flagburner's blog(仮)


Elise CHRISTIE's calamity?(Feb 17, 2014)

2014-02-17 21:26:18 | 五輪招致ネタ


現在好評開催中のソチ冬季五輪のショートトラック女子500mに出場した英国代表のエリス・クリスティ(Elise CHRISTIE)選手が、妙な災難に巻き込まれたらしい。
なんでも、ショートトラック500mで失格になった後、自身の Twitter に批判の書き込みが殺到→Twitterアカウントを閉鎖するハメになったという・・・。
・ソチ五輪:英国女子選手のツイッター、炎上して閉鎖(2014年2月17日 mainichi.jp)

ロンドン五輪では Twitter 上の人種差別発言で代表を外された選手もいたわけだが、今回は選手が炎上させられる側になったというのがなんとも。
参考までに、2014年2月17日 mainichi.jp『英国女子選手~』を全文(略

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 クリスティは13日の500メートル決勝でアリアンナ・フォンタナ(イタリア)と朴 勝羲(韓国)を巻き込みながら転倒した。
クリスティは失格となり、転倒の時点で最後尾にいた李 堅柔(中国)が優勝。



【小坂 大】
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・Sochi 2014: Elise Christie disqualified in 500m speed skating after crash(2014年2月13日 theguardian.com)

以下、2014年2月13日分 theguardian.com『Elise Christie disqualified~』から CHRISTIE選手とコーチのコメント部分を(略

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"I thought I had more speed so I moved up while I could," said Christie, speaking before she watched a replay of the collision.
"I knew it was going to be a 50-50 call. When I was in the race I thought I was in front, I thought it was more going to go my way than not, but obviously it didn't and that's that."

Christie's coach, Nick Gooch, said he thought the skater was unlucky to be penalised.
"For me, as she entered the corner she was level with the Italian and the Italian closed the door and knocked her off her feet. The referee sees it that Elise caused the crash by moving into that space when there wasn't space … Whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant, because the referee makes the decision, and you cant appeal [against] it or do anything about it … She's racing to win and we encourage our athletes to take those risks."

Gooch said Christie was "gutted" but that the focus now is on preparing her psychologically for the next races.
"It gets very close and it gets very physical sometimes, and that's what makes the sport so exciting, what makes it so mentally tough and physically tough to cope with."
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・Speed Skating and Short Track Speed Skating 2012: 30 Jun 2012(2012年6月30日版 isu.org;.pdfファイル)

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Rule 257

Responsibility in cases of collision
1. When leaving the curve at the beginning of the crossing straight (where the snow line or line of movable blocks is discontinued), the Competitor who is changing from the inner to the outer lane shall not hinder the Competitor changing from the outer to the inner lane.
This applies even if this is a Competitor from another pair in a quartet.
The Competitor leaving the inner lane is also responsible for collisions, unless the other Competitor acts in an obstructive way.

Responsibility when overtaking
2. Overtaking in the same lane: In situations when a Competitor is about to overtake another Competitor in the same lane (e.g. when the distance between two Competitors in the same pair has increased to one lap, or in quartet starts when a Competitor in one of the pairs has caught up with the Competitor who started in the same lane in the other pair of the quartet), both Competitors have a responsibility that the overtaking can take place in a smooth way and that collisions are avoided.
a) When a situation of overtaking is approaching, the Competitor in front (i.e. the Competitor who is about to be overtaken) must keep his line (the relative position) in the lane.
If the Competitor has moved to the outer part of the lane in order to facilitate the overtaking, the Competitor must stay in this part of the lane until the overtaking Competitor has passed on the inner side
b) The overtaking Competitor has the better view of the situation and is responsible that a collision is avoided as long as the Competitor in front maintains his relative position in the lane.

3. If the Referee confirms a breach of this Rule (see paragraphs 1 and 2 above), the offending Competitor shall be disqualified.
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厳しいけど、これが CHRISTIE選手が受け入れなければならなかった結果・・・。

つか、CHRISTIE選手の Twitter に(殺害予告とかの)変な書き込みをした人達(朴選手絡み)って何考えてるんだろうね?


