flagburner's blog(仮)


5月14日を Nakba だと教えるな?

2009-10-19 20:40:30 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
実は、今年7月21日にイスラエル政府が公式に歴史教科書から建国前後の出来事を Nakba と呼ぶ記述を禁止すると伝えていた。
・アラブ人向け教科書で「ナクバ」使用を禁止、イスラエル(2009年7月23日 afpbb.com)

で、この度、Nakba という文言が盛り込まれた歴史教科書からその記述が削除されるという事態になった。
・Israel pulls textbook with chapter on Nakba(2009年10月19日 Haaretz.com)

以前から、イスラエル国内では建国前後の出来事を Nakba と呼ぶのを禁止したがる傾向があるんだけどな。
・5月14日にNakbaのことを言うな?(2009年5月15日 flagburner's blog(仮))
・5月14日にNakbaの事を言うな?2(2009年5月25日 flagburner's blog(仮))


問題の歴史教科書こと『Nationalism: Building a State in the Middle East』を発行したのは Zalman Shazar Center という出版社。
・Israeli textbook under review for giving Palestinian version of 'nakba'(2009年9月22日 Haaretz.com)

問題の教科書に Nakba に関する記述が盛り込まれた件には、教員の側から反対の意見が相当出ていたとか。
以下、2009年9月22日分 Haaretz.com『Israli textbook~』から出版社の Zvi Yekutiel 氏の発言を引用する。

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Zvi Yekutiel, the director of the Zalman Shazar Center, which published the textbook, said:
"We were asked by the Education Ministry to make more than a few changes in the book, but with respect to this specific chapter, nothing was said. On the contrary, the ministry's specific instructions were to present points in controversy, so the students can confront them and form an opinion."
Yekutiel added that "on second consideration, the anger that the chapter engendered can be understood. If they tell us to revise a few pages, it won't be a problem and the changes will be made in the second edition. Textbooks need to reflect the broadest consensus. I work for the mainstream."
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もっとも、例の教科書で問題となった部分を手がけた Tsafrir Goldberg 氏は、この判断について留保をつけて反対していた。
以下、2009年9月22日分 Haaretz.com『Israli textbook~』から Goldberg 氏の発言を(略

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Tsafrir Goldberg, who was responsible for the chapter on the Palestinian refugees, said yesterday:
"The publisher has the right to make any decision."
He added that "as a researcher in the field of education, I believe one of the ways to develop historical thought is to confront the student with conflicting points of view."
He said he did not present the contentions regarding ethnic cleansing as fact but rather as a Palestinian version of events.
"It is not extreme," he added,"in my view, to know that someone thinks differently than you do."
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また、一度認めた歴史教科書から Nakba に関する記述を削除した件について Goldberg 氏は、以下のように語っていた。
以下、2009年10月19日分 Haaretz.com『Israel pulls textbook~』から Goldberg 氏の発言を(略

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"Collecting the books from the shops is an unnecessary [form of] censorship," said Dr. Tsafrir Goldberg, who wrote the controversial chapter on the war.
"The process of approving the text was completed in serious fashion from both the pedagogic and the historic points of view. The fact that the education minister changed does not mean that it is possible to bypass this procedure."

"The state has the right to determine the contents of textbooks but this is not supposed to be done by the education minister," Goldberg said.

He noted, though, that some of the remarks were merely cosmetic and did not pose any problem.
"The publishing house decided to make the corrections as a form of self censorship," Goldberg said.
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以下、2009年10月19日分 Haaretz.com『Israel pulls textbook~』から(略

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The ministry spokesman said last week that, "from the start the book was intended to go into use as a textbook only from this coming January, so the students were not yet exposed to the relevant material. It was decided as well that the director general's circular should be corrected to make it clear that the responsibility and authority for approving textbooks is on the inspectors and coordinators who are responsible for the various subjects taught and who have to examine the books before they are approved and pass on their remarks and instructions."

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