

百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

ついでに安倍 蒼き衣を纏い金色の上に降り立つ、これ福島市で選挙の時 自演したよな?

2020-07-21 20:26:05 | 時事
And while we're at it, Abe, donning the blue robe and going down on the gold, isn't that the same speech you gave at the election in Fukushima City?

写真 もうない
There are no more pictures.

何やってんだ いつまでも。
Abe is the group that came by the history of the Kiowa Genji and tampered with our stuff.
You don't even pay back the money, what are you doing running around?
So does Aso.
What are you doing?



京都生まれの枳風。うちで伊勢北畠は嫌いだったはずだ。その傘下の雇われ兵隊ばっかりだろう 放火や窃盗、詐欺の常連。



見てみろ どこもかしこも敵対したとこばっかり。

里見はな 朝鮮人だから そして。

安倍が一番わかるんだろ 里見のこと

里見甫と満州と岸信介 | おしえて!ゲンさん!〜分かると楽しい ...www.oshietegensan.com › war-history › war-history_a
2020/07/12 - 里見甫と満州と岸信介. 闇の帝王としての里見は莫大な阿片の財力があるため、. 興亜院、軍、政治家までがその金を頼りにするようになり、. 満州国、国策会社、その他各方面に. 資金が流れるようになりました。 満州は各部署の代表は中国人 ...
On the route of Seiwa Genji, there is an Ashikaga. This is Tochigi.
In addition, there is the tomb of Emperor Seiwa at Yamadera in Yamagata. The Tendo clan is a combination of Shiba and Satomi. Nitta Yoshisada and his outsiders didn't find it funny that they moved the Kunifu to Reizan, Marumori, and put both the Tendai and Hiyoshi shrines in the Yamadera area, and did a pacifier of ours, the Yamadera area. I get it now. There was a statue of Matsuo Basho and Sora there, which means Ise Kitabatake. Ise Kitabatake is the Murakami faction with Oda Nobunaga's children.

We funded Matsuo Basho's side at home.
The cause of it.

Kyoto-born trifecta. Ise Kitabatake must have hated Ise Kitabatake at home. They must have been nothing but hired soldiers under their umbrella. Regulars in arson, theft and fraud.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is believed to be the Kiowa Genji. Even that could be faked by collecting the family register in the Akamatsu area.

Most of the people who don't know what happened in the past but are only using their names are spoofing or pretending to be something they are not.

Look at them. They're all hostile to each other.

Satomi, because he's a Korean, and...
Mr. Nanbu is also a Korean.

Abe knows best about Satomi, right?

Fu Satomi, Manchuria, and Shinsuke Kishi | Oshiete! Mr. Gen! ~ Fun to know .... .www.oshietegensan.com ' war-history ' war-history_a
2020/07/12 - Satomi Fu, Manchuria and Kishi Shinsuke . Because of Satomi's vast opium fortune as the Dark Lord, the . The Koreans, the military, and even politicians came to rely on his money. Manchukuo, the nationalist corporations and other interested parties. Manchuria, the military and even politicians began to rely on this money, and money began to flow to Manchukuo, national security agencies and other parties. Manchuria was represented in every department by Chinese .


里見甫 - Wikipediaja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 里見甫
里見 甫(さとみ はじめ、1896年1月22日 - 1965年3月21日)は、ジャーナリスト、実業家。三井物産のもとで関東軍と結託しアヘン取引組織を作り、阿片王と呼ばれた。 目次. 1 来歴・人物; 2 実験場としての満州; 3 脚注; 4 関連項目; 5 関連人物; 6 参考文献 ...

こいつ前に発見した時から、いつ出そうか迷ってた男だ。三井物産 関東軍 アヘン王そろいも揃って当時も日本名もらった中華と朝鮮人はこうやってあちこち歩いた。



ウイグル地区の斯波か? ペルシャと別名呼ばれてただろう多分。


search results
Web search results

Fu Satomi - Wikipedia.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' Fu Satomi
Satomi Hajime Satomi (January 22, 1896 - March 21, 1965) was a journalist and businessman. He colluded with the Kwantung Army under Mitsui & Co. to set up an opium trafficking organization and was known as the Opium King. Contents . 1 Biography and personalities; 2 Manchuria as a site of experimentation; 3 Footnotes; 4 See also; 5 Related entries; 6 References ...

This is the guy I've been trying to figure out when to get out since I found him before. This is how the Chinese and Koreans, who were all opium kings at the time, went about their business.

Considering the combination of Shiba and Satomi to form Tendo, and the crops that came to Yamagata in return, I wonder if they were Chinese.

Shiba used to be called "Persia" in the past and before this.
If you look up "Shiba", you will find "Persia".
Did you know this trick in Iran? I believe I wrote that before.
Backstabbing against Persia.

The Uyghur area's Siwa? It would have been called Persia, aka Persia, maybe.
A month ago? He issued a statement in China that he was going to strengthen education for Uyghur people, to which Iran's Rowhani replied, "I don't mind.

Where you don't see it, outsiders are sneaking around to make their own money and other people's names are not in the name of the Uyghurs.
This is how it was used as a camouflage. Was there a statue of Matsuo Basho in the mountain temple here in our house at the time? I was guessing that it was proof that Ise Kitabatake and Tendo were working together, those two statues.

Why did they team up? We teamed up to fabricate a short description of Mt.
He published a book with the publicity that Tendo Maru was the son of the Ken family. There is no such thing as a Tendo-maru in the Ken family.
And Satomi was involved, and Shiba was involved. In Japan, there are no surnames called Shiba, but Shiba is a Shiba, right?





ロウハニはこういうの ちゃんと見てみろ。
This is the equivalent of a witch hunt, a fabricated extermination of a witch hunt.

This is a disaster that's been happening all over the place, and Abe is selling himself as the reincarnation of the disasterous Emperor Seiwa?
Lies everywhere.

This is the reason why the thunder was so terrible in the Yamadera area.

The Persians in Japan have been hunted and killed in comparable ways, but there are Koreans and Chinese who call themselves Heike.

Lohani should take a proper look at these things.
Because what you thought and the facts are quite different.


山縣有朋は、日本の武士、陸軍軍人、政治家。階級は元帥陸軍大将。位階勲等功級爵位は従一位大勲位功一級公爵。内務大臣、内閣総理大臣、司法大臣、枢密院議長、陸軍第一軍司令官、貴族院議員、陸軍参謀総長などを歴任した。 幼名は辰之助、通称は小助、文久4年以降は小輔、さらに狂介・狂助・狂輔。変名として萩原鹿之助の名も用いた。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1838年6月14日
生まれ: 長門国
死亡: 1922年2月1日, 神奈川県 小田原市
配偶者: 山縣友子
子供: 船越松子


萩市 大江の所だ。大江はゆうべの大江から桂太郎まで。
毛利一族も大江 寒河江も大江

そこ 大江の拠点で、うちの過去隠蔽した場所じゃないか。


Aritomo Yamagata was a Japanese samurai, army soldier and politician. His rank is General of the Army. His rank is Subordinate Grand Duke of the First Class with the rank of Distinguished Service. He served as Minister of the Interior, Prime Minister, Minister of Justice, Chairman of the Privy Council, Commander of the First Army, member of the House of Lords, and Chief of the Army General Staff. His childhood name was Tatsunosuke, commonly known as Kosuke, and after Bunkyu 4 he became Kosuke, then Kyosuke, Kyosuke, and Kyusuke. After Bunkyu 4, he went on to become Kyosuke, Kyosuke and Kyosuke. Wikipedia.
Date of birth: June 14, 1838
Born: Nagato Country
Died: February 1, 1922, Odawara, Kanagawa
Spouse: Tomoko Yamagata
Child: Matsuko Funakoshi

He was born on April 22, 1838, the eldest son of Yamagata Saburo Ariminori (son of Nakamura Kizaemon), a member of the Choshu clan's warehouses, in Kawashima Village, Abugun (now Kawashima, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture), near Hagi Castle, in leap year 9.

Hagi, Oe's place. Oe is from last night's Oe to Katsura Taro.
The Mori family is in Oe, and so is Sagae in Oe.

There was a banner of Iwakura Tomomi from Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture in the past.
I went crazy at the time and saw our banner as a windfall, but this?
That's what I wrote and I'm giving you an image.
That's Oe's base of operations, and that's where we've covered up our past.

Matsudai, who gave birth to Ken's son, left Ohe. And of the two of them.
One male and one female.
That man is Kensei. That woman is Ken's daughter.
The rumor of her getting together with the Murakami lineage emperor has been around for a long time, but that's the point.

桂太郎が総理大臣ってさ 畜生すぎて発狂する



桂 太郎は、日本の武士、陸軍軍人、政治家。日露戦争時の内閣総理大臣で、西園寺公望と交互に首相を務めた期間は「桂園時代」と呼ばれた。「ニコポン宰相」の異名を持ち、通算在職日数は2,886日。第3次内閣は第一次護憲運動を受けて退陣し、その翌年に病没した。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1848年1月4日
生まれ: 山口県 萩市
死亡: 1913年10月10日, 東京都
政党: 立憲同志会
Is this Yamagata Aritomo, Oe's chief of staff?
Katsura Taro is the prime minister, he's a bastard and he's insane.

Why was it all about Yamaguchi Prefecture?

I got my family register from a guy in the Oe area who falsified our past and got out.

Taro Katsura was a Japanese samurai, army soldier and politician. He was Prime Minister at the time of the Russo-Japanese War, and his term as Prime Minister, alternating with Kinmochi Saionji, was known as the "Katsuraen Era". He was nicknamed "Prime Minister Nikopon" and served in office for a total of 2,886 days. His third cabinet resigned in response to the first constitutional movement, and he died the following year of illness. Wikipedia.
Date of birth: January 4, 1848.
Born: Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Died: 10 October 1913, Tokyo
Political Party: Rikken Doshikai

この連中 もともと吉左衛門の参謀だったのでは?
Weren't these guys originally Kichizaemon's chief of staff?
There's no way you can come out of it out of it by any means.
Damn cockroaches.
I probably can't do this without coming out like a horse after our house.

And last year or two, a guy named Mouri was stationed in Russia. And last year, this Mouri guy was sent to Russia. So Abe knew about this and thought he was Katsura Taro too?
Mouri was sent away for a crime before he went to Russia.
That development, just like Shinpei Goto.

【悲報】安倍昭恵「私は政府や夫の道具じゃない」←これ (18)
ニュー速VIP 2020-07-21 20:11 (4 res/h)

[Sad news] Akie Abe: "I am not a tool of the government or my husband." - This (18)
New Speed VIP 2020-07-21 20:11 (4 res/h)

Shut up! Shut up!!!!!



そして、うちがやってたロウソク 呉服


The reason we've been able to do this with so many fake people is because we've surrounded ourselves with civil servants who don't conform to that bullshit constitution.

None of them are Japanese.

And the candles we used to do. Gofuku.
I thought kimonos were only available in Kyoto, but Hagi City too, right?

The flag is said to have come out of Hagi City a few years ago.
The banner banner with a chrysanthemum crest is the same cloth as the obi.

Here is a handheld bag made from the obi.
It has chrysanthemum emblazoned on it. 

王蟲(おうむ、別表記:オーム、英:Ohmu, NWP:Giant Gorgon)


これ フラワシ描いてるでしょ やっぱり

クシャーナ朝(クシャーナちょう、英: Kushan、中: 貴霜)は、中央アジアから北インドにかけて、1世紀から3世紀頃まで栄えたイラン系の王朝である。日本語表記は一定せず、クシャナ朝、クシャーン朝、クシャン朝、クシャン帝国とも呼ばれる。 ウィキペディア

フラワシ とは、ゾロアスター教における聖霊、下級神。 「円環に翼と尾と脚と人物が付いた図像」である。 ササン朝になると翼は無くなっていき、簡略化され、「円環に細長い布片が付いた図像」に変化していく。 ウィキペディア
Ohmu (Ohmu, NWP: Giant Gorgon)
The fluid is blue.
Because of the blue fluid of the horseshoe crab

The native religions of the earth demons speak of those in blue as having white wings.

That's what I was drawing.

The Kushan dynasty was an Iranian dynasty that flourished from the 1st century to the 3rd century in central Asia and northern India, and was known as the Kushan dynasty. It is also known as the Kushana dynasty, the Kushan dynasty, the Kushan dynasty, and the Kushan Empire. Wikipedia.

Flavashi is a Zoroastrian holy spirit, a subordinate deity, the "circle with wings, tail and legs. It is a "circle with wings, tail, legs and figures". By the Sasanian period, the wings disappeared and were simplified to "a circle with an elongated piece of cloth". Wikipedia.

クシャーナ朝(クシャーナちょう、英: Kushan、中: 貴霜)は、中央アジアから北インドにかけて、1世紀から3世紀頃まで栄えたイラン系の王朝である。日本語表記は一定せず、クシャナ朝、クシャーン朝、クシャン朝、クシャン帝国とも呼ばれる。

紀元前2世紀、匈奴に圧迫されて移動を開始した遊牧民の月氏は、中央アジアのバクトリアに定着した。これを大月氏と呼ぶ。『漢書』西域伝によれば、大月氏は休密翕侯,貴霜翕侯,雙靡翕侯,肸頓翕侯,高附翕侯[注釈 1]の五翕侯[注釈 2]を置いて分割統治したという。それから100余年後、五翕侯のうちの貴霜翕侯(クシャンきゅうこう)が強盛となり、他の四翕侯を滅ぼして貴霜王と称すようになった。



月な ああ 馬の臭いがしない。これならわかる。
The Kushan dynasty was an Iranian dynasty that flourished from the 1st century to the 3rd century in central Asia and northern India, and was known as the Kushan dynasty. It is also known as the Kushana dynasty, Kushan dynasty, Kushan dynasty, and Kushan Empire.

In the 2nd century BC, the nomadic Moon Clan, which began to migrate under pressure from the Xiongnu, settled in Bactria in Central Asia. They are called the Great Moon Clan. According to the Western Biographies of the Han Book, the Datsuki were divided and ruled with one spouse, with five marquises [Note 2]: with one spouse, with one spouse, one marquis of Gui, one marquis of Shuang, one marquis of Ton, and one marquis of Gao, [Note 1]. More than a hundred years later, with one of the five spontaneous sponges, Marquis Kushan became so powerful that he overthrew the other four and came to be known as King Kishang.

Each of the lords of the Otsuki clan issued their own coins, but the number of coins issued by one of the marquises was larger than that of other lords, and the larger coins were minted only with one of the marquises.

The Great Moon and Qin are Different

Moon. Oh, I don't smell like a horse. I can understand this.

原作書いた宮崎駿は現地のフラワシで青に染めてある画像を見て、条件に一致するカブトガニを選んだと思う 自分は。


あの青の着色はラピスラズリなんだ たぶん。
それと同期かそれ以前かだ あのフラワシの像に着色された青は。もともと土台に着色がなく、色が出来てから着色したのかもしれないし。


I think Hayao Miyazaki, who wrote the original story, saw the image dyed blue with a local hula-washi and chose a horseshoe crab that matched the requirements.

Myself, though, I'm directly connected to Iran/Iraq, so I'll just let my opinion flow.

That blue coloring is lapis lazuli, maybe.
At the time of Da Vinci, it was believed that blue in oil painting was finally available.
A very precious blue is used in the Da Vinci painting.
Synchronized with or before that, the blue tinted on that Flavashi statue. It's possible that there was no coloring in the foundation to begin with, and that it was colored after the color was created.

That blue is the color of the lapis lazuli I'm thinking of in my divine artifacts.
And it's in Afghanistan.
It looks like it had something to do with mining in Afghanistan in England.
I am the reason why I can feel that lapis lazuli is so precious.

2011年以降、朴槿恵や荒川静香、小池百合子 私の当時、青への思いを衣装やレディーススーツで表してた。



After 2011, Park Geun-hye, Arakawa Shizuka, and Koike Yuriko At the time I was there, my feelings about blue were expressed in costumes and ladies suits.

Back then, it was popular to choose blue as a winning outfit because I wrote about it on my blog.

How many people in the Middle East knew about my blog before those days. Syria was reacting, so they would have known about it in 2012 or 2013.

The only people who don't feel the weight of 10 years are the fake public servants and their friends.


I said I was going to change Zoroaster. Worshipping fire religion and Kumano Gongen, plus the mountain gods and immobility.

Are there any bears in the Middle East? In Japan, the king of the mountain is a bear.

イスラム教圏内で、これについてどう思うのか 別に嫌がれてはいないんで。イランでは砂漠にバベルの塔をオブジェで設置した。

朝鮮総督府 台湾総督府 関東軍 大日本帝国
How do you feel about this in the Muslim world? I'm not trying to be disgusting. In Iran, they put the Tower of Babel in the desert as an object.
Ten years seems fast and long.
Why was our country eliminated in the first place around the end of the Edo period, when a Japanese painter painted a picture of the Flower Eagle, and why was it annexed by Japan and Korea, the Manchurian infrastructure, and the Chinese civil war?
The sun god beliefs Amaterasu, and the flag of the sun is the national flag.
Draw the Flavashi as Emperor Jinmu and it's all bullshit.

Governor General of Korea, Governor General of Taiwan, Kanto Army, Empire of Japan.
Bullshit military and bullshit aristocracy.



To top it all off, for killing the Persians like a witch hunt, they treated the fake Persians well.
Pseudo-Persians are a cobbled-together Middle Eastern association of common values with the sun god beliefs.

They were probably defeated by Islam in the first place in the Flavashi faith. Some of the doctrine of Zoroaster was not good enough.

People of the Japanese sun god faith are fused with Taoism and are crazy. People who have been killed by crazy people can't achieve Buddhahood.
Part of it is the Heike and part of it is the Heike, and part of it is the rituals that have been made into something they don't have.

蒼き服 これはものすごく高価なもの。
偶然 フラワシに関連つけて、ナウシカの作品を思いだしたから。

Blue Clothing This is a very expensive one.
I just happened to associate it with Flavashi, because it reminded me of the Nausicaa piece.

Hayao Miyazaki must be a Babylonian believer.
Laputa: Castle in the Sky is likewise, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
You made it in your mind's eye, didn't you?


Princess Mononoke is a boar and a deer.
This must have been thought of in the image of the mountain god.
If a person who is good at drawing made it, it is very valuable.

The Mountain God was thought of as the strongest animal in the mountain. The Tendai sect wouldn't know that much about it. That's why the Hiyoshi Shrine of the Tendai sect today is a monkey.

ああ そうだ。山口県萩市 岩倉具視と接点あるのな、大江一族と。
そっからの青森行きだろう 武家と戦に追われたヤツが堂々と公家やってられる訳がない。

Yeah, that's right. You have connections with the Iwakura Tomomi in Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture, with the Oe family.
Matsudai's last name is Oe. Hagihime's last name is Hino.
There must be some idiots who are confused.
The Hagihime from Hino is a woman of either Kenshin or Kenno and has no relation to the Ken family.
Since Kenshin was holed up in Yamagata, that's where the Kiyowa Genji clan joined forces.
The area was moved from Sukagawa to Osaka and then to Sagae.
Sagae is a derivative of Oe.
Sagae is a derivative of Oe, from which he would have gone to Aomori.
This and Ise Kitabatake are completely different.

This is Kenshin and Kenno. Kenno was treated as an officer of Ise Province.
Ise Kokushi was treated as an officer of Ise Kokushi, but when the war worsened, he became a warrior only, and eventually died out.
Oda Nobunaga's faction was the only one who had been given the title of a samurai.

なぜか神戸が出てくる。もう あやしい。神戸は自称ペルシャをいつからやってたんだろう。

いでみつ さぞう
説明出光 佐三は、明治から戦後にかけての日本の実業家・石油エンジニア・海事実業家。石油元売会社出光興産の創業者。貴族院多額納税者議員。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1885年8月22日
生まれ: 福岡県 宗像市
死亡: 1981年3月7日
影響を受けたもの: 水島銕也、内池廉吉
出身校: 神戸高等商業学校; (現・神戸大学経済学部)
配偶者: 山内 靖子 (1927年 - 1981年)、 城戸崎 ケイ (1926年まで)
And if you search for Iran on youtube, you'll get the title of pro-Japanese. I knew it was out there for a while, but Idemitsu's publicity is noisy. I thought so, but it was a former House of Lords.
The fact that he was knighted means he's a traitor to our country, here too.
For some reason, Kobe comes up. I'm already suspicious. I wonder how long Kobe has been a self-proclaimed Persian.

Idemitsu Sazo.
In Mitsuru Mitsu Mitsu, the goddess of love
DescriptionSazo Idemitsu was a Japanese businessman, petroleum engineer and maritime industrialist during the Meiji and postwar periods. He was the founder of Idemitsu Kosan, a petroleum prime distributor. He is a member of the House of Lords, a member of the House of Lords, a member of the House of Many Taxpayers. Wikipedia.
Date of birth: August 22, 1885
Born: Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Died: March 7, 1981
Influences: Mizushima Tessya, Uchiike Renkichi
School of Business: Kobe High School of Commerce; (currently Faculty of Economics, Kobe University)
Spouse: Yasuko Yamauchi (1927 - 1981) and Kay Kidozaki (until 1926)

結局、うちの金ないものに 借用書や重要書類の大半
Well, no problem to buy oil, just yada yada yada yada! And the ad salesmanship is loud.
The baronetcy system of those who were originally considered noblemen are those who made a fuss about our Kichizaemon and did it without permission.
I, a Japanese, here!
As it turns out, most of my IOUs and important documents are for things we don't have money for.
Genealogy, how many thieves are in Japan, China and Korea.

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謎の「新田義貞」売名動きで発見 新田均 新田義貞の支族と語ってきてないか?この一族。そんで

2020-07-21 19:04:17 | 宗教と犯罪
Mysterious "Nitta Yoshisada" found in publicity stunts. Didn't he tell you he was a tributary of Nitta Yoshisada, Hitoshi Nitta? This family. There.

はい 朝鮮総督府 犯罪カルト学校皇学館 久邇宮がこの学校を力注いで
当時の教師達をどんどん この学校に呼び込んでキチガイ戦争の教科書が
Yes, the Korean Governor's Office, the Imperial Academy, the criminal cult school, and Prince Kukiye's efforts to save this school from itself.
They brought in more and more teachers from the time to this school, and the crazy war textbooks.
I could.

冤罪かぶせられた人達は そのまんまなんだよな こういうゴキブリ史観のせいで

The book he was writing was a brainwashing book that mixed fantasy and true story. 
We've been building on that for decades to attract tourism and promote it.
The people who have been falsely accused are exactly the same, because of this cockroach history.

やっぱ キンペー駄目だな
I knew it was a bad idea.
I heard Kim Pei's daughter went to Waseda University.

森喜朗のスタンス見たって まったく他人事 あの北朝鮮人と中国の工作員が
捏造で洗脳し 観光業界につなげて売名し、神道の札売ってさ
神格化させてきたんだ ゴキブリどもを
Moriyoshiro's stance on the matter means that the North Korean and Chinese agent
You know, brainwashing people with fakes, connecting them to the tourism industry, selling them publicity, selling them Shinto money.
I've been deifying them. I've been deifying the cockroaches.

最近 5ちゃんにキンペーの娘は早稲田出てて優秀な学校だよって感じに
Lately, I've been telling 5chan that Kimpy's daughter is an excellent school with a Waseda diploma.
I read about it.

つまりその逆 工作機関の1つ 同志社大学もそう
I mean, on the contrary, one of the operatives, like Doshisha University.

最近 中国共産党でNHKに金ぶっこんだって? そんで新田義貞とかの話なら
I heard the Chinese Communist Party recently dumped money on NHK. And if you're talking about Nitta Yoshisada or something like that.
This looks like an effort to get rid of the family.

Around the time I was researching Jimmu before, I wrote that there were traces of Baekje in Miyazaki and Osaka.
I heard you were filming "Unifuku" at Saga, right?

当時 徐福が神武だって もうしつこいわ しつこいわ
うんざりしたんで あん時

Back then, Xufu said Shenwu, he was so stubborn, so stubborn.
Fake posts.
I got fed up with the whole thing, so when the time came.

清和源氏なら笹竜胆のはずなのに 新田義貞は家紋が笹竜胆じゃないな

The Seiwa Genji clan would have had a bamboo dragonfly, but Nitta Yoshisada doesn't have a bamboo dragonfly as his family crest.

Nitta Yoshisada isn't a Genji!!!!

新田氏 - Wikipedia
ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 新田氏
新田氏(にったし)は、上野国発祥の豪族(軍事貴族)。本姓は源氏。家系は清和源氏の一流河内源氏の棟梁 鎮守府将軍源義家の三男義国の長男新田義重を祖とする上野源氏の総称。義国流足利氏と同族である(この問題については後述)。上野国(群馬県)を本貫とした。家紋は「大中黒・新田一つ引(おおなかぐろ・にったひとつびき)」。 ... そして、足利氏惣領で「氏」を用いなかった足利高義の時代に元服したとみられる8代新田義貞の名に「氏」ではなく「義」の字が入っていることがこの事実を裏付けている。後に新田義貞 ...
家祖‎: ‎新田義重
著名な人物‎: ‎新田義貞‎; ‎脇屋義助
出身地‎: ‎上野国新田郡新田荘
主な根拠地‎: ‎越前国‎; ‎越後国

Nitta - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' Nitta
The Nitta clan was a great clan (military aristocracy) that originated in Ueno Province. His real surname is Genji. The family line is a generic name for the Ueno Genji clan, whose ancestor was Nitta Yoshishige, the eldest son of Yoshikuni, the third son of the shogun Minamoto no Yoshiie, a top-ranked Kawachi Genji family member of the Seiwa Genji clan. He is a member of the same family as the Ashikaga clan of the Yoshikuni school (see below for more on this issue). The Uenokuni (Gunma Prefecture) was the head of the clan.

源氏は笹竜胆なんだ 栃木で知らない訳ないだろう
軍事貴族語ってすり替えしようとしてんだ そうだろ? 卑しい安倍の外野で

主な根拠地 越前って言うのは福井を指し

福井は一向宗の巣窟だから あと越後にも一向宗入った

Genji is a bamboo dragon bear. There's no way they wouldn't know that in Tochigi.
You're trying to switch the military aristocracy around, aren't you? On the outside of the lowly Abe.

The main base is Echizen, which means Fukui
Echigo means Niigata.

Because Fukui is home to the Isshoshu sect, and Echigo is also home to the Isshoshu sect.
Because the One Way religion is Korea.

Abe Shinzo calls himself a Seiwa Genji lineage secular to the Seiwa Kai.
That Seiwa Genji clan is in the Shiba area.
There is a tombstone of the Emperor Seiwa, who is believed to be the founder of the country, in Yamagata.
It is located at a mountain temple in Yamagata, which is home to the Tendai sect and the Hiyoshi Shrine.
Originally, the Tendai sect was to be housed in a mausoleum, with Taga Kokufu transferred to it. However, if they killed the Kenke and moved the head temple in the Tohoku region to Yamagata, it would make sense in terms of the story.
The murderer, Seiwa Genji, also called himself the Kawachi Genji, but the truth is unclear and difficult to reconcile.
Shiba was originally hostile to the Ken family, and there is no way he would have found the grave of a child of the Ken family in the mountain temple, which is why he was moved to Yamagata in 2013? It was sold that there was a grave of a child of the Ken family in the mountain temple.
When I visited the temple, there was no reason for it to be there and the blog had been deleted. The Kiyomoto clan was originally a gang of household registration thieves, and the Tendo clan was formed by Shiba and Satomi.
There was no made-up child called Tendo Maru, but the thieves who were making a profit by selling out their names were the Nitta faction's Kiyowamoto clan and Ashikaga.

Suddenly, Nitta Yoshisada was lifted up in Fukui and Niigata by the Jodo Shinshu sect, or Jodo Shinshu.
In their backyard are Mori Yoshiro Mori and Hisashi Owada of Niigata.

習近平と森喜朗達 仲間内なんだな
北朝鮮人だよ 森喜朗なんかも。

So, Xi Jinping, Moriyoshi and the others are your friends.
They're North Koreans, including Moriyoshiro.
Abe is of Manchurian descent.

If you find out that the Chinese are involved in fabricating Japanese history in the upper echelons of the party.

And then there are only cults, so Abe's out there. The plague man named Emperor Seiwa, the founder of the Seiwa Genji clan, is a man whose timing is full of calamities, and he's delusional by confusing this with Abe. Abe's outsiders are having trouble passing on the legend of Emperor Seiwa to others, thinking that if the disaster doesn't go away after Abe quits, they'll give the legend of Emperor Seiwa to others as well. There are those who want to make it up that Abe has the Emperor Seiwa's disaster. They thought they could make up the legend of the bad luck king at random and use it as a publicity stunt to tell the world that he was a god of destruction.
There are only cockroaches on the outside of Abe's circle who would take advantage of the flight to this point and call him a god of destruction and take a back seat. They are all tribal people of the Korean religion and people like this.
Even if Abe quits, there will be a disaster, so he's not a god of destruction or anything. They don't return the money, don't fix the documents, don't return the Kumano Gongen and don't produce any results, and they despise the cockroaches of Japan abroad.


Lying Cult Crazy Shinto.
I'm the one who does the rituals, not Akihito and his team.
And the rituals are not in the form that they are sold to the public.
It's a good thing that you're able to get a good idea of what you're looking for.

Since they're offending the real emperor, they say that any number of disasters can happen. As the Korean proverb says, the spirit of repeating a lie becomes the truth when the lie is repeated, which leads to repeated financial frauds, laws, and non-compliance with the Constitution. I'm talking about you guys.

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