桂木嶺のGO TO THE THEATER!~Life is beautiful!~



2017-11-08 09:02:45 | 劇評

Yesterday was awesome, I've been looking at Kabuki's new work "Shinbashi performance dance" One Piece! For details, I would like to read my blog, it was a masterpiece to open up a new surface of Kabuki indeed!


"Well, may you be surprised?" Japan is one of the world's leading manga powers, "Is this manga the original?"
"One Piece" is a very popular manga, about a total of 360 million copies (!!!!), which was also certified in the Guinness Book of Records. Before seeing it, I was really nervous about what it would be like to express it as a kabuki, but when I actually went to see it, it was a really wonderful new kabuki new wave I was touched very much!

The impressions are written in blogs a lot, but the wonderful thing about this Kabuki is that it uses the traditional Kabuki acting and techniques, as well as firmly introducing the latest technology like project mapping, so that "one piece" It can be said that perfectly expressing the scale view of the world view.


In addition, the splendid scenario that gathered a huge original into a script of 4 hours properly, the wonderful sense of the director's successful interactive exchanges between the audience and the actor, the whole theater "One Piece" of the box office theater It is like creating a festival space like a bairoit music festival, directing in a gorgeous place, there is nothing to do with enumeration.


I think that "One Piece" has become a very epoch-making work in the future considering Japanese theater of the 21st century or the world's theater entertainment worldwide, and I think it will be useful as one excellent model case think. I think that not only theater entertainment but also the influence on other entertainment such as music concert will play a very big role.


If you have the opportunity to see it , please look at "One Piece" in Japan!


Because this is a stage full of innovative charm, you can understand that traditional theater enthusiasts can not follow at all. But like myself, if you have studied both video and theater, you can quickly understand the possibilities of this stage and the historical theatrical history.


It is wonderful to think that kabuki and theater are also good when such excellent work is born. Kabuki boasts a 400-year history, but with the adventurous work being born at such a time, it has developed more and more and has brought new stars. The etymology of "Kabuki" is "wearing" and means "to do something very unusual and innovative". It can be said that he had just returned to its origin, the success of "One Piece"!

Indeed "Innovation" is a "one piece" that can be said to be an innovative work!

I am very happy to be on the stage called "One Piece". And along with this edgy work, we will admire again for the astounding talent of the Kabuki actor who can perform exactly the classic as well.
