels.
It also enhances excitotoxicity, since magnesium is a natural modulator of the NMDA glutamate receptor.
Low intakes of magnesium greatly enhance glutamate receptor sensitivity, worsening excitotoxicity.
Low magnesium also lowers brain glutathione levels, which increases brain sensitivity to mercury toxicity.
Increasing magnesium levels, reduces inflammation, raises glutathione levels and reduces excitotoxic sensitivity.

A number of flavonoids are neuroprotective, especially against inflammation and excitotoxicity.
These include curcumin, quercetin, ellagic acid, natural vitamin E (mixed trocopherol), epigallocatechin gallate (from white tea), theanine, DHEA and hesperidin.
All are available as supplements and most have a high safety profile.

The live virus vaccines, such as chickenpox, measles, mumps and rubella, pose a special danger in the immunosuppressed child, because some of these viruses can take up permanent residence in the body, including the brain.
In one study, which examined the tissues of elderly dying of non-infectious causes, found live measles virus in 45% of the bodies examined and 20% of their brains.164,165
These measles viruses were highly mutated, meaning they could result in a number of diseases not normally suspected with measles infection.

I have omitted discussions about vaccine contamination, which is a major problem.
Several studies found a high incidence of microorganism contamination in vaccines made by a number of major pharmaceutical companies, with figures as high a 60% of the vaccines being contaminated.94-99
Bacterial and viral fragments have also been found in a number of vaccines.
While vaccine promoters were quick to assure us that these viral fragments should cause no problem, research says otherwise.
In fact, a non-viable viral fragment implanted in microglia and astrocytes in the brain causes the devastating dementia associated with the HIV virus.167,168
The virus does not infect the brain neurons themselves.
The mechanism proposed is an immunological/excitotoxic-induced toxicity, just as we see with repeated vaccination.
The same mechanism is seen with a number of viruses, including measles viruses, borna virus and the herpes virus.168-172

When brain glial cells or neurons are chronically infected with these viruses (called a persistent viral infection) the smoldering immune/excitotoxic reaction slowly destroys the brain cell connections because the immune system is attempting to destroy the infectious microorganism.
Since it can never kill the organism, the destruction (and intense microglial activation) continues for decades, as we saw in the autistic brain.54
The same can occur with viral fragments, the Lyme disease organism, aluminum and mercury that has accumulated in the brain from either contaminated vaccines or from vaccine additives.
And because excessive vaccination, especially with immune-suppressive viruses, can depress proper immune function, the child is at a greater risk of developing such a persistent viral infection.
Likewise, they are at a greater risk of developing deadly invasive bacterial infections, such as H. Influenza meningitis, pneumococcal and meningiococcal meningitis.
When it occurs, the vaccine promoters scream that we need more vaccines to protect the children, never admitting that it was the vaccine program itself that destroyed the lives of these children.

While a number of people and even physicians, think they desire a universal health care system (a euphemism for socialized medicine), here is something to consider.
The government will use access to health care as a way to mandate vaccinations for all Americans.
Those who refuse any of the mandated vaccines will be denied access to health care, meaning you will not be able to see a doctor or enter a hospital or clinic.

All federal programs will have completion of vaccine mandates as a requirement.
This could be linked to social security, food stamps, housing subsidy programs and other such federal programs.
Remember, they use such tactics now for access to schools and daycare centers.
One may even have to prove that they have had all their required vaccinations before they can use public transportation, such as busses, trains and airplanes.

Another thing to consider is that the communist Chinese are gradually taking over vaccine manufacturing.
In fact, communist China is now the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world .
They have over 400 biopharmaceutical companies busy making vaccines and poor quality drugs for the world.
The FDA admits that it inspects only 1.8% of the 714 drug firms in China and that, according to a GAO study, that FDA inspections may be 13 years apart (it is spaced 2 years apart in the United States).

Even more frightening is that the inspectors must depend on Chinese translators and US companies purchasing these vaccines and pharmaceuticals must, by agreement, have a Chinese communist official serve as its legal representative.
According to the Phyllis Schafly Report, one CEO was quoted as saying “ every piece of information you get (from the Chinese) is suspect.”

With thousands of people dying and getting sick, not only in China, but in hundreds of nations receiving their tainted pharmaceutical products, this means future vaccines will be an even greater danger.
The risk of millions of Americans and others living in the West receiving contaminated vaccines is extremely high.
It could even be done on purpose, since the Chinese communist have declared their intention to defeat the United States.
Infecting over a hundred million Americans with contaminated vaccines would be an easy way to defeat us.
The irony would be that our public officials would have aided them in our destruction.

Parents must appreciate that those in positions of authority are lying to them.
Most pediatricians think they are doing what is right, because they too are victims of years of propaganda by elite members in the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics.
Most truly believe what they are telling parents.
They should wake up and joint the fight to bring some sense to this insane policy.

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