


2019-12-10 16:33:10 | ビルマ/ミャンマー
 まずは「The case is being brought against Myanmar, not Aung San Suu Kyi」、アウンサンスーチー自身が法廷に立たされるわけではないと確認しておこう。あくまでミャンマーが訴えられているのであり、事実上の国家元首としての彼女が法廷に来るのだ。しかし「But the case is, to some extent, about the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner herself」そりゃまあもちろん、責任問題ですが。

BBC Myanmar Rohingya: Suu Kyi to defend genocide charge at UN court 10 Dec 2019


Aung San Suu Kyi is due to appear at the UN's International Court of Justice in the Hague to defend Myanmar against accusations of genocide.

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate will hear allegations that Myanmar committed atrocities against Muslim Rohingya.


Myanmar has always insisted it was tackling an extremist threat.


The case has been brought by the small African nation of The Gambia.

It will hear allegations that the clearances were "intended to destroy the Rohingya as a group, in whole or in part", via mass murder, rape, and setting fire to their buildings "often with inhabitants locked inside".

In August, a report accused Myanmar soldiers of "routinely and systematically employing rape, gang rape, and other violent and forced sexual acts against women, girls, boys, men and transgender people".



As of 30 September, there were 915,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh camps. Almost 80% arrived between August and December 2017, and in March this year, Bangladesh said it would accept no more.
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