


2014-02-24 | 権利と空気












■野本由紀夫 玉川大学教授(音楽学者) HIROSHIMAについて


■きょみつとし 音楽評論家、慶応大学教授)


佐村河内守(さむらごうち まもる)の交響曲第1番である。



Shun Fergusonさんのコメントを転記します。



日本の名誉を護る在カナダ邦人の会から「CanadianScreen 賞の候補となっている捏造慰安婦アニメの受賞阻止!にご協力のお願い」のお知らせです。


‘Mary& Myself’という捏造慰安婦をテーマにしたアニメーションがCanadianScreen Awardという賞にノミネートされました。

NSCAD student nominated for Canadian Screen Award

Animated doc tells a sad tale from history

カナダ人大学院生Sam Decosteさんの中国語の教師とその友人は、捏造慰安婦の話を題材にした劇を作りました。 それを基にSam Decosteさんが’Mary & Myself’というアニメーションを作成。そのアニメーション作品が今、カナダ映画賞にノミネートされています。

賞が決まるのは2014年3月9日。受賞してしまうと、「第二次世界大戦中に、およそ20万人から50万人の女性が日本軍によって拉致されたか、あるいはだまされて強制的に毎日何十人もの日本兵相手に性行為をさせられ た。女性の多くは死に、苦しめられ、性感染症と外傷、トラウマから不妊になった」などという噓がまるで真実のようにカナダや世界に広まってしまいます。


代表 はすみ 都志子

◆Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television宛抗議文 その1、その2
◆Sam Decosteさんと彼女の大学の学部宛抗議文 その1、その2

【Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television宛て抗議】

Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
49 Ontario Street, Suite 501
Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2V1
TEL: 416-366-2227

communications@academy.ca, info@academy.ca,

Mary & Myself
Comfort Women
CSA Nomination

<本文 その1>
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am writing in response to the nomination of Ms. Sam Decoste for a Canadian Screen Award for her short animated film Mary & Myself.
I would like to provide some information about the subject of that film which will likely surprise you. The standard story about “comfort women” being coerced into being sex slaves is not true, and the script that the actresses read in that movie is not based on fact.
I worry that if Mary & Myself wins the award, then more people will wrongly think that the ‘comfort women were sex slaves’ story on which it is based is true. That would unjustly tarnish Japan’s reputation in the world.
Despite many current claims to the contrary, there was no systematic coercion and entrapment of young women to work in brothels for the Japanese army before or during World War II. There were brothels, after all prostitution was not illegal there at the time, but they were filled with women recruited and hired as prostitutes.
There is lots of evidence of this in Japanese military records and also some in US military records. For example, below is a link to a report written in 1944 (ten months before the War’s end) by the U.S. Army.


The report summarizes information from the U.S. Army’s interrogation of some captured comfort women. They were “captured” and not “freed,” because they were with the Japanese Imperial Army in Burma fleeing from the advancing U.S. military.
The report makes clear that the women were recruited, were being well paid and were under no compulsion to stay or work.
The sex trade that exists wherever armed forces are located is a delicate subject matter in Asia and elsewhere, and causes various social problems. The Korean prostitutes who service the U.S military in South Korea are an issue ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitutes_in_South_Korea_for_the_U.S._military )as is the discrimination inflicted on the offspring of Vietnamese women and Korean soldiers born during the Vietnam War (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lai_%C4%90%E1%BA%A1i_H%C3%A0n ).
In any case, the story that comfort women were sex slaves and were coerced into that role is untrue. It is being trumpeted by groups in certain Asian countries for political and propaganda purposes and it is unfortunate that the script on which the film Mary & Myself is based on such untruths.
I would like the Academy to consider and discuss this matter objectively and diligently before the award winner is chosen.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:Sam DecosteさんのMary & MyselfがCanadian Screen Awardにノミネートされた件についてメールしております。Mary & Myselfのテーマについて重要な情報を提供する必要があると存じます。一般的な慰安婦の話は捏造であり、このアニメーションで声優が読んだ台本は史実に基づいていません。Mary & Myselfが受賞した場合、史実でないことが史実のように誤解され、日本の名誉を毀損する内容が世界中に広まるのではないかと怖れています。それに関する証拠を提供します。それは1944年の米軍による慰安婦の尋問の記録です。こちらがそのコピーです。(URL省略)このレポートはビルマで捕えられた(開放されたのではなく)慰安婦を米軍が尋問したものの要約です。慰安婦たちは公募で高給取りで、強制されていたわけではないことが明記されています。風俗は軍隊の存在するいかなる所にもあり、微妙な主題で、様々な社会問題を引き起こします。洋公主やライダイハンなど。とにかく、慰安婦が日本軍によって強制された性奴隷だという話は虚偽であり、政治的な宣伝目的のため、あるアジアの国々のグループによって吹聴されています。残念ながらMary & Myselfの台本はその虚偽に基づいています。貴映画協会におきましては、カナダ映画賞をお決めになる前にこのようなことを客観的かつ念入りに考慮していただきたく存じます。

<本文 その2>
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I hope this email finds you all in excellent health.
I am writing in response to the nomination of Ms. Sam Decoste for a Canadian Screen Award for her short animated film Mary & Myself.
I feel it is necessary to provide some important information about the film’s subject matter. The standard story presently circulating about “comfort women” is not accurate, and the script that the actresses read in the film is not based on fact.
I worry that if Mary & Myself wins the award, then more people will wrongly think that the ‘comfort women were sex slaves’ story on which it is based is true. That would unjustly tarnish Japan’s reputation in the world.
Despite many current claims to the contrary, there was no systematic coercion and entrapment of young women to work in brothels for the Japanese army before or during World War II. There were brothels, after all prostitution was not illegal there at the time, but they were filled with women recruited and hired as prostitutes.
The following link is to a US news program about comfort women which reveals the true story.

As the interviewee, Mr. Komori, states the Japanese army as a matter of policy never coerced the recruitment of young women in Asia. The army did have a system of brothels established for the soldiers, but with a few exceptions, women were recruited for them through advertisements and third parties. The women were paid by the individual soldiers and were well paid by the economic standards of the time. Such a system of brothels is an uncomfortable subject in the present moral climate, but in those days prostitution was legal in many parts of Asia.
In any case, the Japanese government and successive Prime Ministers have acknowledged the wrongdoing of the past, including organizing the brothel system, and apologized.
Unfortunately some groups in certain Asian countries either ignore those apologies or insist they are not sufficient.
I would like the Academy to consider and discuss this matter objectively and diligently before the award winner is chosen.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:Sam DecosteさんのMary & MyselfがCanadian Screen Awardにノミネートされた件についてメールしております。Mary & Myselfのテーマについて重要な情報を提供する必要があると存じます。一般的な慰安婦の話は捏造であり、このアニメーションで声優が読んだ台本は史実に基づいていません。Mary & Myselfが受賞した場合、史実でないことが史実のように誤解され、日本の名誉を毀損する内容が世界中に広まるのではないかと怖れています。WWⅡの前あるいは最中に、若い女性を日本軍の売春宿で働かせるための日本軍による組織的な強制などありませんでした。当時売春は違法ではありませんでしたので、売春宿があり、公募の売春婦がたくさんいました。こちらの米国のニュースで、慰安婦に関する真実が明らかになっています。(URL省略)産経新聞の古森さんは「日本軍は兵士用の売春宿を管理してはいましたが、アジアの女性を慰安婦になるよう強制したことは決してありませんでした。慰安婦は広告や業者によって集められ、個々の兵士が料金を払っており、慰安婦は大金を稼ぎました。そうした売春宿のシステムは現在のモラルから見ると良くないことですが、当時はアジアの多くの地域で売春は合法でした。」と語っています。

【Sam Decosteさんと彼女の大学の学部宛て抗議】

Nova Scotia College of Art & Design
Division of Fine Arts
5163 Duke Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada B3J 3J6


Mary & Myself
Comfort Women
CSA Nomination

<本文 その1>
Dear Ms. Sam Decoste and the members of the Master of Fine Arts program of the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design:

I hope this email finds you all in excellent health.
I recently learned that Ms. Sam Decoste has been nominated for a Canadian Screen Award for her short animated film Mary & Myself.
I would like to offer my congratulations. I would also like to provide some information which will likely surprise you. The standard story about “comfort women” is not accurate, and the script that your actresses read is not based on fact.
I worry that if Mary & Myself wins the award, then more people will wrongly think that the ‘comfort women were sex slaves’ story on which it is based is true. That would unjustly tarnish Japan’s reputation in the world.
It is a long story on how the “comfort women” story as it is now known came to be created so I will just provide you with one piece of evidence for your information, a report written in 1944 (ten months before the War’s end) by the U.S. Army.
The report is about the U.S. Army’s interrogation of some of these captured comfort women. They were “captured” and not “freed,” because they were with the Japanese Imperial Army in Burma fleeing from the advancing U.S. military.
You can view a copy of the report here:


On page 1 of the report it states that “A ‘comfort girl’ is nothing more than a prostitute or ‘professional camp follower’”. On page 2, it describes the good living conditions that the women enjoyed and on page 3, it states that the women had the right to refuse any customer.
According to the report, the “house master” received fifty to sixty per cent of the girls’ gross earnings depending on how much of a debt each girl had incurred when she signed her contract. This meant that in an average month a girl would gross about fifteen hundred yen of which seven hundred and fifty yen were turned over to the “master”. In comparison the average monthly wage of a lowly Japanese soldier was 10 yen.
These women were well paid and outside of their duties enjoyed many activities with the Japanese soldiers. They were clearly not sex slaves.
The report also states that these women easily admitted they were recruited by the Japanese, although some of the recruiting was deceptive.
In any case, the Korean claim that comfort women were sex slaves forced into prostitution is shown to be a lie from this U.S. Army report. When this report was written, both Japan and the USA looked for anything to use as propaganda against the other side. So it would have been easy and productive to write in this report that the women were forced into the sexual slavery, but that would have been a lie. The report had no propaganda value it was marked “SECRET.”
You can get a copy of the interrogation report yourself by contacting the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The contact email is archives2reference@nara.gov and the document is stored under the name “ARC Identifier 2144907 / MLR Number NM84 79: Query re Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report #49”.
Please note that it may take up to 2 months for the report to arrive. It is suggested that you check with NARA to confirm that they have received your request.
If you are interested in doing further anime projects based on similar themes, there is a lot of material on Korean prostitutes who service the U.S military in South Korea (for example, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitutes_in_South_Korea_for_the_U.S._military ). and the discrimination inflicted on the offspring of Vietnamese women and Korean soldiers born during the Vietnam War (please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lai_%C4%90%E1%BA%A1i_H%C3%A0n ).
I would request that Ms. Sam Decoste and the other members of the Master of Fine Arts program look more deeply into the comfort women story and not fooled by the lies now accepted by many as the truth.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:Sam Decoste様がお作りになったアニメーション、Mary & MyselfがCanadian Screen Awardにノミネートされたそうですね。おめでとうございます。驚かれるかも知れませんが、“慰安婦”に関する一般の話は捏造であり、アニメーションで声優がお読みになった台本は史実に基づいていません。Mary & Myselfが受賞した場合、史実でないことが史実のように誤解され、日本の名誉を毀損する内容が世界中に広まるのではないかと怖れています。それに関する証拠を提供します。それは1944年の米軍による慰安婦の尋問の記録です。こちらがそのコピーです。(URL省略)1ページ目に“「売春婦」とは、将兵のために日本軍に所属している売春婦、つまり「つい軍売春婦」にほかならない”と記されています。2ページ目には娯楽も許された贅沢な生活状況、3ページ目には接客を断る権利も有していたことが記されています。慰安婦一人の手取りは月に約750円だったのに対し、下っぱの日本兵の月給は10円でした。このレポートによって、韓国側の「慰安婦は日本軍に強制された性奴隷だ」という主張は間違っていることが明らかになります。あなたが将来似たようなテーマでアニメーションをお作りになりたいのなら、洋公主やライダイハンを取り上げてはいかがでしょう?Sam Decoste様やMaster of Fine Arts programの方々に、慰安婦問題について捏造に騙されることなく、深く真実を知っていただきたく存じます。


<本文 その2>
Dear Ms. Sam Decoste and the members of the Master of Fine Arts program of the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design:

I would like to offer my congratulations on the nomination of Ms. Sam Decoste for a Canadian Screen Award for her short animated film Mary & Myself.
I would also like to provide some important information about the film’s subject matter. The standard story presently circulating about “comfort women” is not accurate, and the script that your actresses read is not based on fact.
I worry that if Mary & Myself wins the award, then more people will wrongly think that the ‘comfort women were sex slaves’ story on which it is based is true. That would unjustly tarnish Japan’s reputation in the world.
Despite many current claims to the contrary, there was no systematic coercion and entrapment of young women to work in brothels for the Japanese army before or during World War II. There were brothels, after all prostitution was not illegal there at the time, but they were filled with women recruited and hired as prostitutes.
The following link is to a US news program about comfort women which reveals the true story.

As the interviewee, Mr. Komori, states the Japanese army as a matter of policy never coerced the recruitment of young women in Asia. The army did have a system of brothels established for the soldiers, but with a few exceptions, women were recruited for them through advertisements and third parties. The women were paid by the individual soldiers and were well paid by the economic standards of the time. Such a system of brothels is an uncomfortable subject in the present moral climate, but in those days prostitution was legal in many parts of Asia.
In any case, the Japanese government and successive Prime Ministers have acknowledged the wrongdoing of the past, including isolated cases of coercion of women into brothels, and apologized.
Unfortunately some groups in certain Asian countries either ignore those apologies or insist they are not sufficient.
I would request that Ms. Sam Decoste and the other members of the Master of Fine Arts program look more deeply into the comfort women story and not be fooled by the lies now being circulated.

差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

日本語要約:Sam Decoste様がお作りになったアニメーション、Mary & MyselfがCanadian Screen Awardにノミネートされたそうですね。おめでとうございます。Mary & Myselfのテーマについて重要な情報を提供したく存じます。一般的な慰安婦の話は捏造であり、このアニメーションで声優が読んだ台本は史実に基づいていません。Mary & Myselfが受賞した場合、史実でないことが史実のように誤解され、日本の名誉を毀損する内容が世界中に広まるのではないかと怖れています。WWⅡの前あるいは最中に、若い女性を日本軍の売春宿で働かせるための日本軍による組織的な強制などありませんでした。当時売春は違法ではありませんでしたので、売春宿があり、公募の売春婦がたくさんいました。こちらの米国のニュースで、慰安婦に関する真実が明らかになっています。(URL省略)産経新聞の古森さんは「日本軍は兵士用の売春宿を管理してはいましたが、アジアの女性を慰安婦になるよう強制したことは決してありませんでした。慰安婦は広告や業者によって集められ、個々の兵士が料金を払っており、慰安婦は大金を稼ぎました。そうした売春宿のシステムは現在のモラルから見ると良くないことですが、当時はアジアの多くの地域で売春は合法でした。」と語っています。とにかく日本政府と歴代の首相は、売春宿などのシステムを管理したことを認め、謝罪しました。残念ながらあるアジアの国々は日本の謝罪を無視するか、十分ではないと主張しています。Sam Decoste様やMaster of Fine Arts programの方々に、慰安婦問題について捏造に騙されることなく、深く真実を知っていただきたく存じます。

