


2018-04-22 21:24:03 | Newsメモ
BBC India introduces death penalty for child rapists 21 Apr 2018

India's Cabinet has approved the introduction of the death penalty for those who rape children, amid uproar over a series of high-profile cases



The change to the country's penal code applies to those convicted of raping a child under the age of 12.


According to Reuters, which has seen a copy of the order, there was no mention of boys or men



BBC Asifa Bano: The child rape and murder that has Kashmir on edge 12 Apr 2018


They believe that the accused men wished to terrorise the Gujjar community into leaving Jammu. The shepherds use public and forest land in Jammu for grazing, which has recently brought them into conflict with some Hindu residents in the region.



Ankur Sharma, one of the lawyers who protested on behalf of the accused, alleged that the Muslim nomads were trying to alter the demographics of Jammu, where Hindus are currently the majority. "They are encroaching our forests and water resources," he told the BBC


The Gujjars wanted to bury Asifa in a graveyard where they had purchased some land a few years ago and had already buried five people. But when they arrived there, Mr Pujwala said, they were surrounded by Hindu right-wing activists who threatened them with violence if they were to continue with the burial


BBC Rape inquiry against India BJP lawmaker 12 Apr 2018




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