

Essay代写:HP Case Analysis

2019-07-04 17:39:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- HP Case Analysis,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了惠普公司。近年来,在多元化团队的领导下,惠普的商业模式随着全球趋势不断发展和调整。从全球来看,惠普主要在北美和欧洲市场占有重要地位。这两个市场的表现都非常强劲,亚太地区仍有很大的潜力有待开发。惠普的全球产业前景是前瞻性和战略性的。

Two Stanford University students Bill Hewlett and David Packard founded Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) in 1939 in a garage in Silicon Valley. To this very day, there is still a section on their website called The Garage to explore cases of how innovation, reinvention, and technology can be applied to change the world. Over the past 70 years HP has been focused on technological innovation and established its objectives and management philosophy with a defined global vision. HP's multiple acquisitions and restructurings in the decades since have also reflected these global corporate ambitions. In 2002, HP acquired Compaq Computer through a shareholder vote. In 2008, HP acquired EDS for $13.9 billion, and became the world's second largest IT services company. In 2014, HP issued a statement splitting the company into two separate listed companies. The personal computer and printer business was renamed HP Inc., while the enterprise services department, including enterprise-oriented products and services such as servers, storage, online devices and consultants, became known as HPE. The split was finally completed in 2015. In 2016, HPE further spun off its corporate services division (HP Services) and merged with Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) to create an information technology service provider known as CSC HPE Enterprise Services with annual revenues of $26 billion. In November 2017, HP completed their acquisition of the Samsung printer business for $1.05 billion (HP, 2018).

In recent years, HP's business model has evolved and adjusted alongside global trends under the leadership of its diversified team. Most of HP's executives are people with decades of experience working for HP, with the notable exception of the President and CEO Dion Weisler, who used to work for Lenovo. The diversification process is somewhat incomplete but is ahead of some other tech companies—among 14 core executives there are only 3 women (HP, 2018). HP has pursued technological innovation with a human-centric management philosophy, which is different from many other tech companies, which are primarily focused on their systems and services, with people being a distant afterthought. Multiple acquisitions have made HP's organizational structure undergo cyclical changes in term of complexity and streamlining, and this has inevitably placed some subtle dangers into the core of the corporate structure while improving the company's management experience.

From a global perspective, HP has mainly a significant presence in the North American and European markets. These two markets have undergone very strong performance, with high levels of potential still waiting to be tapped in the Asia Pacific region. HP has recently returned to take the world's number one position in the PC market. Though both they and Lenovo are considered industry giants, HP's business transformation speed is higher than Lenovo. At the same time, in the field of printers, HP has begun to actively accelerate the layout of the A3 market while having an absolute leadership position in the A4 market. HP's global industry landscape is both forward-looking and strategic (WFS, 2017). For example, HP's spin-offs of its peripheral service businesses were conducted in order to seek greater opportunities more proactively in this rapidly changing market. By splitting the company into separate parts, each new company can be given independent operations, areas of focus, financial resources, and flexibility, allowing them to quickly adapt to changes across different markets and households, which enhances HP's overall competitiveness, albeit at certain efficiency costs as rear-end functions such as HR and support infrastructure must be duplicated. However, this division has also enabled HP to adapt and survive more effectively in an era of extensively fragmented markets, which require differentiated solutions to resolve and best serve.


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Assignment代写:Indonesia's weapons problem

2019-07-04 17:38:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Indonesia's weapons problem,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了印度尼西亚的武器问题。在印度尼西亚,武器工业完全由政府控制。印度尼西亚有严格的法律管制枪支,规定了武器采购和使用,以及对违法者的制裁。印度尼西亚的武器能力在全球范围内并不突出。在常规武器发展方面,2010年在世界中小武器和主要武器制造商排名中被评为小型制造商。印尼从英国和美国等国进口各种武器升级、零部件和配套设备。从国外进口武器的合法途径是通过有许可证的进口商。然而,武器走私在印度尼西亚是一个严重的问题。印度尼西亚的大部分非法武器都是黑手党在港口走私的。据估计,未来武器走私问题将变得更加严重。

In Indonesia, the weapon industry is completely controlled by the government. There is only one domestic weapon company called PT Pindad (Batchelor, 2001). Pindad is state-owned and produces various weapons such as light weapons, armaments and munitions (Batchelor, 2001). Pindad's production mainly supplies the Indonesian National Armed Forces and police. Some of its production is for domestic civilian use and export (Batchelor, 2001). Pindad can produce 14,000-15,000 weapons a year and 10,000 of the weapons go to the Indonesian military and police (International Crisis Group, 2010). There are two types of production, which include production for military use and production for non-military use. The Ministry of Defense controls the military production and the Indonesian police controls non-military production (Batchelor, 2001). PT Pindad’s production encompasses a diversity of weapons, which includes pistols, revolver, assault rifles, sub-machine guns, mortars, and grenade launchers (Batchelor, 2001). Indonesia has strict laws regulating the use of firearms. In Indonesia, private possession of any firearms is prohibited by law. Civilians are only allowed to possess some kinds of handguns and hunting rifles with a police permit (International Crisis Group, 2010). Licensing small arms is managed the Head of the Provincial Police, which is authorized by National Law No. 8 of 1948 (Indonesia, 2005). There are also Emergency Law No. 12/1951 regulating the illegal possession of firearms (Indonesia, 2005). The law provides provisions for weapon procurement and use, and sanctions for the offender (Indonesia, 2005).

Indonesia does not stand out in terms of weapons capabilities in the global scale. For the development of conventional weapons, it was ranked as small manufacturer in the ranking of the world's small, medium and major firearm manufacturers in 2010 (International Crisis Group, 2010). Indonesia does not develop a nuclear weapons program although Indonesia has nuclear power program for the peaceful reasons (NTI, 2018). Instead, it has played an active role international nuclear safety and security. Indonesia also does not possess biological or chemical weapons-related materials (NTI, 2018). Indonesia is an active participant in a range of nonproliferation treaties and organizations (NTI, 2018). In regards to export, Indonesia has exported a large number of weapons to its neighboring countries. Indonesia mainly export military hardware such as weaponry, munitions and tactical vehicles to countries such as Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar and South Korea (The Jakarta Post, 2018). In 2015, Indonesia has made an agreement with UAE's Continental Aviation Services to export the Indonesian weapons in the Middle East (The Jakarta Post, 2015). Indonesia imports a variety of upgrades, spare parts, and support equipment of weaponry from countries such as the UK and U.S. The legal way of importing weapons from abroad to Indonesia is through licensed importers. However, weapon smuggling is a serious issue in Indonesia. The majority of the illegal weapons in Indonesia is through smuggling by mafias at ports (International Crisis Group, 2010). It is assumed that the issue of weapon smuggling will get more severe in the future.


Batchelor, P. (2001). Small arms, big business: Products and producers. Small Arms Survey 2001: Profiling the Problem. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Indonesia. (2005). Indonesian guiding policy. National Report of Indonesia on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA). NY: Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations.

International Crisis Group. (2010). Leakage from official sources - PT Pindad. Illicit Arms in Indonesia. Jakarta: International Crisis Group, no. 109, pp.7-8.

NTI. (2018). Indonesia Overview. Available at

The Jakarta Post. (2015). National scene: Indonesia, UAE sign deal on weapon production. Available at

The Jakarta Post. (2018). Government pushes for SOEs to boost exports. Available at



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2019-07-04 17:37:09 | 日記



1、介绍文章的主题Introduce the topic of the essay

2、提供主题的一般背景Give a general background of the topic

3、指出文章的总体计划Indicate the overall plan of the essay


第一,要写一般性陈述(General statement)

这个部分主要是为了达到开头段前两个目的,介绍文章的主题(Introduce the topic of essay)和提供主题的背景(Give a general background of the topic)。一般的陈述应该随着介绍的进行而变得越来越具体,引导读者进入文章的主要观点。在雅思或者托福考试中的大作文写作,一般性陈述一般就两到三句话,第一句一般是对题目的改写,第二句是进一步的解释或者是对一些中心词汇进行定义(Definition)(如果需要的话)第三句话是你的立场从而引出你的中心观点(Position)。

下面举个关于出国留学的题目(adopted from:Eap foundation)

Overseas study

An increasing number of students are going overseas for tertiary education. To what extent does this overseas study benefit the students?

Most people spend around fifteen years of their life in education, from primary school to university study.(A)In the past, students only had the opportunity to study in their own country. Nowadays, however, it is increasingly easy to study overseas, especially at tertiary level.(B)Tertiary education, also called post-secondary education, is the period of study spent at university.(C)As the final aspect of schooling before a person begins their working life, it is arguably the most important stage of their education.(D)

思考题:A,B,C,D四句话,分别是什么目的呢?(background, position, definition)

第二,要写中心陈述(thesis statement)

中心陈述是开头段(Introduction)里重要的部分,因为一个好的中心陈述会告诉读者你对整个问题的理解和你想要论证的观点(Argumentation),同时会告诉你的读者你文章总体的结构(Indicate the overall plan of the essay)和你将讨论哪些点。


Overseas Study

An increasing number of students are going overseas for tertiary education. To what extent does this overseas study benefit the students?

While there are some undoubted benefits of this trend, such as the language environment and improved employment prospects, there is also a significant disadvantage, namely the high cost.

这个中心句告诉了我们出国留学会给我们带来两个好处(language environment/improved employment prospects),但是同时也有缺点(high cost)。所以通过这个开头段,我们知道作者很大程度上同意留学会给学生带来好处,但是不可否认的也不好的地方。


在Essay写作开头段必须要有的两个部分,general statement和thesis statement。一般立场(Position)要在开头段表现出来。关于论文的立场(Position)不一定是绝对支持支持或者反对的,你也可以保持中立(sit on the fence)。但是不管怎么样你要给出你的原因,去论证为什么你有这样的立场。还是那个原则,议论文没有正确或者错误的立场,只要能自圆其说就是对的。



Paper代写:Analysis of pride and prejudice

2019-07-04 17:23:09 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Analysis of pride and prejudice讨论了电影《傲慢与偏见》。电影《傲慢与偏见》的故事背景为18世纪英国中产阶级以及极为富有阶层之间,影片的制作班底全部来自英国,因此观众在影片中欣赏和感受到的都是纯正的英伦风,这部影片在色彩的运用、服饰的搭配上、风景的拍摄、影片中的建筑上都体现了18世纪英国特有的特点。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In 2005, the film version of pride and prejudice was adapted from the masterpiece pride and prejudice written by famous British female writer Jane Austen. Story background for the 18 th-century British middle class, and between the very rich, film star, director, writer and so on all production team from the UK, so the audience in the film appreciation and experience are real British wind, the film on the use of color, dress collocation, the scenery on the building, the film reflects the special characteristics of 18 th-century Britain. The film was nominated for four Academy Awards in 2006, including best visual art and costume design.

Among the human sensory organs, the visual organ is the most important, which is responsible for more than 70% of the information receiving tasks. The brightness, color, shape and space of the world are all recognized and felt by human eyes. Color is a kind of light, when the light through the person's eyes into the retina, it is bound to occur physiological excitement and reaction. This kind of excitement transmits along the nerve the visual center of cerebral cortex, can produce color sense.

This film mainly highlights the delicate feelings of women, and the audience is dominated by women. This group generally likes "young, fresh, crisp, clear and sweet feminine colors, or bright, clear, elegant, gentle and romantic colors".

At the very beginning of the film, the scene begins with the bright sunshine shining on the earth, and then the heroine reads in the sunshine. The bright sunshine gives people warmth, revealing a bright, clear, elegant, gentle and romantic atmosphere. The color of natural light is widely used in the film, and the picture is bright. The basic color of the whole film is very bright solid color and a lot of strong natural light, which stimulates people's sensory nerves. It is well coordinated with the film's soft and slow plot development and the style of the final comedy ending.

At the same time, from the weight of color and color sense of moderation, the film used a lot of light white. In the two major dances in the film, women wear light-colored clothes, which reduces the dignified color of the film. Black is rarely used in the film, only in the protagonist when an unpleasant experience occurred between the color and dim light rendering plot atmosphere.

Britain is a traditional country of gentlemen, and the story of the film takes place between the middle and upper classes. Therefore, in order to fit the style of the film, it is necessary to restore the dress of Britain in the 18th century, so that the audience can feel the classical Europe more.

British dress in the 18th century basically followed the medieval style, but with some innovation and development. The men's three-piece suit formed in the 17th century gradually developed to modern men's wear in the 18th century in terms of style and shape, and the keuluot in the bottom suit was made very tight by diagonal silk cutting. At the same time, in the mid-18th century, Britain entered the industrial revolution, and men's wear was one of the changes. The biggest feature was that the bodice was cut diagonally from the waist line back and down, which was the first step of the "tuxedo" of the next era and the ancestor of the modern dress. The men's costumes in the film are basically of this kind. Servants were well dressed, with wigs, and noblemen generally wore three-piece suits for men.

During this period, the characteristics of women's wear began to shift towards neoclassicism, but still influenced by rococo. Rococo art was formed in France at the beginning of the 18th century. Its main artistic features are delicacy, sweetness and elegance. Its characteristics are: with fine, light, gorgeous and fussy decorative; Use C, S, or swirl-shaped curves and soft colors. In the 18th century, rococo dresses were feminine and elegant, unfolding on the salon stage. Therefore, the rococo style was concentrated in women's clothing. This era was the center of women's salon, which was the "art" and pet for men to watch and pursue. Such social environment makes the external formal beauty factor of women's wear develop to the peak, which is characterized by corset and skirt support. This style is also the dress style of the women in the film, ranging from the color of clothes and hats to the color of ribbons. In particular, the women are dressed at two of the film's best social dances: a corset underneath, a light-colored dress embroidered with delicate lace, and a huge train underneath.

Ladies travel generally need to wear hats, ribbons, gloves, handbags and other decorative ribbon color for light series. The costumes in the whole film restored the historical appearance at that time, allowing the audience to experience the fashion of that time. The film was also nominated for the 2006 academy award for best costume design for its sartorial success.

The visual feast of the film is also reflected in the performance of architecture and art in the film, because of this, the film was nominated for the best art Oscar in 2006.

A total of 16 sites are recommended on the film's website, spread across England, with Derbyshire being the highlight. In addition, the protagonist's mansion in the film is mostly old buildings in England, in line with the architectural characteristics of the original work. Like grumbridge manor, where the Bennet family lives in the film; Basildon manor, the netherfield park in the film, where Mr Bingley lives; Burley house, rosings manor, lady Catherine DE bourgh's mansion; Wilton house and chatsworth house, pemberley house in the film, Mr Darcy's house.

These buildings embody the great achievements of British architecture in the 18th century, most of which are of gothic style. Gothic is the highest achievement of medieval art, architectural plane is usually cross, tall tower is pointed bamboo shoots, more inclined column strengthening support with thin wall, form a special external wall structure, a thin shell of the center of the dome has three doors open, in the middle of the gate as the main channel, internal dome is lightsome bare ridge fly frame, tall the daylighting of the spacious interior has good performance, the window for more plants vane, Windows with colorful glass Mosaic, what is the bible story, gothic in bold in the barbarian and dexterous, increase the power of the church of the holy spirit, causing a fire of momentum, Bring people's thoughts to "heaven".

Another major feature is the feature of home decoration in the film, which is reflected in the decoration of furniture in the house and interior art painting. The interior adornment of 18 centuries England and furniture modelling tend to cabinet, lightsome, use brocade to do wall to hang and laid, door window, ark is decorated with large glass mirror of cut flower, suspension glittering and translucent and dazzing branch lamp, the painting that still decorates to have famous artist and sculpture curiositywait indoors. In the film, the furniture decoration of Mr. Darcy's home fully reflects the British decoration characteristics at that time. The grey gilt on the porch and the golden figure on the back of the sofa are also characteristics of British furniture at that time. Murals on the walls and roof of Mr Darcy and ms Catherine's mansion give the viewer's eye a treat.

The intuitive visual symbols of movies, such as pictures, scenes, characters' expressions, actions, etc., are most likely to touch the nerves of the audience. The British Isles rolling mountains, hilly, beautiful scenery. The combination of lush meadows, forests, trees and uplands makes for a unique natural landscape. At present, the pastoral scenery of Britain has formed a tourism brand all over the world, and the lake district scenery of Britain is the first choice for romantic tourists. Meanwhile, the combination of lush forest scenery and empty hills adds a touch of mystery to Britain. In the film, a large number of independent landscape images present the British landscape in front of the world's audience: such as the British traditional garden stowe head garden, peak national park. Among them, peak national park is the first national park established in the UK, with rich natural and cultural assets.

The scene showing the British style provides a good background material for the film, and also enables the audience to get a visual enjoyment and impact.


Essay代写:Farmland conservation in the United States

2019-07-04 17:15:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Farmland conservation in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的农地保护。美国的农地保护计划源于美国联邦政府1996年农业法案设立的农地保护计划。2002年新的农业法案将农地保育范围扩大到牧场,由农业部自然资源保护局组织实施,联邦政府通过农产品信用公司提供配套资金,补助州政府、政府及其他地方政府,向农场主、牧场主购买农地开发权。出售农地开发权的农场主或者牧场主在取得补偿金的条件下,必须承诺不将农地转为非农业用途,并且对受到严重侵蚀的土地施行保育与保护措施。

The United States has a land area of 9.3648 million square kilometers and a population of nearly 270 million. By title, 60 percent of the land is privately owned, 38 percent is owned by federal, state and local governments, and 2 percent is held on Indian reservations. Divided by urban and rural land, 97 percent of rural land and 3 percent of urban land. The arable land area of the United States is about 192 million hectares, accounting for 20% of the national land area and 0.7 hectares per capita.

The American farmland and rangeland conservation program is derived from the farmland conservation program established by the U.S. federal government in the 1996 farm act. In 2002, the new agricultural act expanded the scope of farmland conservation to pastures, which was organized and implemented by the department of agriculture's natural resources protection bureau. The federal government provided supporting funds through agricultural credit companies to subsidize state governments, tribal governments and other local governments to purchase the right to develop farmland from farmers and ranchers. The farmer or rancher who sells the right to develop farmland must promise not to convert the farmland to non-agricultural use and implement conservation and protection measures on the severely eroded land, provided he or she receives compensation.

Scientific determination of farmland protection location. Farmland conservation experts at the state agriculture department divide land into four tiers based on trends in urbanization. The first level is urbanized land, the second level is urbanized land that is being urbanized and will be urbanized within the next 50 years, the third level is urbanized land that may be urbanized within 100 years, and the fourth level is remote rural land.

Utility and value of subdivided farmland. In addition to its inherent farming utility, farmland can also be subdivided into a variety of use values according to the way of utilization. The highest use value is to change the use of agriculture, for construction and so on. Suppose that the total utility value of a piece of farmland is 4100, 100 units of ornamental value, 1,100 units of cultivation value, and 2,000 units of non-agricultural construction value. The land owner has the value orientation of converting farmland into construction land. The government can buy out the right to develop and build farmland, so as to limit the conversion of farmland.

Determine the price according to the market. In order to protect agricultural land and control the non-agricultural conversion of agricultural land, the use value of farmland conversion into non-agricultural use in the United States is incorporated into market transactions. The government, private and social organizations need to purchase the right to develop agricultural land in order to develop agricultural land. The price of farmland development right shall be determined by the evaluation institution with reference to the market transaction price, which is generally no higher than the difference between the price of agricultural land and the price of non-agricultural land. In April 2007, the price of farmland development rights in Maryland was as high as $11,330 per hectare and as low as $809 per hectare.

We will implement government investment subsidies. The farmland and pasture conservation program is a voluntary federal program. Farmers and ranchers who are willing to participate in the program to sell development rights to their farms are approved to enter into agreements with the government, farmland conservation groups, and federal and state governments to subsidize their investments. The federal and state governments each subsidize up to 50 percent of the purchase price.

Transfer the right to develop farmland according to law. In addition to selling farmland development rights to the government and farmland protection, farmers and ranchers are also free to transfer. After acquiring the right to develop farmland, the transferee is only allowed to build within the scope of the transfer amount and only on the land legally owned by the transferee. For this reason, some local governments have set up farmland development right Banks to purchase the farmland development right from the places that protect farmland and reduce the development density, and sell it to the places that need to expand the development and construction moderately.

From 1996 to 2006, the federal, state and local governments protected nearly 100 million mu of farmland, mainly in the fast-growing eastern cities. Of this total, the federal government spent $597 million to purchase 200,000 hectares of permanent farmland. State governments have spent more than $1.8 billion on farmland development rights, purchasing 5.6655 million hectares of farmland for 30 to 100 years. Among them, Maryland has purchased 105,200 hectares of farmland, accounting for 13% of the total farmland area. In 2007, the federal government allocated $73 million and the Maryland state government $70 million to subsidize the purchase of farmland development rights.

In the United States, land ownership disputes are settled by the courts, and the government generally does not play the role of mediation and arbitration. Disputes involving farmland management can be settled by arbitration, but without an arbitration agreement, the state of Maryland is exploring mediation and arbitration.

Agricultural land arbitration with arbitration agreement. As early as 1925, the United States promulgated the federal uniform arbitration act, which provides for commercial arbitration. The U.S. arbitration commission operates four arbitration centers in California, Rhode Island, Dallas and Atlanta to handle general civil and commercial disputes. There are few farmland disputes accepted by the arbitration commission in the United States, mainly including farmland contract disputes, farmland management insurance contract disputes and so on. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the civil and commercial arbitration rules formulated by the American arbitration commission, namely, voluntary arbitration, written agreement and final award.

In order to ensure the arbitration under the premise of equality, justice, and for including weak like farmers and large enterprises, consumers and shopping center, the existence of weak subject to arbitration, the arbitration commission to formulate the "agreement" due process, request the parties apply for arbitration, the party can not restrict or discrimination of relatively weak side, otherwise will not be accepted, and to balance the two sides of the arbitration costs, make sure that the weak party to reduce cost.

Mediation and arbitration of farmland disputes without arbitration agreement. The Maryland department of agriculture mediates farmland disputes under the state's farm bill of rights. After the amendment of the farming rights act in 2006, the pilot arbitration of farmland management disputes was carried out.

Farmers often have disputes with neighbors over smell, livestock and other issues in farming. To address these concerns and protect agriculture, Maryland enacted the farm bill of rights in 1978. Each county has established a mediation council in accordance with the law. It mainly solves disputes with farmers during the implementation of federal government projects, disputes between neighbors over farmland operation and production, and disputes among farmers' family members about continuing agricultural operation. Mediation is legally effective. In a county where a mediation council has been established, the court shall not accept any dispute that has not been mediated by the mediation council. If a mediation council is not established, the parties may bring a suit directly to the court. The usda has a national mediation program that supports mediation efforts in 33 states, with full-time mediators in each county.

To further reduce the burden of farmer litigation and save time and money, the Maryland department of agriculture, with the support of the U.S. department of agriculture, organized a pilot program for farmland management and tort arbitration under the 2006 amendment to the farm bill of rights. At present, 18 of the 23 counties in the prefecture have set up arbitration committees, 14 of which have carried out arbitration activities, and three cases of farmland management and infringement disputes with great influence have been adjudicated. Arbitration commission is general 5 ~ 7 people, hold the post of the person in charge of relevant orgnization, association, organization by agriculture, and a set of arbitration procedures and rules. The scope of acceptance includes: no written contract, such as sewage pollution, pesticide drift pollution and other infringement disputes; Where the jurisdiction of the arbitration commission is stipulated in the contract; No other arbitration institution shall be accepted. If no appeal is made within 30 days after the arbitration award is made, the award shall become legally effective. If one party fails to perform, the other party may apply to the court for compulsory execution and may impose a fine, but shall not be investigated for criminal responsibility.

