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Israel's War on UNRWA?(Sep 4, 2013)

2013-09-04 22:34:20 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

先月26日のことになるが、ヨルダン川西岸地区のカランディヤ(Qalandiya: قلنديا)という難民キャンプにイスラエル軍が「テロリストを拘束する」という名目で侵入→発砲→多数の死傷者がでる事件が起きた。
・3 Palestinians killed as IDF, Border Police come under attack making arrest in Kalandiya(2013年8月26日 jpost.com)


とりあえず、2013年8月26日分 jpost.com『3 Palestinians~』から中盤部分を(略

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At the same time, the IDF source said, a riot developed minutes after soldiers and border police entered the area.

Some 300 Palestinians circled the soldiers and hurled concrete slabs at them.

The IDF attempted to disperse the rioters with nonlethal crowd-control measures.

One soldier on a rooftop identified a Palestinian on an adjacent rooftop about to hurl a concrete block on soldiers under him, and shot him in the hand using 0.22 caliber ammunition, the source said.

At street level the riot escalated as the mob grew to around 500 people, and the IDF inserted additional soldiers into jeeps to divert the rioters and allow the border police to complete the arrest.

At this stage, security forces were being showered with lifethreatening objects from rooftops, including washing machines, bathtubs, refrigerators, blocks and carpets set on fire “that landed on jeeps and could have set them ablaze,” the source continued.

“Anything that could be thrown from a rooftop was thrown,” the security source said.

Additionally, Palestinian gunfire was directed at the jeeps, and four bullet holes were later discovered in the vehicles, he said.

Soldiers opened fire, feeling their lives endangered.

Additional soldiers from the battalion were sent to clear an exit path for the security forces, and managed to extract them 25 minutes after the Tanzim suspect was arrested, the source said.

He said the soldiers acted properly, proportionally, and in line with the rules of engagement.

“This could have ended with many more casualties had the soldiers acted differently,” he said.

“When blocks and firebombs are being thrown at you from point-blank range, your life is in danger,” he added.
“We had a mission to carry out, and we stood by it. We will complete our mission even if we have to deal with a riot,” he said.

Security forces have been met with violence in the five times they entered Kalandiya in the last five months, the source said.
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・Israel escalates attacks on UN agency after killing employee during raid(2013年9月2日 Electronic Intifada)

以下、2013年9月2日分 Electronic Intifada『Israel escalates~』から中盤部分を(略

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Yehya Mteir, who was present during the clashes, denied the Israeli military spokesperson’s version of events.

“One of the martyrs was my close friend, and we were together the night before,” he said.

“There was only one tear gas canister fired at the beginning and one at the end, but other than that, it was all live ammunition and dumdum bullets,” he added.

“There were so many people in the streets because everyone was on the way to work; usually [the military] comes in while we’re asleep,” Mteir explained.
“The only means of fighting we had were rocks. We had no guns or Molotov cocktails, none of us.”

Human Rights Watch’s report on the incident refers to camp residents throwing stones, Molotov cocktails and other objects but states that “soldiers shot Palestinians who were not throwing stones in circumstances indicating that they intentionally used lethal force that was not necessary to protect life …”
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以下、2013年9月2日分 Electronic Intifada『Israel escalates~』からその部分を(略

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UN employee killed

One of those killed, Rubeen Zayid, a 34-year-old father with four children, was an UNRWA employee.

“We have nine independent eyewitness accounts which all confirm that he was unarmed, he was not involved in violence, not engaged in throwing stones, and yet he was shot with a bullet through the chest no questions,” UNRWA spokesperson Gunness told The Electronic Intifada.

As Zayid made his way to work, he attempted to bypass the clashes.
When the Israeli soldiers opened fire, a bullet struck him in the chest and killed him on the spot.

“According to the eyewitnesses we spoke to, there were no Molotov cocktails or petrol bombs in the area where Rubeen was killed,” Gunness said.

Mteir[引用者注:Yehya Mteir、難民キャンプの住民] also said that Zayid “was just going to work. He was not fighting or throwing rocks at the Israelis.”

According to Human Rights Watch’s investigation, Van Esveld said, Zayid was “walking around the corner and was shot in the chest … witnesses told us that no one around him was throwing stones. The last soldier was getting into the last military vehicle as they were leaving, turned and shot him in the chest.”

Another UNRWA employee was also shot in the back of the leg as he attempted to avoid the clashes, Gunness said.
An eyewitness interviewed by Human Rights Watch stated that “there was a single shot, which he believed indicated that the soldier had aimed deliberately at Abu Murad,” a 50-year-old trash collector with the UN agency.

The rights group adds: “both witnesses to Abu Murad’s shooting said they did not see anyone throwing stones at the Israeli forces from Abu Murad’s direction in the street at that time.”
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