歴程日誌 ー創造的無と統合的経験ー

Process Diary
Creative Nothingness & Integrative Experience

Notes and Bibliography

2005-02-26 | Essays in English 英文記事

Notes and Bibliography

l ) Katsumi Takizawa, Fundamental Problems of Buddhism and Christianity. (Houzoukan) 86 1973, pp. 251 362
2 ) Karl Barth, Die Kirchlische Dogmatik, Studienausgabe Band 2 1 Die Lehre von der Versohnung S 57pp. 1 -21
3 ) The Mahayana Zen Buddhism (ed. by Ryomin Akizuki No. 7111983p. 12.
4 ) Timothy Richard, The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana Doctrine, 1907p. vi
5 ) Katsumi Takizawa, Fundamental Problems of Nishida 's Philosophy (Houzoukan) 19 72 p. 191
6 ) Katsumi Takizawa, The Study of Karl Barth (Houzoukan) especially his open letter to Karl Barth pp. 467 - 493
7 ) Shin'ichi Hisamatsu "Ultimate Crisis and Resurrection" contained in The Eastern Buddhist 1975, Vol. viii No. l, pp. 12 -3(), No. 2, pp. 37-66 also contained in The Collected Works of Shin 'ichi Hisamatsu (Risousha ) Vol. 2
8 ) Buddhism and Christianity (ed. by Masao Abe and Seiichi Yagi) (Houzoukan 19 81 ) contains the debate concerning the irreversibility thesis. It should be noted that Zen Master Ryomin Akizuki accepted Takizawa s formula of "inseparable, non-identical, and irreversible at the same time" as antidote against the self-complacence of the vulgar Zen.
9 ) Masao Abe, "The problem of irreversibility in religion ) in Buddhism and Christianity.
10) Nishida's last writings are translated into English with an introduction by D. A. Dilworth, under the title of Nothingness and the Religious World View (University of Hawaii Press 1987) The Complete Works of Daisetsu Suzuki (Iwanami Shoten) Vol.3pp. 352 - 365 Nishida's letter to Suzuki, (dated May 11 in 1945), is contained in The Complete Works of Nishida Kitarou (CWNK) (Iwanami Shoten) Vol. 19 , p. 399
11) CWNK vol. 4. pp. 208-28q.
12) Trans-descendence means going down through the depth of the relative topos rather than going beyond the phenomenal world.
13) Schin'ichi Hisamatsu "The Way of Absolute Subjectivity" ( Risousha:) 1972
14) The first scholar that used the term, "hayathology" was Tetsutarou Ariga. Cf. Tetsutarou Ariga, The problematic of ontology in Christian Thought (Soubunsha l 981 )
15) Hajime Tanabe, Philosophy as Metanoetics translated by Yoshinori Takeuchl (Universi-ty of California Press 1986)
16) Th. Stcherbatski, The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana (Leningrad 1927) Chap. 14
17) Martin Buber, I and Thou (Macmillan 1958) p. 82.
18) A. J. Heshel, Man is Not Alone, A Philosophy of Religion (New York 19 51 ) p. 153
19) John Cobb Jr., Beyond Dialogue, Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism
20) Concerning the significance of transcendentals in a Christian Philosophy, see Allan B. Wolter, The Transcendentals and Their Function in the Metaphysics of Duns Scotus, (Franciscan Institute 1946) pp. 4 - 13 Concerning the logical analysis of transcendentals and emptiness, see Yutaka Tanaka "Anstotelian Ontology and Modal Syllogistic Reconstructed" in Historia Scientiarum No 24 (1983) pp. 87-109.
21) Yutaka Tanaka, "Hayathology and Whitehead's Process Thought" in Process Thought vol. l. (1985) pp. 19-32
22) Concerning a Whiteheadian criticism of Hua-yen, see Steve Odin, Process metaphysics and Hua-yen Buddhism (SUNY I 982) Part II

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