
日々の記憶..... 哲学研究者、赤尾秀一の日記。


The Problem with Obama’s ISIS Strategy(オバマのISIS戦略の問題)

2014年09月15日 | ニュース・現実評論


The Problem with Obama’s ISIS Strategy

September 11, 2014 8:00 PM

The Problem with Obama’s ISIS Strategy

The president’s war plan against the group suffers from a glaring mismatch of ends and means.

By Charles Krauthammer

In his Islamic State speech, President Obama said many of the right things. Most importantly, he finally got the mission right: Degrade and destroy the enemy.

This alone will probably get him a bump in the polls, which have dropped to historic lows. But his strategic problem remains: the disconnect between (proclaimed) ends and means.

He’s sending an additional 475 American advisers to Iraq. He says he’s broadening the air campaign, but that is merely an admission that the current campaign was always about more than just protecting U.S. personnel in Irbil and saving Yazidis on mountain tops. It was crucially about providing air support for the local infantry, Kurdish and Iraqi.

The speech’s only news was the promise to expand the air campaign into Syria and (finally) seriously arm the secular opposition. But this creates a major problem for Obama. Just a month ago, he ridiculed the non-jihadist rebels as nothing but a bunch of “doctors, farmers, pharmacists, and so forth.” Now he deputizes them as our Syrian shock troops. So he seems finally to have found his Syria strategy: F-16s flying air support for pharmacists in tanks.

Not to worry, says the president. We’ll have lots of other help ― “a broad coalition to roll back this terrorist threat.” He then proceeded to name not a single member of this stout assembly or offer even an approximate number.

Democrats have a habit of accusing George W. Bush of going it alone in Iraq. According to the Center of Military History of the U.S. Army, Bush had 37 nations with us. They sent more than 25,000 troops. So far, Obama has a coalition of nine: eight NATO members plus Australia. How many of those ― or of the much touted Arab coalition behind us ― do you think will contribute any troops at all?

And what will this campaign look like? Not Iraq or Afghanistan, the president reassured the nation. The model will be Somalia and Yemen.

Is he serious? First, there’s no comparing the scale. This year has seen 16 air strikes in Yemen, two in Somalia. Two! That doesn’t even count as a pinprick.

Third, are these results we want to emulate? Yemen and Somalia are failed states ― unsafe, unstable, bristling with active untamed insurgencies. We occasionally pick off a leader by drone ― an absurdly inadequate strategy if the goal is to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State, which the administration itself calls a terror threat unlike any we’ve ever seen.

 Second, there is no comparing the stakes. Yemen and Somalia are strategically marginal. The Islamic State controls a vast territory in the heart of oil-rich Mesopotamia, threatening everything of importance in the Middle East.

And beyond the strategy’s halfhearted substance is its author’s halfhearted . Obama’s  and ambivalence are obvious. This is a man driven to give this speech by public opinion. It shifted radically with the televised beheading of two Americans. Every poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly want something to be done ― and someone to lead the doing.

Hence Wednesday’s speech. Its origins were more political than strategic. Its purpose was to save the wreckage of a presidency at its lowest ebb. (If this were a parliamentary democracy, Obama would lose a vote of non-confidence and be out of office.) Its point was to give the appearance of firmness and purpose, i.e., leadership.

You could sense that Obama had been dragged unwillingly into this new unproclaimed war. Which was reminiscent of Obama’s speech five years ago announcing the surge in Afghanistan. In the very next sentence, he announced a fixed date of withdrawal. Then added, lest anyone miss his lack of enthusiasm, “The nation that I’m most interested in building is our own.”

Meaning, not Afghanistan

At the time, I called it the most uncertain trumpet ever sounded by a president summoning the country to war. I fear the campaign against the Islamic State will be a reprise.

Even the best war plans run into trouble. This one already suffers from a glaring mismatch of ends and means ― and a grand coalition that is largely fictional. Difficulties are sure to come. How will the commander-in-chief, already reluctant and ambivalent, react to setbacks ― the downing of the first American pilot or perhaps a mini--Tet Offensive in Baghdad’s Green Zone engulfing the U.S. embassy?

On that day, we will need a steady, determined president committed to the mission. Do we have one even now?


― Charles Krauthammer is a nationally syndicated columnist. (c) 2014 The Washington Post Writers Group



【The Problem with Obama’s ISIS Strategy】 Charles Krauthammer









演説の唯一のニュースは、シリアへの空爆を展開して、(最終的に)真剣に世俗的な反対勢力に武装させることを約束したことである。しかし、これは、オバマにとって大きな問題を作りだす。ほんのひと月前までは、彼は、非ジハード主義反政府勢力のことを、「医師、農民、薬剤師たち等々」の集まりに過ぎないなどと嘲笑していた。いまや彼は私たちのシリア突撃隊としてそれらに代理させている。そうして彼は最終的に彼のシリアの戦略を見出したようだ。F-16 が戦車内の「薬剤師」のために航空支援に飛んでいる。

心配していない、と大統領は言った。私たちは、他にも多くの支援がある、このテロリストの脅威を巻き返すために広範な同盟をもつだろう、と。 彼はその時、たった一つもこの確かな会議の名前を挙げることもなければ、およその数すら提供するところまで行かなかった。

イラクに単独で向かったジョージ・W・ブッシュ元大統領を民主党は非難するのがつねである。米軍の軍事歴史センターによると、ブッシュ大統領は我々と伴にする37カ国を持っていた。彼らは、25,000人以上の軍隊を送った。これまでのところ、オバマ氏は、 NATO加盟国の八カ国に加えてオーストラリアの九カ国の同盟を持っている。これらのうちの一体どれだけ多くが、あるいは、または私たちの背後にあってもてはやされているアラブ連合がどれだけ軍隊に貢献するとあなたは考えるだろう?


彼は真剣だろうか?第一に、比較すべき何の尺度もない。今年は、イエメンで16回の、ソマリアの2回の空爆が見られた。 2つです!そんなものはあっても針を刺したようなもので、カウントさえされません。





この新しい宣戦布告のない戦争にオバマがしぶしぶ戦争に引きずり込まれたことを、あなたは感じとることができただろう。それはアフガニスタンで増派を発表する5年前の、オバマ氏の演説を彷彿とさせるものだった。まさに次の宣言では、彼は撤退の期日を発表した。その時、彼の熱意の欠乏を誰にも見つからないように 「私が建設に最も興味を持っている国家は、我々自身のもの(国家)である。」と付け加えられた。




その日には、私たちは使命をゆだねられたまじめな断固とした強い意志を持った大統領を必要とするだろう。 私たちはそれを今にも持ちえているか?

チャールズ・クラウトハマーは全国的に同時に配給されるコラムニストです。 (c) 2014 ワシントンポスト著作家組合








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