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上野&浅草 英語で街歩き ~上野編~ 

2015-02-16 | 街歩き



 Here we go



下町風俗資料館 / The Shitamachi Museum

This museum re-creates life during the Meiji and Taisho periods( 1868-1926).

Take off your shoes and look inside an old tenement house or sweet shop

while soaking up the atmpsphere of shitamachi. ¥300 English leafletあり


 不忍池/蓮池 / Shinobazu Pond / Hasu Pond 

In spring there are a lot of cherry blossoms along with the pond.

In summer you can see the beautiful lotus flowers in the Hasu pond.

There is the Benten Hall behind the pond over there.


 弁天堂 / Benten Hall 


The temple is dedicated to Benzaiten, the Buddhist goddess of the arts,wisdom

 and fortune.

It is one of the power spot of Tokyo, where young women come to do a wish.


塚 / monument




五條天神社/ Gojo Shrine

The person who wants to cure illness visits Gojo Shrine.


花園稲荷神社 / Hanazono Inari Shrine

It is a small scale of famous  Fushimi Inari in Kyoto.

In Inari, God of the business is worshiped.


上野大仏 / Ueno Daibutu

The person who prays for school success visits Ueno Daibutu.


五重塔/ Five-storied Pagpda 


上野東照宮 / Toshogu Shirine

It is a small scale of famous Toshogu in Nikko.

Toshogu means "light of the east" and refers to 200 shrines build across Japan

to enshirine the deified spirit of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder and first shogun

 of Tokugawa shogunate, which ruled Japan from 1603-1868.


東京都美術館/ Tokyo Metoropolitan Art Museum



東京国立博物館/The Tokyo National Museum

Holds the world's largest collection of Japanese art including pottery,

sculpture, samurai swords, ukiyo-e, and kimono.


国立科学博物館 / The National Science Museum


D51形蒸気機関車/ D51 forms steam locomotive


国立西洋美術館 / The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo

A historically important modern building designed by 20th century  French architect

Le Corbusier(1887-1965).


東京文化会館/ Tokyo Bunka Kaikan

In Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, classical conserts, ballet and opera are held.


清水観音堂 / Kiyomizu Hall


It's miniature of the famous Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto. This red temple is one of

the Tokyo's oldest original structures: established in 1631 and its present

position since 1698, it has servived every disaster come its way. Hiroshige

painted the Famous Ukiyoe "Tsuki no matsu"  as a view from  the Kiyomizu Hall.


アメ横商店街 / Ameya-yokocho

Ameya-yokocho started as a black market post world war Ⅱ

when American goods were sold here.

Now the streets are crowded with stores offering clothes, fresh fish and

dried food.



上野公園内には、お手洗い・スタバ・パークサイド カフェ・軽食スタンド・レストラン等が



寒くなければ、噴水前のベンチで珈琲片手に休憩するのもよし 広々とした敷地で




