ドラゴンユウコの 多次元ワールド


決算無事おわり to U に感動

2013年08月23日 | 2015年まで




ああ、うれしー ああ・・この喜び




















ミニライブでは、さとうあやこさんという人が歌っていた「to U」という歌に感動。






to U

人を好きに もっと好きになれるから 頑張らなくてもいいよ
今を好きに もっと好きになれるから あわてなくてもいいよ ♪



チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション メッセージ その9

2013年08月23日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション 17日目をアップします。

Miraculous Communication

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” —Mother Teresa

“In the yogic tradition, our ability to communicate with clarity and compassion is governed by an energy center, or chakra, located in the area of our throat.  When the energy in our throat chakra is flowing freely, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about being judged or misunderstood. We’re also able to listen with our heart, truly hearing the messages other people are sending us. When the energy of our throat chakra is congested, however, we may feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and we are likely to censor ourselves. We may also find it difficult to listen with an open heart and an open mind.

Today in our meditation together we will focus our attention on expanding the flow of energy in our throat chakra, holding the intention to communicate with clarity, compassion, and honesty.

Mindful Moment

Today we invite you to try a conscious communication practice rooted in the Buddhist tradition. Before you speak, ask yourself these four questions:  Is what I’m about to say kind? It is true? Is it necessary? Does it improve upon the silence? If you can answer yes to all four questions, then your words will resonate with authenticity and love. Consider posting these four questions somewhere you will see them each day, maybe adding them to the wallpaper on your phone. Each carefully delivered communication will provide you with abundant blessings.”

Today’s Centering Thought:  “I fearlessly speak my truth with love.”

Sanskrit Manta:  “Om Ritam Namah – My actions and intentions are supported by cosmic intelligence.”

Oprah:  “Welcome to Day 17, Miraculous Communication.  Virginia Wolf said it – ‘If you do not tell the truth about yourself, you cannot tell it about other people.’  There are million things that can block us from speaking our truth – insecurity, being judged, feeling unworthy.  Today, Deepak shares with us about how being honest with ourselves and others can immediately create rich and satisfying connections in all areas of our lives.  When we consciously create a communication style that feels safe, confident and authentic, we enter into our relationships with a higher level of integrity and our very presence becomes love-filled and life-supportive.  If everything you say and do shows the world who you are, let it be your truth – authentic truth and divine.  As we prepare to listen to Deepak and meditate together, let’s set the intention to feel safe, confident, compassionate, and courageous with each breath in and each breath-out.”

Deepak:  “The expression center, the fifth chakra, is also known as the throat chakra.  It is the first chakra on the body to focus on the spiritual plane and is also the bridge between the lower and upper chakras.   One of its functions is to enhance the ability to speak our mind.

When we speak from our true self, our words are positive.  They inspire and lift everyone in our world.  As we communicate authentically, our relationships grow, our connections with each other and the world around us deepen.  Likewise, an under-active throat chakra results in being hesitant to voice our opinions, not wanting to be judged or misrepresented.  Instead of expressing what we would like to express, we tend to keep our desires, needs and opinions to ourselves.  An overactive throat chakra results in speaking more than listening.  Both of these conditions come from a feeling of insecurity that stems from the ego.

To find the mid-point is to balance the chakra.    A balanced chakra works as a dependable filter for communication.  Once the energy is flowing, we know we will speak the right words.  People with opened centers of communication are skillful in expressing their needs in ways that are life supporting.  As we find balance, our words will emanate from love and express that love from the very core of our being, speaking our truth.  Not a personal human truth, but timeless truth.

Let’s set the intention to cultivate an attitude of curiosity and innocence as we live our lives and lovingly speak our truth.  Notice our deep inner security develops within as our soul recognizes that all is well.

As we prepare for meditation, consider our centering thought, ‘I fearlessly speak my truth with love’.  ’I fearlessly speak my truth with love.’

Let’s begin.  Please find a comfortable position, placing your hands gently in your lap and closing your eyes.  Just breathe naturally.  With each inhalation and exhalation, relax into the present, inviting your body to release any tension it might be holding on to.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, Om Ritam Namah.  My actions and intentions are supported by cosmic intelligence.    Repeating it slowly, allowing it to flow with effortless ease.  Om Ritam Namah.  Om Ritam Namah.  Om Ritam Namah.  Please continue with your meditation for about 6 minutes.   Om Ritam Namah.  Just mentally.  Om Ritam Namah.

Release the mantra.   Please bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, carry the sense of inner quiet and expanded awareness with you, reminding yourself of today’s centering thought, ‘I fearlessly speak my truth with love’.  ’I fearlessly speak my truth with love.’  ’I fearlessly speak my truth with love.’

Journal Questions:

1. What truth does your soul long to express? Try not to over-think this question; write freely just letting it flow.

2. How comfortable are you at expressing your needs? If this is difficult for you, remember that communication is a skill set that you can develop with practice. It begins with identifying your needs. What do you need right now?

3. What action steps might help you expand your ability to communicate with clarity, love, and conscious intention? Some ideas: identify a support person and schedule a regular check-in time for mutual support in communication development, write in a daily journal, take a class or read an article on conscious communication.

4. Please reflect on today’s session in your journal
