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チョプラ博士の21日メディテーション メッセージ その3

2013年08月17日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション







Day 2

Miraculous You

“The one you are looking for is the one who is looking.” —Francis of Assisi

Today we will consider the one thing that is required for any relationship to flourish:  knowing who we really are. While there is a natural tendency to find an identity in our roles in life, our personality, our work, our body, our culture, our stories of the past, and our dreams for the future, in reality, these are all temporary, external aspects of ourselves. Who we really are is eternal and unbounded. Our true self is pure love and pure spirit. 

While our ego-mind may feel isolated and separate, our essential nature is whole and inextricably connected to the universe. Therefore, our journey towards miraculous relationships isn’t about searching for anything outside of ourselves: It’s about discovering that love is already within us, and expressing it in all of our relationships

Mindful Moment

Schedule several “soul breaks” for yourself today. Start these breaks by taking a deep breath. Feel your body and notice any tension you are holding. Take another deep breath and as you exhale, let it all go. Take a moment to reflect on the tone of your recent inner dialogue, the quality of your interactions with others, and the emotions you have been experiencing along the way. Just observe what is. This exercise can be done in one or two minutes and is one way to strengthen your alignment with your true self, or soul. Your true self is infinite love and always feels safe and connected. Taking “soul breaks” each day naturally shifts your awareness of your divine, radiant nature.


Oprah: “ As we set out on a path of expanding love, happiness and true fulfillment, the most valuable question we can ask is “Who am I?”  ”Who am I?”  Many of us define ourselves in terms of our work, our relationships, our various roles in the world but our true identity goes beyond all of those things.  At the very deepest level, we are pure spirit, pure love, and pure potential.  Today, Deepak helps us to begin to align with our true selves, the unchanging larger spirit that is always, always, always there within each of us.  As we begin to awaken to our pure essence, we take the steps to experiencing our potential for miraculous relationships.   So relax, be still, let Deepak guide us closer to compassion, to joy, to creativity and love.  Then we’ll all meditate together.”

Deepak:  ”Your true self is not your changing body and mind, or even your changing emotions or changing personality.  Remember that all of these have been changing all of your life.  The body you had as a baby is certainly different from the body you had as an adolescent and the body you are in now.  However, there is a part of you that witnesses these ongoing changes.  Many of the world’s wisdom traditions call this part of you the soul.  It is the nonjudgmental awareness or observer of your body and mind and also itself.   You can experience this part of yourself right now by turning your attention to the one who is observing.  Try it now.  Turn your attention to who is observing.

The presence that you feel right now is your soul, or your spirit, or yourself, source, or whatever name you prefer.  Activity comes and goes but the silent observer is steady and ever present.  Your essential nature is spirit which is infinite and eternal.  The qualities of spirit include love, compassion, equanimity, joy, creativity, intuition and bliss.

If you have been caught up in an anxious search for love, happiness or anything else, this is wonderful news.  You can let go of this struggle and the endless quest for self-improvement and instead, begin to open to the awareness of who you really are.  There is no work to do, nothing to fix or repair.  Your true self is unchanging and can’t be broken or lost.  It is pure awareness, all-encompassing, silent, knowing, unborn, and ever the same.

Even when feelings of fear or sadness cloud your awareness and cause you to feel isolated and alone, spirit is always there within you, shining with the brilliance of a thousand suns.

As we prepare to open our awareness to our true spiritual nature, lets consider our centering thought, “I am a radiant spiritual being”. “I am a radiant spiritual being.”

Make yourself comfortable, placing your hands gently in your lap and with your palms open and closing your eyes, go within to that place of inner quiet where we experience our connection to the higher self.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.  With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, repeating it silently, allowing it to flow with effortless ease, So hum.  So hum.  So hum means “I am”.    So hum.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts in your minds, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra, “so hum”.  Continue with your meditation for about 6 minutes.  So hum, so hum, just mentally.


Release the mantra.  Bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.  As you continue with your day, carry the sense of inner quiet and expanded awareness with you, reminding yourself of today’s centering thought, “I am a radiant spiritual being”.  ”I am a radiant spiritual being.”  ”I am a radiant spiritual being.”



Day 12

Miraculous Dynamism

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” —Albert Einstein

“Today in our meditation we will explore our essential energetic nature. At the deepest level, we are all powerful energetic beings. We inherently possess the ability to shift the world around us with our presence and how we project ourselves. When we walk into a room, our energetic state of being is communicated before we say a word. If we’re coming from love, everyone feels it. And if we’re feeling resentful, edgy, sad or preoccupied, everyone can feel that, too.  Silently, our energy speaks and our thoughts, feelings and intentions ripple out into the world.

Our capacity to affect others with our energy is both a gift and a responsibility. Ultimately, we have the power to choose how we show up and interact in this world. When we choose to come from compassion, peace, and unity, we become a powerful force for good and open the door to deep and rich relationships.”

Mindful Moment

“Today, pay attention to your energetic state. Take time to focus your awareness on how your state of being may be affecting other people. If you notice that you’re feeling prickly, irritable, or otherwise out of sorts, take a few moments to breathe deeply into your heart, sending yourself love and compassion. Acknowledge your distress without judging it, and notice how your energy shifts. Each time you pause, assess, reframe, and choose love, you are truly leading your life toward your destiny. You are opening to your infinite potential.”

Today’s Centering Thought: “I use my energy to heal and transform.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Ritam Namah”

 Oprah:  “Welcome to Day 12, Miraculous dynamism.  You know, it’s so easy to feel small in this big old world ut the truth is we are anything but small.  When you walk into a room, whether you know it or not, energy that you bring effects every single other person in that space.  If you’re open and loving, other people can feel that.  If you’re closed off and shut down, they feel that too.  The word, dynamism, in this spiritual context means that our individual energetic imprints are a force – can you believe that? – a force that is really ours alone to manage.  We get to choose the very essence that we send rippling out into the world all around us, whether it’s gloomy and isolating, or whether it’s peaceful and unifying.  Today, take it all in as Deepak helps us understand that wondrous power.  And then it’s time to meditate together.”

Deepak:  “As we have explored, at the level of consciousness or spirit, we are all inextricably connected to every one and every thing.  While our body may appear to be a solid physical structure, in reality, it is an ever flowing river of energy and information, in constant dynamic exchange with the environment around us.   Our language reflects our innate understanding of our essential energetic nature.  We say things like ‘his words really resonated with me’, or ‘I got a bad vibe from that person’, or ‘my friend has such a radiant heart’.

These aren’t just metaphors.  We really do feel  each other’s energies and are effected by it at a subtly profound level.  Think of all the qualities in another person you intuitively pick up at an energetic level.  Besides telling if someone is happy or sad, you can sense whether they feel peaceful or perturbed.  Looking into their eyes reveals alertness or dullness, tenderness or indifference. It’s hard to think of any human quality that doesn’t have an energy signature.  As energetic beings, our potential to affect others with our energy or state of being is both a great gift and a great responsibility.

When we walk into a room, our energy emanates before us.  Without saying a word, we are communicating through our energetic signature, creating a ripple that can affect everyone we meet.  If our state of being is centered in love and compassion, we communicate that energy to each other.  In the same way, if we are mired in hostility, judgment or resentment, we communicate that too.

The work of the scientist, Masaru Emoto, offers us a wonderful illustration of the power of energetic communication on the molecular structure of water which he documented in a series of amazing photographs.  He found that when positive thoughts and emotions such as love, appreciation, happiness and truth were focused on samples of distilled water, the molecules formed delicate symmetrical crystalline shapes.  On the other hand, when the water samples were sent negative messages filled with hatred and hostility, the water instead displayed chaotic, fragmented structures.

Water makes up approximately 60% of the human body or about 70% of the human brain so it’s easy to see how the energy and intentions we send to others can have such an enormous effect on our well-being.  The message here isn’t that we need to put on a mask of cheerfulness or try to be positive all of the time.  People who are attuned to their own true self will always sense when we are being authentic and when we are putting on a persona or disguise.  What is important to take away is the awareness that through our energy or consciousness, we have an unlimited capacity to send out ripples that will help the planet and its inhabitants move in the most evolutionary direction from fear, hostility and unrest to love, compassion, peace and joy.

As we prepare to meditate, let’s consider our centering thought, ‘I use my energy to heal and transform’.  ’I use my energy to heal and transform’.   Let’s begin.  Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, repeating it silently and allowing it to flow with effortless ease, Om Ritam Namah.  My intentions and desires are in alignment with, and supported by the rhythm of the universe.  Om Ritam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra, Om Ritam Namah.  Om Ritam Namah.  Please continue with your meditation for about 6 minutes.


Release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.  As you continue with your day, carry the sense of inner quiet and expanded awareness with you, reminding yourself of today’s centering thought, ‘I use my energy to heal and transform’.  ’I use my energy to heal and transform.’ ‘I use my energy to heal and transform.’


Journal Questions:

“1.  Take a moment to review the many environments you were a part of over the course of the last week. How did you show up? What energy did you project at home, work, school, in the grocery store, or while driving? Were you offering yourself in a way that engaged the people around you or pushed them away, isolating yourself? Think carefully and write a candid and detailed review, a personal “how I showed up” inventory.

2.  Now write a “how I choose to show up” version listing five ways you aspire to show up in the world. Consider your observations from question one as you write this new list. Be candid with yourself. How do you want people to experience you? What can you do to ensure that you are showing up in a way that allows the world around you to receive, love and support you? Be specific. As you write you become the change agent of your own reality. Take your time with this exercise.

3.  Design your destiny today! What impact do you want to have today with your family, friends, work team and all who cross your path? How would you like the world around you to experience your presence? What vibration do you want to ripple out into the world? Take your time, and be very specific. Some ideas: I choose to show up sharing the energy of peace, laughter, love, friendship, collaboration, harmony, authenticity, etc. Remember, be gentle with yourself as you practice; this is a daily lifelong journey.

4. Please reflect on today’s session in your journal.”
