

Essay代写:Daoist Celestial Worthy

2019-07-25 17:27:15 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Daoist Celestial Worthy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《道家仙人》。本文介绍的是一个来自道教的多彩釉陶俑,名为《道家仙人》,创作于大约1500年至1644年间的明朝北方。它反映了道家追求和平、和谐和启蒙的教义,这是中国明代占主导地位的宗教信仰之一。

The artwork chosen is named Daoist Celestial Worthy, which was produced approximately between 1500 and 1644 in Northern China, the Ming Dynasty. It is a multi-color glazed ceramic figure from Taoism. It reflects the Taoism teachings to pursue peace, harmony, and enlightenment, which was one of the dominant religious beliefs in Ming China. In this visual analysis, the composition, space, and color of the artwork are analyzed.

The ceramic figure features the Emperor of Heaven, one of the highest gods of Taoism. He existed before the birth of the universe, so is respect as the “initiation” (Yuan Shi). When inexorable dooms arrive, the Emperor of Heaven uses the mysterious Tao to enlighten all beings. The Emperor of Heaven in the figure is sitting on top of a blossom of lotus. His eyes are looking down while his hands are gestured as if he is preaching in front of the disciples, the many gods of the universe. The image of the Emperor of Heaven is an observational imitation of the real world as the figure seems to be inspired by real-life Taoism priests and is very much life-like. The figure is more symbolic than narrative. It obviously serves no utility purposes other than decoration. This represents the central Taoism beliefs of integrating religious beliefs into the ordinary life. It is likely that the figure was created for decorating a rich family or even for the royalty.

The three-dimensional freestanding ceramic figure is mainly composed of two main parts, the lotus seat, and the figure of the Emperor of Heaven sitting on top. The overall shape of the entire figure shows a pyramid shape, which brings a sense of harmony and stabilization. The top of the “pyramid” draws immediate focus of the viewer, showing the calm, wise, tranquil face of the Emperor of Heaven. Meanwhile, implicit power and authority is also demonstrated with the look of the figure. The bright colors of the rope and the highly complex lotus draw almost equal amount of attention. These multiple focal points make the figure extremely harmonic and balanced. Most large parts of the figure are symmetrical, yet there are also minor asymmetrical elements added into the figure to make it more lifelike, such as the different gestures of the two hands, and how the rope of the figure hangs naturally at the sides in different ways.

In terms of space, the figure does not actively interact with the space around it. It seems to be a glimpse into the dimension of the heavens. This is first achieved with the expression on the figure’s face. Since it does not look at the horizontal level, it does not actively engage eye contact with the viewer. This creates a sense of “otherness” among the viewers. In order to better engage, the viewers must look up into the eyes of the figure. This naturally determines the divinity of the figure and the religious connotations of it. The use of the lotus seat enhances the sense of disengagement. Instead of letting the figure stand alone or sit without the lotus, the addition of the lotus makes the figure more complete and independent on its own, instead of relying on the physical surroundings. These elements contribute to a unique religious and spiritual space created by the figure, making it fascinating to look at.

Color is one of the most distinguished feature of the artwork. Marigold yellow, light green, dark red, black, and white are the major colors used in the figure. Multicolored porcelain, after hundreds of years of development, finally matured in the Ming Dynasty. It presents a rich, deep, highly saturated, complicated aesthetic appeal of intertwined colors. The high saturation of the colors makes the figure stand out from its surrounding environment. The addition of the marigold yellow at the physical center of the artwork is the vital spark that lights up the entire figure. Although it may be too bright compared to other darker surrounding colors, it definitely creates a strong contrast and focal point for the viewers. Color is a major factor in creating the mood of the artwork, because Taoism believes that the five colors are able to banish evil spirits and symbolize the harmony of the heavens. This is why the saturation of the colors are much higher than the natural colors in real life.

In conclusion, the composition, space, and color of the artwork are the three most distinguishable features. The pyramid and symmetrical shape indicates harmony and stability. The look on the figure’s face and the smart use of the lotus creates an independent religious space. The combination of highly saturated colors with black and white is also balanced yet make the figure pop from real life surroundings. Overall, the artist has successfully accomplished their goal of preaching Taoism beliefs. Looking at the figure, a sense of peace, harmony, tranquility is naturally created.


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Assignment代写:The development of American interest groups

2019-07-25 17:24:00 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The development of American interest groups,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国利益集团的发展。美国自建国来,利益集团经历了几次重要的发展阶段,其发展速度和规模各有不同。从出现之日至今,它经历了漫长的发展过程。在这个过程中,利益集团形成了一套自己的规范和制度,以及影响政治的独特方式和手段,它成为了美国政治的重要组成部分。

American interest groups have a long history. They play an important role in American politics and are closely related to the politics, economy and culture of American society. Therefore, to study American politics, we should study American interest groups. By studying the ways in which American interest groups form, develop, participate in and influence American politics, we can better understand American politics.

Since the founding of the United States, interest groups have gone through several important stages of development, and their development speed and scale are different. Over time, American interest groups have experienced four big developments. From the 19th to the 1860s. During this period, the core interest groups paid attention to the issue of slavery. They took opposing slavery and supporting slavery as targets respectively. Industrial interest groups and agricultural interest groups were established and developed rapidly in succession throughout the country. From the 1870s to the end of the 19th century. The central task of this period is to solve the problem of developing from an agricultural country to an industrial country. During this period, with the development of domestic economy and increasingly sharp social contradictions, the government increased its intervention in the society. In this case, interest groups began to strengthen their influence on the government to protect their own interests, which ushered in the second development of interest groups. The 20th and 1930s. At this time, the United States experienced the second scientific and technological revolution and successfully completed the industrialization. However, the means of production were too concentrated, immigration increased sharply, conflicts among all social strata became increasingly complex, and interests became more divided. The development of interest groups has entered a new stage. From the 1950s to the 1980s. The third scientific and technological revolution brought significant changes to the economic and social life of the United States. During this period, the types and number of interest groups rapidly expanded, and participation in political groups became an effective channel for citizens to express their wishes and actively participate in politics. The main manifestations are: the emergence of a large number of new interest groups; The number of people joining interest groups has increased.

In short, American interest groups have a long history. Since its appearance, it has undergone a long development process. In this process, interest groups have formed a set of norms and systems of their own, as well as unique ways and means of influencing politics, which have become an important part of American politics.

American interest groups can be classified in many ways. First, interest groups can be divided into professional interest groups and non-professional interest groups. Professional interest group is an organization that seeks benefits for its members, such as American labor interest group, also known as "private interest group". On the contrary, the interests of the whole society are not the goals of interest groups, which are also called "public interest groups".

If classified by the pursuit of goals, there are the following types: the pursuit of a single problem, the interests of these interest groups are inseparable but tangible, such as the national rifle association is the representative of this type of interest group; Pursue specific goals, whose interests are divisible and intangible, such as electoral reform; The pursuit of group members' own interests is for the well-being of the people within the interest group, such as improving the people's happiness index; They seek economic benefits. They seek divisible and tangible benefits. The best example is money.

According to the classification of various functions of the community, it can be divided into the following categories: Non-corporate interest groups, no fixed organizations, only rely on religion, race and other social relations to form interest groups; Informal interest groups, namely those unorganized riot groups, mostly take the form of protests and violent conflicts. Institutional interest groups, which are generated by institutional Settings, are mostly related to governments and political parties. Because they are so close to the center of power, they enjoy greater influence.

Lobby directly on behalf of interest groups to contact relevant officials and attend various hearings to express their views and attitudes on relevant issues so that government policies or congressional legislation can protect their interests. Indirect lobbying is to influence national politics through influencing voters, often using propaganda to play a leading role.

Interest groups participate in election activities mainly to provide necessary election funds for the candidate supported by interest groups and fully support the candidate. At the same time, it can help expand the voter base and help the candidate get re-elected. In addition, it can also review and comment on the members of parliament to increase the weight of the candidate.

In the process of legislative discussion and voting, many interest groups exert pressure on the decision-making center, and they use various means to intervene and influence the passage of parliamentary bills. In addition, interest groups also directly influence the legislation through political donations and manipulating public opinion.

American interest groups attach great importance to mass media, including but not limited to television and newspapers. Through these means of communication, interest groups can publicize their positions and propositions on certain issues and try their best to win public understanding and support, thus forming pressure of public opinion.

When interest groups find conventional channels unworkable, they seek other ways to influence policy. If they cannot prevent congress from passing legislation that does not serve their own interests, or if they believe that the executive branch of government has ruled to their detriment, interest groups will Sue the courts for various reasons. In addition, interest groups can influence judicial purposes by influencing court candidates.

In the pluralistic society of the United States, there are people who are alienated and marginalized by the public, and the government cannot give consideration to all classes in its decision-making, which leads to the unbalanced distribution of social benefits, and the ultimate destruction of social order, resulting in social unrest. Interest groups organize these people into a group and provide marginalized citizens with a channel to express their interests, which not only solves social problems, but also ensures that people do not riot and social stability.

In the diversified society of the United States, some people are alienated and marginalized by the public, and the government's decision-making cannot balance all people, which will lead to unbalanced distribution of social benefits and cause social unrest. Interest groups organize these people into a group, enabling more people to raise political awareness, expand political participation and provide channels for marginalized citizens to participate in politics. It not only solves social problems, but also ensures social stability.

The United States is a representative country. Limited by elections, the legislature cannot accommodate the interests of all people, while interest groups can safeguard the interests of some neglected people. From this perspective, interest groups make up for the shortcomings of some party systems, reflecting the more democratic side of American politics.

Through a large number of interviews and surveys, interest groups process the acquired information in a systematic way, which can provide practical analysis and assessment reports, and then help decision-makers make more accurate judgments. To some extent, it compensates for the asymmetry of government decision-making information and plays an important role in balancing and supplementing government decision-making.

Economically powerful interest groups can use political donations to help their proxies win elections. In return, they will facilitate legislation for interest groups once elected. However, for the weak interest groups, they are unable to provide a large amount of political contributions and powerful agents. These interest groups usually represent the interests of the poor, and they are often not dominant when competing with the upper interest groups, which all result in political injustice.

Interest groups participate in political activities to safeguard their own interests. If there are differences in the formulation of a certain policy, the two parties with differences will adopt various means to delay or even modify the already formed policy. This will cause the government to work inefficiently, even the normal work will be affected.

Influenced by the American electoral system, interest groups can provide candidates with campaign funds and campaign funds to influence the election results and thus facilitate future lobbying. This kind of political behavior, in which the interest group helps the candidate and provides him with campaign funds, and the candidate gives political feedback to the interest group after the successful election, gradually forms the "money politics" in the United States. Such political behavior will inevitably lead to the destruction of the American democracy and lead to corruption.

Interest groups can finance a candidate's campaign and then influence the outcome of the election to benefit future lobbying. Interest groups cooperate with candidates in both directions. Interest groups assist candidates and candidates provide political convenience to interest groups. Such behavior will inevitably lead to corruption and corrodes the democratic politics of the United States.

American interest group is the product of American political and economic development, and its existence is closely related to American economy, politics, history and culture. The legal environment and party system create extremely favorable conditions for creating interest groups, and the government also encourages and supports the development of interest groups to some extent, because the government needs the financing of large interest groups. The process of American interest groups participating in the political decision-making of the United States is successful. It is inseparable from the prosperity of the United States economy, but its negative influence is also worthy of attention. The negative influence of interest groups will become a stumbling block to the development of the United States.


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2019-07-25 17:21:05 | 日記






很多留学生在写作时,总喜欢把每个句子写得很复杂,不是关系代名词which、that满地跑,就是倒装句型(例如:no sooner did I come home…)充斥,让人看了雾飒飒。英语论文网认为,虽然写作时不要整篇都用差不多的句型,这样会让文章显得乏味,但这并不是说写作时必须每一句都用复句、合句等,因为若整篇文章的每一句都是关系子句,读起来反而很吃力,且如同第二个迷思,句子愈复杂便愈容易出错,反而弄巧成拙;倒不如在写作时让大部分的句子是简单适切的短句或简单句,偶尔再穿插几句复句、合句。









Paper代写:The restaurant technology

2019-07-25 17:17:28 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The restaurant technology讨论了餐厅技术。本文介绍了4种餐厅技术。3D打印,通过将3D打印技术运用到餐饮中,让食物变得更有趣味性,让用餐体验更具互动性。另外,通过使用互动触摸桌,消费者可以在没有服务员的情况下自己下单结账,这降低了招聘员工的成本,让消费者在自助服务中感到更加舒适。在寿司传送带,人们可以直接买到食物,不用点餐,这种有效的方法非常适合那些匆忙的人。餐厅还可以通过使用烹饪和服务机器人获得更多的利润和成本节约。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

8 advanced restaurant technologies are introduced in this video, they are creative, efficient and thoughtful. As far as I concerned, 4 advanced restaurant technologies are more attractive to me as following.

3D Printing: 3D Printing technology is seems like the magic, food is created by this technology, even the furniture. By using 3D Printing technology into catering, the restaurant successfully make the food to be more interested, and make the dining experience to be more interactive. For consumers, people could enjoy a considerable special meal in the restaurant, not only the delicious food, but also the new integration of culture.

Interactive Table: By using the interactive touch table, consumers could make order and check out by themselves without any waiters or waitresses. For the restaurant, this restaurant technology benefits to reduce the cost of hiring staff. Meanwhile, interactive table benefits consumers to feel more comfortable by the self-service, and people could also make payments without any tips. Furthermore, especially for travelers, when foreign tourists travel to other countries, making order with other languages is very difficult to them. However, interactive touch table can effectively resolve this issue, since that travelers can watch photos of meals and touch the screen to order by themselves.

Sushi Conveyor Belts: People who come to the restaurant with sushi conveyor belts could directly get food and have meal without ordering. This effective way quite fits to people who is in hurry, such as white-collar workers with very short lunch break. Besides, compared to ordering by the menu, foods are presented on the sushi conveyor belts, this way is more attractive to consumers by the intuitive sense. What is more, by using the conveyor belts, people could take and have food at any time, this technology could also avoid waste.

Cooking and Service Robots: Without hiring staff, the restaurant could have more profits and cost savings by using cooking and service robots. On the other side, compared to the cook, the performance of cooking robot could be more stable, since that robot cook with the standard program without any human factors. Therefore, consumers can enjoy the delicious food as always from the cooking robots. Furthermore, restaurant which uses cooking and service robots is unique to attract more consumers to come.


Essay代写:UIUC undergraduate accounting education

2019-07-25 17:13:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- UIUC undergraduate accounting education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了UIUC的本科会计教育。UIUC的会计教育在美国非常出名,这与其严谨科学的教学过程以及创新多样的教学方法密不可分。UIUC的本科会计教育包含了36门专业课程。以开放的学生研讨课程为起点,并以论文研究作为四年本科会计学习的终点。学生除了完成会计的专业课程,还需要在四年内完成全校的必修课程、通识教育课程、非母语类语言课程、商学院核心课程以及其他一些选修课程。

UIUC accounting education ranks the second in the United States in 2016 US News, which is closely related to its rigorous and scientific teaching process and innovative and diverse teaching methods. UIUC's undergraduate accounting education includes 36 specialized courses. 6 to open the student seminar course as a starting point, and the thesis research as the end of four years of undergraduate accounting study. In addition to completing specialized courses in accounting, a student is required to complete all required courses, general education courses, non-native language courses, business school core courses and other elective courses in four years as a gis member. 7 for each course, the school has given a very detailed course introduction, credit setting and some prerequisites for course selection, to help students according to their own personal interests and hobbies, in the progressive order of accounting knowledge under the premise of choosing suitable for their own personal course selection plan.

According to the four-year course arrangement, UIUC's undergraduate accounting education can be divided into four stages. The first stage is to master the basic accounting theory. Study the basic theory of accounting, including the basic role of accounting information in establishing organizational goals and developing optimal strategies. This part of the study of accounting knowledge focuses on the role of information in the formation of contractual relations in the development of organizational operations and the irreplaceable utility of organizational execution and monitoring. This stage of learning can promote students' self-discovery of knowledge and develop students' various professional skills and qualities.

The second stage is the construction of accounting knowledge framework. The construction of knowledge framework must be based on certain theoretical basis. At this stage, students have a clear understanding of the basic principles of accounting and the meaning and purpose of learning accounting, and can more specifically enter the study of accounting measurement methods and decision-making. Accounting measurement method to evaluate the behavior of the organization through financial indicators, which is conducive to the organization's internal and external personnel to make decisions; The concepts of economics, statistics and psychology also emphasize the use of quantitative techniques to understand uncertainty and risk. At this stage, students can learn and digest relevant knowledge by themselves through projects and working groups. The above quantitative measurement method is used to help relevant personnel evaluate organizational behavior and make decisions based on it. When students master the measurement method, they will learn how it helps relevant internal and external personnel to make evaluations and how to establish a complete measurement and evaluation system. The regulatory theory and practice of accounting information is an important part of the whole accounting knowledge framework, which makes accounting procedures follow rules and apply to accounting reports, taxes and all regulated business activities. In addition to external regulatory controls, students are exposed to internal controls within the organization. To achieve the organization's goals, students learn the conceptual basis of control and how to apply analytical tools to evaluate the organization's control environment. In addition to basic accounting knowledge, accounting related courses, such as tax law, public policy principles, database design and management, and analysis and design of information system, also help students to build a complete framework of accounting knowledge.

The third stage focuses on the examination of accounting results and the assurance of accounting information quality. Through systematic introduction of various methods to ensure the quality of accounting information, focus on credibility and enhance relevance to provide assurance services. To ensure the quality of accounting information is the premise of the current accounting standards and their application of proficiency, the focus is based on the relevance of basic business transactions, business complexity, in dealing with the relevant business with the consistency of the standards, the universality of the standards to select part of the standard content for in-depth study. At the same time, students will also understand and evaluate the framework for ensuring audit standards in the service profession. The financial reporting model provides an overview of the types of information the company disseminates to external users and provides a direction for determining the professional standards area for the future development of auditing standards, which is also the knowledge that students need to master.

The fourth stage emphasizes the comprehensive application and deep learning of the knowledge learned in the first three stages. For example, the financial analysis course requires students to learn to use financial information. Learn to collect, process and exchange financial information; To learn the measurement of assets, liabilities, owners' equity and income and the design of accounting system; In-depth study of valuation procedures, accounting income calculations, and special accounting reporting issues for multi-entity organizations. The management accounting course includes management as part of the enterprise information system, helping students understand cost accounting and budget accounting for planning and controlling business operations. There are a wide variety of courses at this stage, which maximally encourages students to choose their interests, such as tax, auditing, financial statement analysis, etc., for further study. It not only helps students to find the material and direction for their graduation thesis, but also promotes students to better adapt to the accounting study at the master's level in the future.

UIUC undergraduate accounting education process presents a high degree of autonomy and diversity. The traditional teacher-led classroom teaching model has been replaced by the student-led, teacher-guided and evaluative model. Before class, students need to have a general understanding of what they have learned by reading relevant accounting cases and materials provided by teachers. If you have any questions, bring them to class for answers. Driven by such a thirst for knowledge, students' enthusiasm and participation in class can be well mobilized. In class, the teacher is not eager to answer questions. Instead, he tries to find out the answers through the thought collision between students and the appropriate guidance of the teacher through the form of group discussion.

The form of group discussion is quite common in student-led interactive classes, which can not only cultivate team awareness, but also enhance communication skills. However, there are certain restrictions in the specific operation, such as the number of students in the class should not be too large, and the student group presents diversity. The accounting class of UIUC satisfies the two conditions exactly at the same time: the small-class teaching of 30-40 students makes the number of groups not too large, which is convenient for teachers to supervise the process and conduct on-site guidance one by one. Each group of 5 or 6 students should be able to participate fully in the discussion and express their opinions. The diversity of student groups is mainly reflected in the internationalization of students. A high proportion of international students is the characteristic of UIUC accounting major. Such inclusive and open atmosphere can enhance the effect of group discussion.

In addition, project-oriented teaching is also a major feature of UIUC accounting teaching. Project orientation is a vocational characteristic of accounting, and integrating this characteristic into the course teaching will help students better link the study in school with the practice in the future. This teaching method requires students to start from theoretical background research according to a given project, independently learn relevant knowledge, and cultivate professional ability and quality of accounting by completing project objectives. The learning of students not only refers to the learning in class, how to extend the learning process from the classroom to the extracurricular, so that students can be interested in the content of in-depth learning anytime and anywhere is also the teaching method to think about. For example, in the course of tax and business strategy offered by UIUC, students need to fully understand the tax law and its influence and how it interacts with business decisions. In order to deepen students' understanding of tax law, the school provides a platform for students to explore specific areas of tax law in more depth than traditional courses. Accounting is a highly practical subject, integrating accounting theory into practical operation is an important task of accounting teaching. In addition to classroom teaching, UIUC also offers specialized accounting internship courses. This course requires students to work as interns in public accounting firms, enterprises or other off-campus organizations, combining formal learning experience in accounting practice to apply theoretical knowledge to practical practice. Before the internship, students need to obtain the approved learning plan and learning experience summary report in advance, and carry out relevant practical activities in a planned and purposeful way, so as to ensure the quality and effect of the internship.

The success of UIUC undergraduate accounting education is closely related to its long history and excellent educational concepts. In the history of UIUC accounting, written by the late NORTON Bedford, emeritus professor and former President, he mentioned, "the success of teachers in sensing the changing accounting information needs of enterprises, governments, individuals and other social entities is the main reason for the success of the department." Since the reform of undergraduate accounting education was promoted in 1980s, its undergraduate accounting education level has been continuously improved and improved. Nowadays, UIUC undergraduate accounting education has formed the undergraduate accounting education system concerned by the United States and even the world, presenting various characteristics.

The purpose of UIUC undergraduate accounting education is to prepare students for entering the accounting industry, and it emphasizes that such preparation is independent of later professional study. If you want to enter the accounting industry, in addition to learning basic accounting knowledge, such as organizational behavior, business activities and accounting practices, it is also essential to cultivate professional qualities of accounting personnel. The professional qualities of accountants include professional ethics, intelligence, interpersonal communication and communication skills. For example, freshman accounting students are required to choose "business ethics", a course that introduces business school students to professional responsibilities. The course explains the concept of professional responsibility in the context of personal and interpersonal relationships, and then extends this concept to the context of business and global business. The programme also provides an understanding of ethical decision-making through an introduction to different business school majors and career paths. Develop students' sense of professional identity and skills, and develop students to represent colleges and universities with integrity and confidence. This introductory basic course can help students get familiar with the major as soon as possible in a concise and intuitive way and cultivate a favorable impression of the major, so as to make full preparations for entering the accounting field.

