flagburner's blog(仮)


An advertisement to blame BBC's bias(Oct 1,2010)

2010-10-10 20:23:42 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
今年の8月16日になるが、BBC が Panorama という番組内で『Death in the Med』題をつけて、イスラエルによる Gaza 地区封鎖に抗議するために Free Gaza のメンバー達が用意した抗議船団を今年の5月31日にイスラエル軍が攻撃した騒動について紹介していた。
・Death in the Med:Showing BBC's arrogance(2010年8月20日 flagburner's blog(仮))

一応、BBC は一連の苦情について釈明していた。
が、これに納得がいかない人達は、BBC への抗議を示す意見広告を New Statesman という週刊誌に出していたらしい。
・‘New Statesman’ prints pro-Palestinian flotilla advert(2010年10月10日 jpost.com)

この意見広告、実は天下の Independent や Guardian でボツを喰らった曰くつきの一品(?)。
・The Campaign to end BBC Bias on Palestine(2010年9月13日 organizedrage.com)

ここでは、『Death in the Med』に限らず BBC のイスラエルとパレスチナ報道に関する姿勢を非難していた。
以下、2010年9月13日分 organizedrage.com『The Campaign~』から後半部分の一部を(略

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There needs to be a fundamental sea change in the BBC’s news coverage in order that the context of events is always present in its coverage.
For example Israel’s habitual violence against and repression of peaceful protest should have served as the backdrop to its coverage of Israel’s murderous attack on the Mavi Marmara.
Why did Panorama[Jane Corbyn 氏が司会を務めてる番組、『Death in the Med』は2010年8月16日放送分タイトル] not investigate the attack from the standpoint of those who were killed and injured instead of allowing itself to be bought off with ‘unique access’ to the killers?

And how was Panorama's 'Death on the Med' able to gain exclusive interviews with Israel’s naval commandos when the Israeli government has told the UN inquiry and their own Turkel Commission into the attack that they will not allow them to testify?
Why is it that the BBC is trusted more than its own tame inquiry?
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俺が『Death in~』の文字起こしを読んだ限りでは、ちと物足りない部分があったのは事実だけど・・・。

で、件の意見広告を掲載しようと Independent や Guardian に掛け合ったのだが・・・。
以下、2010年10月10日分 jpost.com『‘New Statesman’ prints~』から少し長くなるが中盤部分を(略

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The Independent said the ad would make it vulnerable to a libel suit and raise questions from the Advertising Standards Authority, the UK’s advertising regulator.

The Guardian also refused to publish the letter without changes being made to the text.

“Legal have just got back to me and said that we’ll only be able to run your ad if you can make a few changes to the copy,” Jennifer Melmore from the Guardian’s advertising department told the activists in an email last month.

“The Guardian was approached about running the advert, but the advertisers chose not to proceed,” a Guardian spokesman said on Friday.

Changes had been made to the advertisement published in the New Statesman, compared to the original draft seen by The Jerusalem Post.

Taken out was the accusation that the “the BBC’s Orwellian production portrayed the victims of Israel’s premeditated attack on the ships as the ones guilty of violence,” as was an accusation that Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev “went unchallenged as he justified the murders and vilified the victims.”

A blanket accusation that “throughout its coverage” BBC News 24 broadcasted Israel’s own film evidence was taken out to read: “BBC News 24 broadcast uncritically Israel’s own film ‘evidence’ of their commandos being attacked, when it was fully aware that this had edited out the initial lethal attack.”

The words, “By the time the flotilla survivors were free to tell their side of the story, the BBC news agenda had conveniently moved on” were completely removed, as was a statement in the original draft to the effect that the Israeli commandos “were disarmed” on the Mavi Marmara, leaving, “They [viewers] were also not shown the photographs smuggled past Israel’s pirates, showing activists giving medical treatment to Israeli commandos.”
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Independent の出した意見広告掲載拒否の理由はともかく、Guardian が出した掲載拒否の理由は結構謎だわな。
から、この意見広告の署名人の1人である Tony Greenstein 氏の発言部分を(略

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Tony Greenstein on behalf of the group approached the Guardian to publish the Statement, but the fee at £7500 was felt to be to exorbitant.
He settled on the Independent, who agreed to publish the statement for a fee of £3500, but only if a number of changes were made.
After Tony made a number of valiant attempts to come to a reasonable accommodation with the Independent, and after consulting with the signatories, he concluded the newspaper had no intention of publishing the Statement.
It will now be carried by the New Statesman, Spectator and the Blogger-Sphere.
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ま、Imdependent の言うように、意見広告を出して(虚偽罪で)訴訟を起こされた日にはたまったもんじゃね~し。
つーことを踏まえると、New Statesman に意見広告が(結構削除された部分があるとはいえ)掲載されたのは救いだった?
もっとも、New Statesman がイスラエル寄りの団体から訴えられても知らんが・・・。

・Divisions in Israel's cabinet as vote on loyalty oath looms(2010年10月10日 ynetnews.com)



