


2022-09-07 20:29:19 | Newsメモ

BBC Pakistan floods: Officials struggle to stop biggest lake overflowing 6 Sep 2022 By Pumza Fihlani in Islamabad & Simon Fraser in London

Pakistani authorities are struggling to stop their biggest lake from bursting its banks after last-ditch attempts to lower water levels failed.

Manchar Lake, in Sindh province, is dangerously full after record monsoons that inundated a third of Pakistan.

Three breaches of the lake's banks so far - two to protect areas nearby - have displaced over 100,000 people.


Floods in Pakistan have affected some 33 million people and killed at least 1,314, including 458 children, Pakistan's National Disaster Management Agency said.


Many displaced people are living on the roadside without shelter, food or clean drinking water.

Pakistan is facing one of its worst climate-induced natural disasters in years, as record torrential rainfall and melting glaciers in the country's northern mountains have caused devastating floods.

 もうすっかりclimate-induced natural disasterで、気候変動が原因と名指されている。


BBC Disease warning as Pakistan flood death toll rises 3 Sep 2022 By Merlyn Thomas

Aid workers warn a lack of clean drinking water is causing an increase in diseases in Pakistan, as the floods death toll passes 1,200.

Access to clean water was the biggest problem for those trying to find food and shelter, said medical charity, Medecins Sans Frontieres.

The country's top disaster management official said that 2022 had brought some harsh realities of climate change for Pakistan.

"This year we did not witness a spring season - we faced four heatwaves which caused large-scale forest fires across the country," said Akhtar Nawaz.

 気候変動については「うちのくに、今年は春、なかったんですけど! 熱波四回、森林火災多発!」それでこの大洪水。…真剣にどうしようもない。
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