flagburner's blog(仮)


叩きやすい所を叩いて(身内の)支持を固めるのが政治家の流行かもしれんが(Jan 14, 2013)

2013-01-14 17:25:51 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

・Disturbing new video of Israeli Jews assaulting Africans in Tel Aviv on New Year’s Eve(2013年1月13日 Electronic Intifada)

幸か不幸か、その様子を David Sheen 氏が記録してた。

In with the New Year, Out with the Africans

そして、先月31日の謎行動では、カハネ主義を信奉するミハエル・ベン=アリ(Michael Ben-Ari:מיכאל בן ארי)議員も参加してたというね・・・。
以下、2013年1月13日分 Electronic Intifada『Disturbing new video~』から、上で引用した動画の解説の一部を(略

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About 100-150 people marched in the direction of Levinsky Park, the epicenter of African people in Tel Aviv, but police prevented them from reaching the park.
Various speakers vented their anger against African people for almost two hours, including Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari, who spoke twice.

A couple of anti-racist protesters on the other side of the street drew jeers but no physical confrontations ensued.
After the protest finally dispersed, a group of about 8 followers of Ben Ari’s Strength For Israel party marched back to his parliamentary office in the HaTikvah neighborhood of the city, haranguing and humiliating every African person they passed on the street.
Police maintained a presence until the group crossed the Ayalon bridge separating the city proper from its suburbs, at which point they bid good night to the group, which continued its harassing of African passersby.
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仮に Ben-Ari 氏と片山 さつき(Satsuki KATAYAMA)氏が酒の席に居合わせたら、ものの数秒で意気投合すると見た(謎)。
自分達の人種差別発言を酒の肴にして・・・(その前に、Ben-Ari 氏が酒を飲むかどうか知らんけど)。

実は、先程の動画の後半には、謎行動に参加してた人が Sheen 氏と通訳の人を問い詰めたり罵声を浴びせるシーンもあるのだが・・・。

なお、問題の謎行動に居合わせた Max Blumenthal 氏は、Ben-Ari 氏の行動の意味について意味深なコメントを・・・。
以下、2013年1月13日分 Electronic Intifada『Disturbing new video~』からその部分を(略

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Max Blumenthal, who accompanied Sheen and is seen in the video, commented to The Electronic Intifada that the anti-African protest was “the equivalent of an election campaign rally for Ben-Ari and the Strong Israel party.”
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