

No.2「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士2

2020年03月14日 10時44分32秒 | ワクチン薬害・副作用: 自閉症・発達障害の原因

No.2「ワクチン、神経発達、及び自閉症スペクトル疾患」ラッセル L. ブレイロック博士2

Immune Suppression By Live Virus Containing Vaccines

It is also known that certain viruses powerfully suppress immunity, such as the measles virus.35
The MMR vaccine contains live measles viruses and recent studies have shown that immune suppression after vaccination with this virus suppresses immunity in a profound way that last as long as six months.36-41
In fact, the CDC recommends separating this vaccine from other live virus vaccines to prevent viral overgrowth (Yet, they combine it with two other live viruses-rubella and mumps viruses).

Yet, they never address the obvious question –wouldn’t this vaccine also make the child more susceptible to other naturally occurring infections such as hemophilus B influenza meningitis, meningococcal meningitis, persistent measles infection, influenza infection and even chickenpox?
しかし、彼らは決して明白な質問をしない。このワクチンも、子供を他の自然に起きる感染にかかりやすくしないのだろうか? 例えばヘモフィラス・インフルエンザ菌タイプB髄膜炎、髄膜炎菌性髄膜炎、持続的な麻疹感染、インフルエンザ感染、そして水痘である。
This has been strongly suggested by a number of studies.42
Not only would they be more susceptible, but severe complications and even death would be more common as well.

When death and severe complications occur due to these infections, pediatricians, the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics use this as a justification for more vaccines, never admitting that the increase incidence of these infections and complications was caused by their previous vaccine recommendations.

This risk is especially high in families with a number of other children in the household or in children in day care centers.
With a prolonged suppressed immune system, exposure to other sick children would put this child at a high risk of contracting the infection and of having complications or dying from the infection as stated.

Studies have also shown that vaccines that cover only a few strains of a virus or bacteria that naturally have a great number of strains (some have over a hundred strains), can cause a shift in strain dominance so that the strain not included in the vaccine then becomes the dominant disease causing strain. We see this with the meningiococcal and pneumococcal vaccines.43-45
This is discussed in the scientific literature but the public is never informed. Most pediatricians are completely unaware of this.

When combined with mercury, which is also an immune suppressing substance, the effect is compounded.
Fluoroaluminum, formed in fluoridated drinking water, also interferes with immune function, as do many insecticides and herbicides used around the home.46

Often forgotten, is the substantial evidence that omega-6 oils powerfully induce inflammation and immune suppression when consumed in large amounts.
Those eating a Western diet are consuming 50-fold higher amounts of this type of oil (called linoleic acid) than needed for health.
These oils include corn, safflower, sunflower, canola, peanut and soybean oils.
So, we see that the average child is exposed to a number of substances in their food and environment that can also alter immunity, making them not only more susceptible to natural infection, but also to vaccine complications.

In essence, by overvaccinating our children, public health officials are weakening their immune system, making them more susceptible to a number of infections and less able to combat the infections.

This gives them an endless source of “horror stories” to justify even more vaccines.
Remember also that mercury is an immune suppressant, that both from vaccines and seafood contamination.

One can see that a pregnant mother having dental amalgam fillings who eats a diet high in methylmercury-containing seafood and living in an area with high atmospheric mercury, such as West Texas, would be at a greater risk of having an autistic child than one not exposed to these other sources of mercury.
These differences in environmental mercury exposure are never considered by those insisting all children have the same vaccines, including mercury-containing vaccines such as the flu vaccine.

The Autistic Prone Child 自閉症を起こしやすい子供

What is becoming obvious is that certain children are at a higher risk of developing autism than others, for a variety of reasons.
It is also obvious that these newborns and small children develop infections at a higher rate than less vulnerable children.
This may be because of a developmental immune deficiency, which can affect only a portion of the immune system and so be easily missed by their pediatrician.
Indeed, it has been noted that a great number of cases of childhood immune deficiencies are missed by practicing pediatricians, especially the more subtle cases, which may make up the majority of ASD-prone children.

For example, many physicians treating autistic children have noted a high incidence of ear infections.
These are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which often lead to a high incidence of Candida overgrowth in the child’s body.
Both infections will prime the microglia in the child’s brain –which is the brain’s specific resident immune cell.
This priming effect shifts these normally resting microglia immune cells into overdrive.47
If stimulated again within weeks or even months, they generate extremely high levels of free radicals, lipid peroxidation products, inflammatory cytokines and two excitotoxins glutamate and quinolinic acid.48
Studies have shown that this is the major mechanism for both viral and vaccine-related brain injury.

The high incidence of infection in these children indicates the possibility of preexisting immune system dysfunction.
As stated, this also increases the risk of an autoimmune reaction.
The stage is then set for the autism cascade to develop and this can be triggered by early vaccination or a recurrent infection.
Remember, the microglia have been primed, either by a natural infection or an earlier vaccination (such as the hepatitis B vaccine given soon after birth).
The vaccine is different from a natural infection in that the vaccine produces brain immune stimulation for very prolonged periods.

It has been proven, in both animal studies and human studies, that systemic infections or immune activation by vaccines, rapidly activate the brain’s microglial system and can do so for prolonged periods.49-53
Once the primed microglia are reactivated by the subsequent vaccination or infection, the microglia activate fully and pour out their destructive elements as discussed above.

With a natural infection, the immune system quickly clears the infection and then shuts off the immune activation, thus allowing repair of what damage was done.
This shutting down of the microglia is very important.
There is evidence that with repeated and excessive vaccine-triggered immune stimulation, the microglia do not shut down.47
This is what was found in the Vargas et al study, in which they examined the brains of 11 autistics from age 5 years to 44 years of age dying without active infectious diseases as compared to age matched controls.54
That is, they found widespread activation of inflammatory cells (microglia and astrocytes) in the brains of the autistic patients.
This explains the widespread brain damage seen in all autism cases.

This study was one of the most carefully conducted, extensive examinations of the immune reactions in the autistic brain ever done and involved immunocytochemistry, cytokine protein assays and enzyme-linked immunoascorbant assays of the brain tissue.
この研究はかつて実施されたものの中で、最も注意深く実施された自閉症の脳の免疫反応の大規模な検証であり、脳組織の免疫細胞化学、サイトカイン・タンパク分析、酵素免疫測定法 ELISAを含んでいた。
They also performed similar assays of spinal fluid from an additional six living autistic patients, which confirmed the intense immune activation and inflammation.

The average child receiving all of the recommended vaccines will have some 23 inoculations by age two years and 36 by the time they enter school.
Most of these will be spaced within one month of each other, which means the priming and activation cycle of the microglia will be continuous.
In addition, should they follow the new CDC recommendation, they will receive the flu vaccine every year starting at age 6 month through age 18 years.
These vaccines contain a full dose of thimerosal mercury.

In addition, we must consider the effect of the measles and rubella portions of the MMR vaccine, which begins at age 1 year.
The profound immune suppression, which last up to 6 months after it is given, will not only increase the risk of developing other infections, but will increase the risk of an autoimmune reaction.
Cytomegalovirus is also a powerful immune suppressing virus that commonly infects newborns and small children, especially if they are immune suppressed.

So, we see that giving a live, immunosuppressant vaccine early in life can dramatically increase the risk of autoimmune disorders, increase microglial brain injury as well as increase the risk of infection by other immune-suppressing viruses and pathogenic organisms.
And, it dramatically increases the risk of your child developing one of the autism spectrum disorders.

It should also be appreciated that the Candida infections in these children trigger a prolonged systemic immune reaction, which means a prolonged brain immune response as well and a worsening of any autoimmune disorder it may have produced..

Seizures and Autism 痙攣と自閉症

It is estimated that 30% to as high as 82% of autistic children develop seizures, depending on the sensitivity of the examination.55-56
Growing evidence indicates that there is a close correlation between brain inflammation (by microglial released inflammatory cytokines and glutamate) and seizures, just as we see with excessive brain immune stimulation with vaccines.
Using lipopolysacchride as a vaccine-based immune stimulant, scientists have induced seizures in experimental animals of various species.57,58

A considerable amount of evidence links excitotoxicity and seizures.
In addition, a number of the newer antiseizure medications work by blocking glutamate receptors or preventing glutamate release.
One of the central mechanisms linking excessive immune stimulation with seizures, as with vaccines, is the induced release of the excitotoxin glutamate and quinolinic acid from immune stimulated microglia and astrocytes.59-61

In many cases these seizures are clinically silent or manifest as behavioral problems, often not recognized by pediatricians as seizures.
Yet, they can alter brain function and eventually result in abnormal brain development.
Even the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes that infants and children with a history of seizure should not be vaccinated.

It is also known that autistic children who regress, that is begin to show a sudden worsening of mental development, have a significantly higher incidence of seizures, both clinical and subclinical, than those who do not regress.
Interestingly, studies have shown that during early brain development after birth the number of glutamate receptors (that trigger the seizures) increase steadily until the age of 2 when it peaks.62
Thereafter they decline in number.
This means that the immature brain is significantly more susceptible to seizures than the more mature brain and this is when your child is being given 23 vaccine inoculations, many of which are associated with a high incidence of seizure.

Let just use the case of the 1 year-old child who is taken by his mother for his vaccines and the pediatrician convinces the mother to allow him/her to give all five vaccines recommended for that age group at that one office visit.
After all, both the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics assures mothers and fathers that it is completely safe to give them all at once.
This not only means that the child’s immune system will be assaulted by 7 different antigens (viruses, three of which are alive) but by five full doses of immune adjuvant –a powerful mix of immune stimulating chemicals.

This intense immune stimulation not only results in a red, swollen and painful site where the shots were given, but a hyperintense activation of the brain’s immune system.
Mothers and fathers are familiar with the high-pitched crying their babies have after such a series of vaccines.
Often, this high pitched crying, lethargy and poor feeding last weeks to months.
This is not due to the pain of the injection, as the pediatrician will assure you, rather it is secondary to brain inflammation –what we call an encephalitic cry.63

Recently, information was released that the combination vaccine by Merck, ProQuid resulted in twice as many seizures as giving the vaccines separately.
This vaccine contains the MMR antigens as well as chickenpox viral antigen (in a dose 5x that of the single vaccine).
The study was conducted by comparing 43,000 kids getting the ProQuid vaccine versus those getting the shots separately.
While they attributed the increased seizures to fever caused by the vaccine, this is only part of the story.

I have seen a number of febrile seizures during my neurosurgical practice and my research indicates that the reason some kids are susceptible to febrile seizures and not others is that the susceptible ones are deficient in neuroprotective nutrients and are often exposed to neurotoxic substances, such as mercury and aluminum, that increase sensitivity to seizures.
Consistently found in the studies of febrile seizures is the presence of low blood sodium levels (called hyponatremia).64

It is known in neurology that very low sodium blood levels can trigger seizures, even in normal people.
It can also result in rapid coma and death, especially in a child.
In the presence of brain inflammation, the incidence of hyponatremic seizures is much higher.
One of the major causes of hyponatremia in infants and small children is the doctor giving IV fluids that contain little or no sodium chloride (salt).
During my practice I constantly tried to convince pediatricians to stop using D5W (5% dextrose and water) as an IV solution in sick children, because it induced seizures.
I am convinced that a significant number of children who died following a meningitis infection actually died of hyponatremia induced by a combination of the infection and the pediatrician giving hypotonic IV fluids (D5W) during treatment.

I will always remember the case of a little girl who developed H. Influenza meningitis and was in a deep coma.
The pediatricians consulted me, suspecting a brain abscess.
This was quickly ruled out.
I noted the child was getting D5W as an IV solution.
A simple blood test demonstrated she had severe hyponatremia.
Because she was comatose, the pediatricians wanted me to let her die.
I refused. 私は拒絶した。
They even went so far as to approach my partners to have them take me off the case.
Fortunately, they refused to intervene.
I corrected her sodium deficiency and she made a good recovery and had no further seizures.

Studies have also shown that glutamate, as MSG, given to small animals with immature nervous systems, also increase the likelihood of seizures from other causes, such as fever.65,66
Excess vaccination, increases brain levels of glutamate.

Keep in mind that the child by age one will already have had 20 vaccine inoculations, each spaced no more than one or two months apart.
This means the brain microglia are maintained in a constant primed state.
Each vaccine increases dramatically the damage done by the previous vaccine series.
One is not surprised that so many vaccinated children develop seizures, often repetitive seizures, or that we have such a high incidence of autism.
And I can assure the elite of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC that over one million autistic children far exceeds the danger measles, mumps, diphtheria, chickenpox, tetanus, rotavirus, HiB meningitis and hepatitis pose to our youth.
Also, keep in mind that for every fully autistic child there are ten times that many with lesser degrees of impairment.
(補足: アメリカの自閉症の発生率は約2.6%、軽度から中程度の脳損傷の子供は約26%、合計約30%の子供が脳損傷を受ける。これはアメリカの後追いをしている日本も同じである。)

Compelling evidence indicates that the death rates from the childhood vaccines fell dramatically in developed countries prior to the mass vaccination programs, as documented in Neil Z. Miller’s book, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?.67
Neil Z. Millerの著書「ワクチン:それは本当に安全で有効か?」で証明されたように、子供のワクチンによる死亡率は、大量ワクチン接種計画の始まる前に、発展途上国では劇的に低下していたことを説得力のある証拠が示している。
(訳者備考: 奇妙な文章。「子供のワクチンによる死亡率は」ではなく、「子供の死亡率は」ではないのか?)
Objective studies attribute the fall in death rates to better nutrition and improved public sanitation.
So, when you hear health authorities warn that stopping the present vaccine program will mean a return of millions of children dead from childhood diseases, they are lying and know they are lying.

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