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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション メッセージ その12

2013年08月26日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション


Centering Thought は
We are oneでした。


今日のCentering Thought は、


 “Forgiveness is for me.  Forgiveness sets me free.”








Day 20

Miraculous Forgiveness

 To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it.” —Confucius

“Today our meditation and discussion focus on the gifts of forgiveness. If we want to experience loving, life-long relationships, we need to be able to let go of grievances, hostility, and anger. These feelings keep us mired in the past and weighed down with emotional pain. Ultimately, forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves. It is an act of grace that restores the memory of wholeness.

It’s important to remember that forgiving is different from condoning an action that created pain for us or for others. Healthy relationships require healthy boundaries and are an important part of loving and honoring ourselves and each other. We can practice forgiveness even when we have chosen to discontinue a relationship due to unacceptable behavior. Sometimes we have to forgive someone many times before we finally let go of all the emotional residue of the past. Once we take steps to restore peace in our heart, we will feel a shift. We will feel lighter as we expand our capacity for love, compassion, and healing.”

Mindful Moment

“Is there someone in your life you that you have not forgiven? In many cases, the person we most need to forgive is ourselves.  Today have the intention to practice forgiveness. Encourage even the slightest hints of forgiveness, release, and compassion.  If feelings of hurt and anger arise, tell yourself, I am willing to see this situation with love. I am willing to let go. Be gentle and patient with yourself as you hold the intention to heal and forgive.”

Today’s Centering Thought:  “Forgiveness is for me.  Forgiveness sets me free.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Vardhanam Namah - I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.”

Oprah:  “Welcome to Day 20, Miraculous Forgiveness.  The most powerful definition of forgiveness I’ve ever heard is this…giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.  Letting go of the past that we thought we wanted.  You know?  Those words can absolutely set you free in your life and in your relationships if you allow them to, because letting go is a choice.  You limit yourself to being open to other people when you hold on to pain and hold on to resentment.  And that hurt feeling you’ve been feeling for so long is nothing more than your ego response to a person or situation and the truth is, you are choosing to let that feeling hold power over you.  To find forgiveness is to find freedom and the moment that you gain that, you liberate your own well-being as well as making room inside for more compassion for everybody else around you.  So today, unburden your mind and release your spirit as Deepak helps us find the courage to let go.  Then we’ll meditate in the spirit of courage and forgiveness.”


Deepak:  “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote ‘forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude’.  This level of consciousness, when integrated into daily life begins to transform our relationships along with our health and well-being.  Forgiveness begins with the recognition that actions perceived as hurtful or wrong are perception of the ego, not the higher self.

The ego moves us to seek justice or revenge, to right a perceived wrong.  The higher self, however, knows that the universe will rebalance all actions at the appropriate time in the appropriate way in accord with the whole cosmos, not just the view of one person’s hurt feelings.

When you forgive, you are allowing that process to unfold instead of holding on to your ego’s point of view. Forgiveness is a courageous act of trust and compassion, one that comes with the bountiful reward of healing, love, light and liberation for our bodies, minds and spirits.

When we find that we are holding on to pain or resentment connected to a person or situation, we are, in essence, holding on to memories from the past.  On this journey, we’re now choosing to live love in every moment.  Love exists not in the past but in the present moment.  The beauty of this choice is that as we forgive another, we are actually choosing freedom for our own soul.

Through forgiveness, we free ourselves from attachments to the past and we clear encumbrances that constrict our heart, helping to expand our ability to love and be loved.

As we embrace the practice of forgiveness, we recognize that this natural process brings us closer to our essential nature and is part of our spiritual evolution.

Each time we let go of emotions connected to the past, we invite increased peace and well-being into our lives.  People, situations and circumstances begin to fall into place.  Love and joy come to you and flow from you effortlessly and life becomes a rich and treasured adventure.

As we prepare for meditation, consider our centering thought, Forgiveness is for me. Forgiveness sets me free. Forgiveness is for me.  Forgiveness sets me free.

Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now gently introduce the mantra, Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself, Om Vardhanam Namah.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra, Om Vardhanam Namah.  Continue with your meditation for about 6 minutes.  Om Vardhanam Namah. Just mentally.  Om Vardhanam Namah.


Release the mantra.    Please bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Approach today with certainty as you contemplate the centering thought, forgiveness is for me, forgiveness sets me free.  Forgiveness is for me.  Forgiveness sets me free. Forgiveness is for me.  Forgiveness sets me free.



Journal Questions:

1. Can you recall an experience in which you were able to forgive someone? What gifts did you receive in forgiving?

2. Is there someone you need to forgive in your life? If you are resisting forgiving that person, write about how it will feel to gently release the burden of judgment. What will it feel like to have this open space in your body, mind and spirit? Take your time with this exploration.

3. If the person you need to forgive is yourself, consider writing yourself a letter from the perspective of your true Self, offering compassion and forgiveness.

4. Please reflect about today’s session in your journal.
