


2019-07-24 17:31:59 | 日記




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Paper代写:The application of green environmental protection in environmental design

2019-07-24 17:30:50 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The application of green environmental protection in environmental design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绿色环保在环境设计中的应用。随着社会、科技等不断的发展,人们对于室内环境提出了更高的要求,追求绿色环保。通过对材料的严格选择,对清洁能源的应用,对装饰材料的合理搭配,对绿色植物应用,和使用环境检测的方法,使室内装饰设计更好的满足居民的生活需求。

Today's society is a fast pace, rapid development of technology society, our requirements for home is not just stay in a simple living. It's more about quality and comfort. In order to make our home more comfortable, we need to further increase the function of environmental protection in the process of interior decoration, so that the interior decoration design can better meet the living needs of modern people. In order to have a clearer understanding of environmental protection, this research is hereby conducted.

Material selection plays an important role in the process of interior decoration design, and it is also a kind of embodiment of interior decoration. A famous designer once said, "Only by dealing with the right materials in the right way can people's needs be satisfied in an honest and beautiful way." This also shows that materials are also an important factor in interior design. The application of materials plays an important role in human health and indoor environment. This requires us to ensure the environmental protection and greenness of materials to the maximum extent when purchasing materials. Generally speaking, we prefer green ten-ring materials. At the same time, in the selection of materials, the safety, energy conservation, environmental protection, green to the greatest extent. We have to make sure that the materials are used in a way that doesn't harm people, but also meets people's needs.

With today's technology, most building materials can't be recycled. But in the work at the same time will be applied to a large number of decorative materials, and to ensure that its decorative effect, also can not cut corners on its. Therefore, it requires us to control the use of resources at the same time of operation so as to achieve effective conservation of natural resources. And must strictly abide by the ecological principle, guarantees the ecological balance. In the principle of ensuring benefits, we should make full use of all materials and avoid extravagance and waste of materials as much as possible, so as to effectively control the cost of the project. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to its environmental protection, which requires us to make rational use of natural resources, avoid excessive consumption of resources to the greatest extent, and ensure the recycling of building materials to ensure their economic benefits.

In the process of decoration, we need to make full use of natural materials, so as to achieve energy conservation. In the specific design process, we need to deeply explore how to realize more effective use of natural resources such as wood, water, ventilation and light. In the process of decoration design, it is necessary to carry out more in-depth research on energy-saving issues and comprehensive problems of utilization, try to choose energy-saving lamps and lanterns, and try to use natural light when carrying out indoor lighting operations, so that today's light pollution problem can be effectively controlled. In the process of decoration design and space organization, natural materials and various natural elements should be applied more effectively to ensure the reasonable creation of living and working environment. First of all, modern science and technology developed a variety of new materials, including heat insulation, fire wall dimming glass heat absorption glass, application performance is more superior. If it can be applied effectively in interior design, the dual nature of lighting and heat preservation can be realized to a certain extent, and the energy consumption can be greatly reduced. Secondly, in the process of interior decoration, it is necessary to reduce the waste of resources as much as possible. Through the reuse of waste materials, the design of some products can be achieved. In the selection of decoration materials, the need to ensure that its pollution, non - toxic, indoor environment for more effective protection. In the process of carrying out specific decoration, it is necessary to avoid the application of unnecessary decoration materials, so as to effectively control harmful gases.

At present, China's decoration industry has gradually realized the popularization of various clean energy and natural energy. When using clean energy to design the indoor and outdoor space environment of buildings, air pollution and carbon dioxide can be effectively controlled. The application of clean energy can not only achieve green development, but also better meet the country's sustainable development needs and make a contribution to environmental protection. When it can be implemented effectively, environmental hazards can be avoided to a large extent, thus realizing ecological development of indoor and outdoor environmental design. Currently, clean energy sources include geothermal energy, solar energy, chemical energy, water energy and wind energy. The application of wind energy does not pollute the environment and can achieve continuous regeneration. Solar energy resources are currently the most widely used natural energy, can be unlimited free application, at the same time, there is no need to transport, more will not cause pollution to the environment, has a high utilization value. Nowadays, many rural areas are using biogas. Biogas can not only save property, but also have no pollution to the environment.

When carrying out interior decoration design, it is necessary to ensure the reasonable collocation of decoration materials. Then we can use the appropriate amount of plant furniture. At the same time, the ventilation and bearing capacity of interior space should be fully considered in interior decoration design. This can effectively improve air quality and meet residents' comfort needs.

In the interior decoration design work, the effective application of green plants can achieve more effective air purification and regulation. A scholar studies discovery, the plant has extremely powerful function, can purify indoor air effectively. Greenery has the effect that adjusts indoor temperature, humidity in decorating, purify indoor air, improve indoor space microclimate. Through the reasonable arrangement of green plants indoors, people's living environment can be effectively improved, and the distance between people and nature can be reduced to a certain extent. In addition, flowers and trees have a good sound absorption effect. Better indoor afforest can reduce the energy of noise, if be close to door window to decorate afforest to still can cut off the noise that enters indoor effectively. And green plants can also absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, clean the air in the room. Therefore, we should try to avoid putting too many plants in the bedroom, affecting the normal breathing of residents.

Buying a house has become a craze nowadays. What we should pay attention to is that when you finish the decoration of the acquisition of good furniture ready to carry a bag, we must ask professional authorities to carry out indoor air quality inspection after decoration, in order to ensure the safety of check-in. Only after the professional authority instrument testing to know whether the indoor air quality after decoration standards, whether it will cause harm to our body. Once the test is not qualified, it is recommended not to rush to move in, open more Windows for ventilation, so that toxic and harmful gas emissions. Even if the indoor air quality after decorating is up to standard, often open a window ventilated after also wanting to be in, put the green plant that can absorb the harmful gas such as formaldehyde or air purifier indoors, in order to assure indoor air quality. If the air quality does not meet the safety requirements of living for a long time, it will cause very serious consequences, such as air poisoning, low firmness of materials resulting in injuries and other conditions.

In a word, through strict selection of materials, application of clean energy, reasonable collocation of decorative materials, application of green plants and use of environmental detection methods, interior decoration design can better meet the living needs of residents.


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2019-07-24 17:29:13 | 日記

1. Presenting your own point of view


I strongly believe that...

To my mind...

As I see it....

It seems to me evident/obvious that...

I feel that...

I think/contend that...

There are many reasons why…

It is important/necessary to point out that…

The first thing to be considered is…

It is a fact that…

2. Supporting your view and adding more information:


The first/second reason why…is…


not only ...but also...

The most important…

In addition, …

Furthermore, …

What is more, …

Another reason is …

A further point is …

3. Stating your own position on a Subject or Topic


This paper aims at...

This paper will be concerned with...

The aim of this paper is to…

The point of this article is to…

It shall be argued in this paper/essay/review that…

The view presented in this paper/essay/review is that..

4. Agreeing with the Views of Others


I agree with the authors ideas/thoughts...because...

I think the author's views are accurate...because...

Chomsky (1965, p. 133) is certainly/may be correct/accurate in saying that … because…

As Chomsky (1965, p. 133) says/states …

Like Chomsky (1965, p. 133), it can be agreed that …. because…

5. Disagreeing with the Views of Others


Chomsky (1965, p. 133) fails to address the issue when he says "…" because …

When Chomsky (1965, p. 133) argues that …. his reasoning is questionable because….

One of the main arguments against Chomsky (1965, p. 133) and Harris (1970, p. 1) is that …

Harris (1970) approach/position/methods is/are somewhat inadequate/inaccurate/insufficient because…

There is some doubt that…

6. Stating the view of Another Person on a Subject or Topic


Harris's approch (1970, p. 1) can be described as follows...

Chomsky (1965, p. 133) maintains/argues/asserts/claims/points out that...

The authors views ca be stated as follows...

The opinion of Chomsky (1965, p. 133) is that…

Chomsky (1965, p. 133)) has suggested that ….

According to Smith (1992, p. 123), …

It is thought by some theorists, for example, Chomsky (1965, p. 133) and Harris (1970, p. 1) that…

7. Indicating a Lack of Knowledge in a Particular Topic or Subject


Despite the book's attempts to... it lacks accuracy...

What I find lacking in the research is...

Although the research has tended to focus on…..rather less attention has been paid to…

Most studies, such as Harris (1970, p. 1) and Chomsky (1965, p. 133) have emphasized/concentrated on/focused on inadequate /insufficient….

8. Drawing a Conclusion Using the Work of Others


To sum up, ...

In a nutshell, ...

As a conclusion, ...

As a summary, ...

All in all, ...

To conclude, ...

Based on these authors, a connection can be made between…

it c an be concluded from what Jones (2004, p. 2) and Smith (2002, p. 1) have stated that... is …

When Smith’s (2001, p.52) work/paper is looked at closely, it is seen that…

One outcome of Smith’s (2001, p.52) work/paper/research is …



Paper代写:The Painted Veil

2019-07-24 17:27:37 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The Painted Veil讨论了小说《彩色的面纱》。《彩色的面纱》创作于1925年,这是毛姆唯一一部以故事情节而不是人物形象为契机发展而成的小说。《彩色的面纱》以主人公凯蒂和她的丈夫以及总督助理查理·汤森三人的爱情纠葛为线索,以英国殖民地香港及中国某城市为背景,勾画了形形色色英国人的形象,并且描写了30年代中国的生活风貌。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Painted Veil was maugham's only novel that developed its story rather than its characters. Experts and scholars at home and abroad have studied maugham's works from different angles, but few scholars have deeply studied the theme of modernism. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the modernist themes embodied in the work, including alienation, disillusionment, death and the pursuit of self-identity, so as to deepen the readers' deep understanding of the work.

William somerset maugham is a famous British novelist, dramatist and short story writer, who is recognized as "one of the most popular writers writing in English in the 20th century". His works are famous for their sharp irony, rich thoughts and profound human insight. The Painted Veil, written in 1925, is his only novel to develop The features of The story rather than The characters.

Modernism is considered to be one of the most influential ideas in the west in the 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the chaotic and turbulent social situation, the unprecedented development of industrial material civilization on the alienation of human nature and the rise of modernism trend of thought had a profound impact on maugham's works. The main theme of modernism is to reveal deeply the sense of alienation, anxiety and disillusionment. Maugham's Painted Veil mainly focuses on the following themes: alienation, disillusionment, death and The pursuit of self-identity and other modernist themes.

Mrs. Justine is a cold, cruel, calculating, ambitious woman. Mr. Justin is hard working but headstrong. Although Mrs Justine despises her husband, she can only rise to the top and raise her social status through him. So she always tried to drive him to her own liking and beat him without mercy until he gave in. For nearly thirty years, he has played the role of a faithful husband. Despite his reluctance, Mr. Justine never disparaged his wife. Although they always pretend to get along well with each other, in fact they are far from each other and their marriage is very cold. Mrs. Justin passed away from her illness. Mr. Justin should have felt the loss of his wife. But when Katie returns home, she senses "a relief, a heartfelt relief" that her father wants to hide, and she feels his freedom from her mother's spiritual oppression. His wife's death was a great relief to him and set him free. They seem to respect each other, mutual respect and love of marriage is behind each other's disgust and indifference.

For years, Justin supported the family with food and clothing, but was despised by his family because his modest income could not provide a more luxurious life. "His daughters never saw him as a father, only as a moneybag. It was only natural that he should bear the indignity of feeding and clothe his daughters. His daughters, who had been indifferent to him before, now regard him even less with his miscalculation and his diminished fortune." His two daughters regarded him only as a source of income, and never showed their love for their father. They feel an angry contempt for their fathers, who they believe do not earn enough to live in luxury. For them, Mr. Justin is more like a stranger. In the relationship between parents and children, there is no affection, only money.

The relationship between Katie and the dorothy sisters was also very cold. Katie was born beautiful and pretty, while her sister dorothy was plain. Mrs Justin has been pinning her hopes on Katie to marry a young, rich husband. Dorothy had lived for many years under the aura and superiority of her sister, and there was competition between the two sisters. Katie is over 25 and still unmarried. However, her sister dorothy was engaged to a rich surgeon. Dorothy's engagement was a great defeat to her old pride and superiority. Katie avoids her mother's censure and fears that her sister will marry before her, so she marries walter in a hurry.

Justin's family seems to be happy, but in fact the family relationship is not harmonious. The marital relationship between husband and wife is very cold, and the affection between parents and children and sisters is very distant.

Mrs Justine's father, a barrister, was expected to become a Lord chancellor, but his indecision left her angry and disappointed. At the time, it was difficult for women to earn a living professionally, so ambitious Mrs Justine had to marry her way to success. Her father says Mr. Justin has a great future. So she married Mr. Bernard Justine. At first she pinned her hopes on her husband. Despite his hard work, Mr. Justin hasn't made much progress in his career over the years. He's still a solicitor. She later discovered that her husband was not as ambitious as she had thought. As a result, she felt frustrated and disappointed. Her hopes of realizing her dream through marriage were dashed. So Mrs Justine can only put her hopes on her pretty daughter.

Katie married rashly in order to avoid her mother's blame and to be equal to her betrothed sister. The marriage between her and walter was very utilitarian and did not have a solid emotional foundation. As the two have very different personalities, no common interests, no common language, Katie soon realized that marrying walter was a wrong decision. When she meets the elegant and handsome assistant governor townsend, she has an affair with townsend. She thought townsend was perfect. She thought townsend was her ideal husband and their real love. As she negotiates with her husband after the affair is discovered, Katie proudly declares her love for townsend and prides herself on finding true "happiness." "He loved me with all his heart, and when he loved me passionately, I loved him back. Now that you know, I'm not going to deny anything. Why should I deny it? We've been in love for a year and I'm proud of it." But when Katie learns that her husband is taking her to mei tan mansion, where the plague is happening. She went to townsend with high hopes, hoping to marry him and get rid of the current difficulties, but townsend refused and abandoned her mercilessly. "It's certainly not an incident. But you know you want me to divorce the wife I trust so much, and then marry you and ruin my career. You want too much." For townsend, his love affair with Katie was just to satisfy his ugly passions. When their affair was discovered, his first thought was whether his career would be affected, regardless of Katie's plight. Eventually, Katie learns who townsend really is. She is only a doll and a victim in townsend's heart. Desperate Katie could only agree to go with her husband to the plague-ravaged meitan mansion. After Katie arrives at damtan hall, Walton's words reveal townsend's false face. He knew townsend very well. "he did a little philandering at times, but not too much. This man is so spooky that he dare not make it too obvious to get into trouble. He was not, of course, an emotional man, but vain. He likes to be adored. After listening to waddington's analysis, Katie saw through townsend's hypocrisy. As a result, Katie is not only ashamed and remorseful about her previous shameful behavior, but her shallow knowledge of townsend turns into a painful disillusionment.

When walter finds out about Katie's affair with townsend, he gives her the choice of either accompanying him to meitan house to deal with the cholera outbreak, or he files for divorce. After walter and Katie arrived at the pool hall, he buried himself in his work, often late into the night. He risked his life as a doctor's patient. At first, he made the offer in retaliation for his wife's infidelity. However, as time went by, their disharmonious relationship gradually eased. Katie tried to get him to take away his hatred. Walter was gradually inclined to forgive her. He said to Cathy, "surely you know that by bringing you here I am forgiving the fault."

As their relationship gradually eases, unfortunately, walter becomes infected with cholera. Before walter died, Katie heart only one idea, only want to try their best to let walter pull out of his soul hatred, let him peace of mind to die. 'walter, I beg you to forgive me.' "I am deeply sorry for the wrong I have done to you. "I beg you to forgive me. I have no opportunity now to show my repentance. Have mercy on me, and I beg you to forgive me." Walter's death played a positive role in Katie's development. Faced with death, she began to reflect, found before the act is so absurd shame. When her husband died, she did not focus on her own happiness as before. She did not think of herself at all, but deeply repented of her fault, begged her husband's forgiveness, and wanted walter to remove his resentment and reconcile with her before he died.

Mrs. Justin is a cruel and domineering woman. All her efforts and calculations in her life are to achieve her ambition. Her family is even seen as a tool to realize her dreams and ambitions. Although she was an ambitious woman, she ultimately failed to realize her ambitions. When Katie got home, she saw her mother lying on the bed with her hands tenderly crossed across her chest. She could not bear such a posture for the rest of her life. Cathy felt a touch of compassion for her mother as she watched the cruel, domineering woman lying quietly, her insignificant goals thwarted by death. She suddenly realized that her mother had spent her whole life planning and calculating, and that what she wanted to achieve was something of no value or significance. The death of her mother triggered Katie's meditation on the meaning of life, and she began to think about the true meaning of her life.

Katie's life in mei tan mansion starts her self-awakening and self-growth journey. Before she got there, Katie didn't have a clear understanding of myself. She didn't understand the meaning of life, nor did she know the ideals and goals of life. The abbess and sister saint Joseph had a profound influence on Katie's self-growth. Visiting the monastery for the first time, Katie sees nuns risking their lives caring for cholera patients and orphans. She was moved by the selflessness of the nuns. She began to realize that there were many people in the world who needed help and that there were many meaningful things worth doing. At the same time, she found out how selfish she had been and felt guilty for her shameful behavior. The convent work not only gave Katie an unprecedented sense of accomplishment, but also made her life more meaningful. "Katie had a strange feeling that she was growing up. Constant busyness distracts her mind, and peeping into other people's lives, other people's visions awakens her imagination." Deeply touched by the optimism and self-sacrifice of the abbess and sister saint Joseph, Katie gradually understood the true meaning of life.

Katie's personal growth is also reflected in her changing attitude towards her father. In the past, Katie saw her father as a source of income, not a relative. She never really cared about her father. When Katie comes home, she is filled with guilt and remorse as she looks at her old, lonely father. "She dimly saw all the pain that had been in her father's heart for thirty years." "My heart is heavy to think that we have squeezed you all our lives and never received anything in return. I'm afraid you've been having a hard time. Would you like me to make amends? ' cars only She realized that her father had never owed her anything, and had been shouldering the responsibilities of the family without complaining for years. In order to make up for her past mistakes, she decided to accompany her father to the Bahamas to take care of her aged father with filial piety.

After experiencing the hardships of life, Katie has grown up. She spoke to her father about her unborn daughter's hopes and clearly planned her future. Katie's daughter means her expectations for a new life in the future. She regrets that she always wanted to live by men before, but neglected her independent personality and life value. She wanted to raise her daughter well, to set her free, to stand on her own two feet. "I am determined that my daughter will not go through what I did. I want to make her fearless and open-minded. I want to cultivate her into an independent person, a person who can control their own destiny; I will make her live as a free man, and she shall live better than I. ' She wants her children to face life bravely and want her to be independent and free. She also told him that no matter what life was going to be like, no matter what would happen, she would welcome it with hope and courage, with a light heart.

Vanity superficial Katie only see the superficial surface of life, she never see the essence of life. As a teenager, she failed to appreciate her father's upbringing. In the marriage, she ignored her husband's considerate care, until she experienced the failure of marriage and witnessed the death, the gorgeous veil before her eyes was lifted, and she really found her own identity.


Essay代写:Doctor zhivago

2019-07-24 17:24:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Doctor zhivago,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了小说《日瓦戈医生》。《日瓦戈医生》是一部集诗、文、译为一体的经典之作,曾获得诺贝尔文学奖。小说《日瓦戈医生》是对爱和尊重等情感题材最大限度的还原,作品通过爱的故事引导人们对小说中的事件进行反思,因而其在很大程度上具有十分重要的社会价值和教育意义。另外,小说还运用了独特的艺术手法将小说情节中富有诗意的人物形象充分地表现出来,这也赋予了小说更多的浪漫色彩和神秘感,提升了整部小说的艺术魅力。

Doctor zhivago, a classic work of poetry, literature and translation, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. The novel doctor zhivago is the greatest reduction of love and respect and other emotional themes. The work guides people to reflect on the events in the novel through love stories, so it has very important social value and educational significance to a large extent. Doctor zhivago USES unique artistic techniques to fully present the poetic characters in the plot of the novel, which also endows the novel with more romantic colors and mysterious sense and enhances the artistic charm of the whole novel.

In the whole novel, the author runs the poetic theme throughout the whole text, and USES a unique way of expression to shape the characters, so as to maximize the poetic expression of the full text. Zhivago has a special liking for poetry and is good at applying poetic words to his novels. For example, lala, with typical independent personality, embodies the strong and unyielding characteristics of that era. In the novel, zhivago appeared in the public view as a doctor. In fact, he was also a poet who was deeply concerned about his country and people. However, his tragic life was also shaped by his characteristics of being deeply concerned about his country and people. The story plots and characters in the novel all embody a kind of poetic aesthetic feeling virtually. The characters' strong and unyielding spiritual quality is embodied in three dimensions through the poetic expression of words, which is also the key factor of casting classic novels.

In the novel's character setting, zhivago is both a poet and a doctor, which lays a foundation for the poetic expression of the novel's theme. At the same time, the background of zhivago's time also had double characteristics, the tars Russia was faced with the choice between prosperity and decline. Against this backdrop, zhivago made a poetic vow at his funeral -- to be a doctor to others, a poet to himself. In the spirit, the poet is concerned about the country and the people, and at the same time has the sense of responsibility of doctors. This dual identity zhivago characters under the poetic expression appears more noble and brave fearless, zhivago own efforts and dedication to explain the difference between humans and other creatures, humans in the human society needs more love and care, to make society more poetic, let the life become poetic, is more meaningful to make the life cycle of reincarnation.

In the description of the novel, the growth process of zhivago is strikingly similar to the development history of Russia. The degree of turbulence in this period is unimaginable to ordinary people, but the author makes parallel poetic expression of this unforgettable background and zhivago's growth and transformation, so that the whole novel presents as a classic history of destiny. This parallel personality with The Times also adds a peculiar epic meaning to the novel. Doctor zhivago's noble behavior is actually a poetic writing of the whole world.

In turbulent times, the coldness of human nature is vividly expressed in the novel. What is rare is that at any time, doctor zhivago and his family all maintain a pure and kind heart, able to maintain social fairness and justice at all costs. Doctor zhivago was small and helpless in those turbulent times. He, like ordinary people, needs to protect his family and has the responsibility and obligation to help those in need. With the deepening of the theme of the novel, doctor zhivago's soul has been poetic sublimation. A person's characteristics can be fully reflected in special circumstances, but doctor zhivago can always maintain a pure heart in different circumstances, his soul is noble and valuable. Doctor zhivago used his own small power to transfer the energy of love, help the suffering people out of pain bravely.

The poetic quality sublimation of the theme of doctor zhivago is actually the sublimation of the noble sentiment of doctor zhivago in the novel. In that sad and helpless age, doctor zhivago brought a light of hope to people immersed in pain with warmth and love. Its spiritual state is beyond any age. Therefore, through deepening the content of the novel, doctor zhivago's noble sentiment has been essentially sublimated, and at the same time, the main idea of the novel has been sublimated. Doctor zhivago used his whole life to fulfill his promise made at the funeral, and fully integrated his sense of responsibility into his care for the injured patients, so that these injured patients could feel love and warmth. Doctor zhivago is actually a miniature of the people who still have the original idea in the turbulent times. They are using their own meager power to maintain the only fairness and justice in the society, which is actually the noble sentiment of people in suffering.

Doctor zhivago USES a lot of poetic images in the expression. In the novel, zhivago is not an earth-shattering hero, nor does he have any achievements in history, but he makes the noblest choice in that extremely turbulent era. The fundamental reason for the tragic end of doctor zhivago in the novel lies in his excessive immersion in poetic life, which is obviously incompatible with the turbulent social environment at that time. But it also reflects the image of doctor zhivago who is not afraid of the world and pure and kind. Doctor zhivago's story is like a bright light of that era, illuminating the dark side of people's hearts. The novel USES flexible narrative techniques to express the powerful inner power of zhivago in a poetic way, so as to sublimate the theme of the novel to a certain extent.

