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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション メッセージ その10

2013年08月24日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション ガイダンスの18日目をアップします。 

18日目は、All I seek is within me.


が、centering thoughts です。








Day 18

Miraculous Independence

“Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one. ” —Eleanor Roosevelt

“In today’s meditation we will reflect on the beautiful truth that we are already whole.
We were created by universal intelligence as a complete expression of love, wisdom, and happiness.
If we feel like something is missing,
it is because we are seeing through the eyes of our ego-mind,
which has a limited perspective of our infinite, divine nature.

With the realization that we already have everything we need and desire,
we give up the exhausting search to find that person or situation or achievement to make us feel whole.
We stop waiting for someone to complete us and open to the love that is right here,
right now, in our own heart. 
And, from that boundless well of spirit,
we are free to share the deepest experience of love with the people in our lives.”

Mindful Moment

“Begin to write your own love story today by treating yourself as the most precious being in the universe. Throughout the day, ask yourself, What is the most loving thing I could do for myself right now? What is the most loving way I could treat myself? Listen to the response of your heart and follow its guidance.”

Today’s Centering Thought:  “All I seek is within.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Bhavam Namah  - I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.”

“Welcome to Day 18, Miraculous Independence.  As we begin to live miraculous relationships, you might be surprised to uncover where the love we’re all seeking exists. It’s already within us.   I always quote Glenda the Good Witch when she always told Dorothy, ‘you had the power all along’.  But the truth is, we also have the love.  It’s within us all along.  In this way, each of us comes into this world already whole, complete in our relationship to self and spirit.  You don’t believe me?  Look at babies.  Today, Deepak leads us to see how that completion of the whole allows our relationships with others to expand and evolve.  And now, as we love our whole selves, we come together as fully formed individuals, joining one another as co-creators on this spiritual adventure.  Let us breathe.”

“A line from a popular movie says, ‘you complete me’, yet a sense of wholeness cannot and does not come from another person.  It is important to remind ourselves that we are already complete, created by universal intelligence to be a divinely loving, lovable and loved being.  We are the total complete package.

Looking outward for our good is a desire of the ego which craves validation from outside sources, mainly opinions from others.  Going within and reconnecting with our higher self reaffirms that validation comes from the inside, the home of pure love and acceptance.

Our sense of wholeness must come from self-referral which is using our soul as the reference point instead of seeking approval elsewhere.  Sometimes, in order to find love, we believe we have to have a fit body, perfect skin and fashionable clothes.  Chasing what we are told is perfection is an exhausting exercise that takes valuable time and energy, energy that could be spent contemplating and living our magnificence.

The love we are looking for is looking for us, inside of ourselves in the very core of our being.  Renowned mystic and poet, Rumi, writes, ‘your task is not to seek for love but merely to look for and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it’.  Letting go of barriers is so much easier than chasing perfection. Chasing something requires effort.  Letting go takes none.  In fact, release is energizing.

When you pay attention to the desires of your heart which become evident through meditation, they guide you into the highest expression of yourself.  That expression is pure and unlimited love, both for yourself and for others.

Commit to loving yourself today.  Treat yourself as if you were the most precious being in the universe – because you are, and you will open the gateway to all the love you have ever wanted, needed or desired.

As we prepared for our meditation, let’s consider our centering thought, ‘All I seek is within’.  ’All I seek is within.’

Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, Om Bhavam Namah. I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.  Now repeat the mantra silently to yourself.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Just silently.  Om Bhavam Namah

Release the mantra.   
Please bring your awareness back into your body. 
Take a moment to rest. 
When you feel ready, gently open your eyes. 
As you walk through the day, contemplate our centering thought,
‘All I seek is within’. 
’All I seek is within.’ ‘All I seek is within.’


Journal Questions:

1. When you hear the words, “You are completely loved and completely lovable,” how easily can you embrace the truth of this statement? Describe the thoughts and feelings you have in response to this statement. As you observe your current state with frequency, you gift yourself with the opportunity to open just a little more each time, expanding to receive the love you seek.

2. What negative self-belief would you like to release? Write a good-bye letter to this belief thanking it for the lessons that you received. Visualize the belief leaving your body and your mind. When you are done, write one positive affirmation to fill that newly open space in your being with love and light.

3. What are three things you can do today to treat yourself as the most precious being on the planet?

4. Please reflect about today’s session in your journal.
